TheCityofMarshalliscommittedtotheconceptofcompetitivebids. Allvendorsareencouragedtosubmit bidswhichconformtothestatedspecifications,orapprovedequaltothespecification, whichinthevendor's opinionwouldbebeneficialtotheCityofMarshall intermsofpriceandperformance. TheCityofMarshall reservestherighttoacceptorrejectanybidundertheseterms. Bidderresponsiveness,availabilityandquality ofservicewillbeoftheutmostimportance inthisagreement. Anybidder,whoisindefaulttotheCityof Marshallatthetimeofsubmittal,shallhavehisbidrejected.TheCityofMarshallreservestherighttoclarify anycontractualtermwiththeconcurrence ofthecontractor.






City HallRoofReplacement


September 9, 2015 at 2:00P.M.LocalTime




Turnkeyprojectincluding,butnotlimitedto:preparation,siteclearing, disposal,materials,labor,execution,installation,andcleanupofthe entiremainroofattheCity Hall, 323 West Michigan Ave., Marshall, MI.

CityofMarshall Public Services Building




Project shall begin prior to October 1, 2015.



A. Bidsmustbetypewrittenorclearlyprintedin inkandsignedbyaduly-authorizedrepresentativeofthefirm submittingthebid.

B. Bidsmustbesubmittedinsealedenvelopes,clearlymarkedontheoutside,"City HallRoof”.

C. BidswillbereceivedbytheCityClerk,City Hall,323WMichiganAve,Marshall,Michigan49068,2:00P.M.localtime,September 9, 2015. Allbidswillbedatestampedandtime marked. Bidsmaynotbe faxedor e-mailed.

D. TheCityofMarshallreservestherighttotakeotheractionbeforeacontractis signedora purchaseorderisapproved;evenafterCityCouncilacceptsorapprovesthebid.

E. QuotessubmittedinresponsetothisinvitationshallbecomethepropertyoftheCityofMarshallandbea matterofpublicrecordandavailableforreview.

F. CommunicationsregardingthisproposalmaybedirectedtoKevin Redmond, Facilities Manager, 269-223-0300.

G. AllworkshallbeperformedinaccordancewithallMIOSHASafetyStandardsineffectfor thedurationof theproject.

H. Allassociated material istobemanufactured andtestedinaccordance withallFederal,StateandLocallawsandregulationsineffectatthetimeofdelivery.

I. Thebiddershallwarrantthatallitemsfurnishedinthisbidarenewlymanufacturedandfreefromdefects inmaterialandworkmanshipfornolessthanfive(5)yearsfromthedateofdelivery.Warrantyshall alsoguaranteeacceptedtradestandardsofquality,fitnessfortheintendedusesandconformanceto promises or specified specifications. No other expressed orimpliedwarrantyshalleliminatethevendor'sliabilityasstatedherein.


A. ApplicableLaws:TheOrdinancesandCharteroftheCityofMarshallandlawsoftheStateofMichigan concerningcompetitivebidding,contractsandpurchaseswillbeemployed.

B. Taxes:TheCityofMarshallisgenerally exemptfromFederalExcise andMichiganState SalesTax. Pricesshouldnotincludetax.

C. Ifthebidderelectstodeviatefromthespecifications stated,allexceptionsorotherchanges mustbe clearlynotedandcutsheetsprovidedwithbid.

D. TheCityofMarshalldoesnotdiscriminateonthebasisofrace,color,nationalorigin,sex,religion,ageor disabilityinemploymentor theprovisionsofservice.

E. Bidsmust stipulateaguaranteed startandcompletion date. Allbidsshallbefirmfornot lessthanninety(90)daysafterofficialopeningofbids.

F.Biddersshalllistanemergencycontactpersonforallhoursofthedaynight,aswellas weekendsholidays.

G.The successful bidder shall furnish proof of bodily injury, property damage and workman's compensationinsurance.

H. Bidsmaybewithdrawnpriortotheopeningdateandtime.

I.Thebiddershallnotdivulge,discuss orcomparehisbidwithotherbiddersandshallnotcolludewith anyotherbidderorpartiesofaproposalwhatsoever.

J. ThebidproposaldoesnotcommittheCityofMarshalltoawardacontract,topayanycostsincurredin thepreparationofaresponsetothisrequest,ortoprocureorcontractforservicesorsupplies.

