JULY 12, 2017



Ron Knavel Mayor Ella Mae Crowell

David Lee City Attorney, Chuck Apt

Danny Ware Jr Water Representative, Chuck Richey

Sharlyn Thompson Asst. Fire Chief, Rick Noyes

Diana Mullins

Call to order

Ella Mae Crowell,Mayor,called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance with 5members present.

Approval of Agenda

Ron Knavel made a motion to add the ball park under new business. Motion carried 5-0.David Leemade the motion to approve the amendedagenda.Diana Mullins seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Approval of Minutes

David Lee made the motion to approve the minutes as writtenfrom the regular meeting on June 14, 2017 and the special meetings on June 8 & June 20, 2017.Sharlyn Thompsonseconded. Motion carried 5-0.


a)Mayor Crowell expressed a huge thank you to Brenda Knavel and Cindy Stokes for the donation of four swing seats that will be placed on the swing set at City Hall. The seats were donated in the memory of Violet Lee.

b)Richard Luken with PRIDE- Mentioned that the volleyball pit is coming together, sand and a new net will be added soon. PRIDE is going to paint the interior of the shelter house this weekend, weather permitting. The ball diamond was used this past weekend for a softball tournament that had an overwhelming amount of ball players from all over. Brian Rutherford, the man in charge of the ball tournaments, has offered to repair the fence and he is planning on using the diamond on a regular basis for tournaments and perhaps a girls’ softball league. Council member Sharlyn Thompson praised Brian for all the hard work he had done to get the tournament ready and was very pleased that they cleaned up before leaving the following morning. PRIDE’S next meeting will be July 17th at 7:00 pm; the public is invited to attend.

c)Council member Diana Mullins stated that two bobcats have been spotted, one a little larger than the other. The Council decided they will reach out to Kansas Wildlife and Parks to connect us with a licensed fur trapper.


a)Electric Grant bonding- Tabled until July 18, 2017.

b)Mayor Crowell announced the County will begin road resurfacing tomorrow starting on 6th street and going from there. The County has requested that no parking on the streets they are working on.

c)Digger truck bids- two bids were submitted to purchase the City’s old digger truck. Floyd Sinclair was awarded the truck with his bid being that of the highest, the City sold the truck for $1,000.00. David Lee made the motion to accept Floyd Sinclair’s bid for $1,000.00. Danny Ware Jr. seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

d)Ball Park- the Council decided to put the $1,000.00 from the sale of the truck towards fencing for the ball diamond. Brian Rutherford has offered to repair the fence. David Lee made the motion to put the $1,000.00 towards new fence for the ball park. Sharlyn Thompson seconded. Motion carried 5-0.


a)Procurement Policy- David Lee made the motion to approve the procurement policy. Sharlyn Thompson seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

b)Demolition of 1102 S Washington- Raymond Maloney’s bid was accepted to demolish and clean the property at a rate of $175 an hour not to exceed a total cost of $1,875.00. David Lee made the motion to accept the bid from Raymond Maloney. Danny Ware Jr seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

c)Healthcare Foundation Grant- the City was awarded $10,000.00 of the $30,000.00 grant they applied for. David Lee made the motion to accept the grant funding of $10,000.00. Sharlyn Thompson seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

David Lee mentioned that he would start searching for options on what kind of equipment would best fit City Hall. He also suggested local residence and perhaps PRIDE members may need to help oversee how City Hall is used with the added amenities.


a)Chuck Apt, City Attorney–Had nothing to report.

b)Chuck Richey, Water District Representative- Had nothing to report on water.

c)Marc Waggoner, Fire Chief- Absent from meeting. The LaHarpe Volunteer Fire Department met for its monthly meeting on Sunday, July 9, 2017. Present: Marc Waggoner Sr., Craig Trester, Mark Scott, Ryan Scott, Dennis Sidebottom, Jeremy Kinzer, Nick Trester, Marc Waggoner Jr., William Gay and Rick Noyes. Jonathan Gay was absent. Had meeting, William Gay joined the fire department. Talked about flushing the hydrants next weekend, July 14- 17. The fire fighters voted to give a $100.00 donation to Mark Scott for the passing of his mother, all approved.Next meeting will be July 30, 2017.

d)Michelle Altis, City Clerk-Absent from meeting.


David Lee made a motion to go into executive session for 15 minutes for personnel to discuss Micheal DuVall’s schedule Diana Mullins seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

TREASURER’S REPORT –File for audit


David Lee made the motion to approve the bills as presented. Diana Mullins seconded. Motion carried 5-0.


Danny Ware Jr made the motion to adjourn. Ron Knavel seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

8:30 p.m.


City ClerkMayor