K. Contractor is totally responsible for complete safety on the job and job site at all times. All precautions and measures shall be taken to insure the health, safety and well-being of individual and property. All tools, material and equipment shall be secured at the end of each work day.

L. Bids should include all labor material, equipment, debris/trash removal, transportation services, permitsfor completion of work outlined and shall be in accordance with local codes and ordinances.


Information ofchange oraddendum issuedinrelation tothisdocument willbeonfileandavailable inthe Office ofthePurchasing Agent.Inaddition,totheextent possible, copieswillbeemailed toeach vendorregisteredashavingreceivedasetofdocuments. Itshallbethebidder'sresponsibilitytomakeinquiryasto thechanges oraddenda issued.Allsuch changesoraddenda shallbecome partofthecontractandallbiddersshallbeboundbysuchaddenda.


All bids submitted in response to this invitation shall become the property of the City of Marshall and be a matter of public record available for review. Abidtabulationwillbeavailableforreviewafterthebidopening.


ThecontractorshallobtainallpermitsandlicensesrequiredbyCity,StateandFederalgovernments andpay allrelatedfees. Thecontractorshallalsocomplywithalllaws,ordinances,rulesandregulationsoftheCity, StateandFederalgovernment.


Thesupplies necessary to complete this project shallbedeliveredandunloadedbythecontractoratCity Halllocatedat323 West MichiganAve, Marshall, MI.


Owner will arrange for disconnecting and sealing indicated utilities that serve existing structures beforeproduct clearing,whenrequestedbyContractor. TheContractorshallverifythatutilitieshavebeendisconnectedandcapped, ifnecessarybefore proceedingwithproductclearing.

Donotinterrupt utilitiesservingfacilities occupiedbyOwnerorothers unlesspermitted underthe followingconditionsandthenonlyafterarrangingtoprovidetemporary utilityservicesaccordingto requirementsindicated:

•NotifyFacilitiesManagernotlessthantwo(2)days inadvanceofproposedutility interruptions.



Removeroofdebrisandwastematerialsincludingtrash,andlegallydisposeofthemoffOwner's propertydaily.


Protectstructures;utilities;sidewalks;pavements;andotherfacilities,trees,shrubs,plantings and lawnfrom damagecausedbyroofingoperations.

Installerosion-controlmeasurestoprevent erosion ordisplacement ofsoilsanddischarge ofsoil bearingwaterrunofforairbornedusttoadjacentproperties,walkwaysandwaterways.


Remove surplusroofmaterials,wastematerial, trash,and debris,and legallydisposeof them offOwner'sproperty.

The contractor shall take precautions not to damage existing building systems during the re-roofing operations. Any damages shall be repaired by the contractor.


The safety of the Contractor’s employees, residents and property are solely the responsibility of the

Contractor. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for protection and safe keeping of materials and/orequipment stored on the premises. The Contractor shall comply with recognized health and safety standards and codes. The Contractor shall furnish structurally adequate barricades where needed to prevent accidents andlosses.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the job site, all necessary equipment to adequately protect

against reasonably predictable and controllable losses.

All ladders and equipment shall be removed and/or secured daily in order to prevent accidental injury to



The Contractor shall leave all buildings watertight at the end of each work day. All roof areas to be

dried-in at threat of inclement weather.

Protect building interiors and all material and equipment from weather at all times. Where existing

roofing is removed, have materials and workmen ready to provide adequate and approved temporary

covering of exposed areas. Temporary covering shall be attended, as necessary, to ensure effectiveness

and prevent displacement of tenants.

The Contractor is not to remove and/or tear off any more roofing and decking than can be replaced

during the same day’s work. Proceed with roofing and associated work only when existing and

forecasted weather conditions will permit the work to be accomplished without interruption until



The Contractor will be working in and around buildings with occupied dwelling units. All due care shall be

taken to protect the unit interiors from damage and the residents from injury due to the Contractor’s

work operations. Precautions shall be taken to maintain resident access to occupied units. The

Contractor will work closely with the property manager and their staff during the construction work.

Should damage occur as a result of the contractor’s work operations and/or failure to protect from

inclement weather, the contractor shall take steps to repair the damage. Any damage to the existing

property shall be repaired prior to final acceptance. This includes, but is not limited to, damage to trees,grounds, sidewalks, curbs, etc.

During the course of construction, it may be necessary to enter and work in occupied and unoccupiedunits. The Contractor shall coordinate and schedule the work with the facility manager.

Any damages to the property during the course of construction shall be reported to the facility managerimmediately.


Rooftop hoisting equipment shall be properly assembled and maintained. Only employees of the

Contractor that are thoroughly familiar with hoisting equipment shall operate such equipment. All such

equipment shall be erected and supported so that it will not damage the existing deck or new roofing.

In the event the Contractor uses a crane, the Contractor shall submit Certificates of Insurance as

required from the crane company prior to the erection of any cranes.


CONTRACTOR’S GUARANTEE- Upon completion of the project the Contractor is to submit to the Owner a guarantee covering all items ofwork. All work is to be guaranteed for a period of five (5) years from the date of completion and finalacceptance. The Contractor warrants that all work performed under this contract conforms to thecontract requirements and is free from any defective material or workmanship performed by theContractor. Under this warranty, the Contractor shall remedy, at own expense, any such failure. Failureshall be defined as water leakage at any point within the building through the shingle roof systems. Failure shall also be defined as buckles or wrinkles, or slippage of the new roof membranes. The Contractor will be required to make temporary repairs within forty-eight (48) hours of notice of roof failure. Upon completion

of temporary repairs, the Contractor will repair that area of the roof affected by the failure to the original condition within a period of seven (7) days.

MANUFACTURER’S ROOF GUARANTEE- In addition to Contractor’s guarantee to furnish a shingle manufacturer’s limited forty (40) year warrantyand a built-up roofing manufacturer’s no dollar limit roof guarantee covering workmanship and materials. Guarantee shall be for a minimum of five (5) years shall include a flashing endorsement.


The contractor shall maintain such insurance that will provide indemnity for claims under workers' compensation acts and employer's liability; from claims for damages because of bodily injury, including death, to all others; and from claims from damages to property, any or all of which may arise out of or result from the contractor's operations under this contract, or from any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed.

The contractor agrees to carry and to furnish certificates from its insurance carrier showing that it carries insurance in the following minimum amounts, with the City of Marshall as a named insured:

(1)Workers' Compensation - The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract, Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of his/her employees employed at the site of the project, and in case any work is sublet, the contractor shall require the sub-contractor similarly to provide Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the contractor. In case any class of employees is engaged in hazardous work under the Workers' Compensation statute, the contractor shall provide and shall cause each sub-contractor to provide additional insurance satisfactory to the City of Marshall for the protection of the employee not otherwise protected. Limits for employees liability of $500,000/$500,000/$500,000.

(2)Comprehensive General Liability Insurance - The contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such Public Liability and Property Damage insurance as shall protect him/her and any sub-contractor performing work covered by the contract from claims for damages for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damages which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by himself/herself or by any sub-contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed and the amount of such insurance shall be as follows:

(a)Comprehensive General Liability Insurance - In the amount not less than $1 million combined single limit coverage for injuries, including accidental death, and Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than $500,000 construed as including Contractor's Contingent or Protective Insurance if necessary to protect the contractor from damage arising from operations under this contract.

(b)Insurance Covering Special Hazards - The following special hazards shall be covered by rider or riders to the Public Liability and/or Property Damage Insurance policy or policies herein elsewhere required to be furnished by this contractor or by separate policies of insurance, in amounts as follows: Non-anticipated.

Certificates from the insurance carrier shall set forth the amounts of coverage, policy numbers and expiration dates, name the City of Marshall as co-insured, and also provide for ten (10) days advance written notice of cancellation or reduction in coverage. If the Contractor is self-insured, the certificate of the appropriate State agency must be furnished to the City of Marshall. The purchase of insurance or furnishing of the aforesaid certificate shall not be a satisfaction of Contractor's indemnification of the City of Marshall.

Before performing any work, Contractor shall provide copies of the applicable insurance certificates to the City of Marshall.Any work performed prior to presentment of an acceptable insurance certificate may not be compensable. Contractor performs work prior to the presentment of acceptable insurance certificate at their ownrisk.


The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Marshall, its council members, city manager, directors, employees and agents from and against all liabilities, claims, demands, causes of action of every kind and descriptions, damages, Losses and Litigation Expenses, including but not limited to attorney’s fees though appeals, arising out of or resulting from the performance of work in this contract, providing that any such claim, demand, cause of action, damage, Loss or expense (1) is attributable to bodily injury, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of property including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (2) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the Contractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor, or anyone for whose acts for any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. This indemnification obligation shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the contractor under workers’ or workmen’s compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts.


The Contractor is an Independent Contractor, contracted by the City of Marshall and retains the right to exercise full control and supervision of the services, employment, direct compensation, and discharge of all persons assisting in the performance of the services hereunder. The contractor agrees to be solely responsible for all matters relating to payment of employees, compliance with Social Security requirements, withholding requirements, Workers' Compensation payments, Fair Labor Standards, MIOSHA Rules and Regulations and all other regulations governing such matters.


The City of Marshall, by written notice, may terminate this Contract in whole or in part without cause for the convenience of the City of Marshall. The City of Marshall shall provide the Contractor with written notice of such termination at least fifteen (15) days before the effective date of such termination.

If the City of Marshall exercises the right to terminate this contract because of conditions that are beyond the control of the City of Marshall, such termination shall have immediate effect upon receipt of written notice by the contractor. Under the termination provisions of this paragraph, the contractor shall not incur new obligations after the effective date of termination and shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible.

The contractor shall immediately submit to the City of Marshall a final invoice, subject to City of Marshall audit, for any work actually performed. After payment of such sum by the City of Marshall, the City of Marshall shall be under no further obligation to the contractor.

In the case of termination for conditions which are beyond the control of the City of Marshall, a cost termination inventory and independent audit of the project accounts that accurately reflect the actual costs incurred by the contractor shall be submitted to the City of Marshall as a condition precedent to payment by the City of Marshall.


Acceptance of the bid is conditioned upon proper delivery of roofingservices and written acceptance to the terms herein. In the event of failure by the successful bidder to deliver the services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, the contract may be deemed null and void and the amount due from the work performed forfeited as liquidated damages unless written agreement is obtained to extend the termination date.

If the contractor fails to perform in a timely and proper manner any obligation under this contract, or if the contractor violates any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this contract, the City of Marshall may consider the contractor to be in default and terminate this contract. Such termination shall be by written notice specifying the effective date thereof. Termination in accordance with the above shall not relieve the contractor of any liability to the City of Marshall for damages sustained as a result of any breach of contract or default by the contractor. Upon the default of the contractor and the termination of this contract, the City of Marshall may withhold any payments due the contractor and apply the same as a set off against damages sustained by the City of Marshall as a result of the contractor's default.


The contractor shall not assign or transfer any interest in the contract or delegate its performance of duties except upon written approval of the City of Marshall, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Consent to assign, transfer or delegate any interest or performance on this contract shall not be construed to relieve the contractor of any responsibility for the fulfillment of the contract.


Except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, water, power, transportation, supervision, temporary construction of every nature, taxes legally collectable and all other services and facilities of every nature whatsoever necessary to execute the work to be done under the Contract and deliver it complete in every respect within the specified time.


The Contractor shall submit all invoices to Christy Ramey, Purchasing Agent; City of Marshall, 323 West Michigan Ave., Marshall, Michigan 49068. The City pays invoices on net 30 terms. 5% retainage will be held until the project is complete and the City finds the work to be acceptable and meets all terms of this contract.


A. The roof must be inspected for layers of shingles and condition of deck.If deck needs replacement because of deterioration, a tear off proposal should be used.

B.All bids shall require labor and equipment and disposal of existing shingle roofing as required on

tear-offs.The bids should also include replacement of fascia boards that have deteriorated prior to installing thenew roof.

C. Per the enclosed specifications, the Contractor is to remove all existing roofs down to the deck,

replaceany damaged decking with material to match the existing according to the attached specifications.

D. Securely fasten new shingles and flashing in place with concealed nailing, as recommended by

the manufacturer of the shingles.

E. Finished roof shall be free of scratches, splits, dents, cracks, broken shingles, and other defects,

and shall be weather tight.

F. Should this document contain any discrepancies in quality of materials or methods of installation

it is assumed that the higher quality materials and methods of installation shall prevail. Any manufacturers recommended instructions shall supersede any directive given by the owner in this document.