Chemistry 11 – First Semester General Chemistry

Fall 2016

Instructor: Dr. Jim Murphy

Office: SCI 270

Phone: 434-4751


Lectures:Tues.8:00 – 10:30SCI 155

Thur.8:00 – 10:30SCI 155


Section 1378Mon.8:00 – 12:00SCI 322

Section 1379Wed.8:00 – 12:00SCI 322

Office Hours:

Tues. 10:30 - 11:30

Wed. 2:00 - 4:00

Thur. 10:30 – 11:30

Textbook: Chemistry,Ninth Edition, by Zumdahl and Zumdahl.

Supplies: -A Scientific Calculator

-Safety Goggles (available in bookstore)

-Lab Coat (available in bookstore)

-Locker Check-in Card (available in bookstore)

Assignments:Homework problems will be assigned in class. Homework will not be collected or graded but it is essential that you do all of the suggested problems in order to guarantee success in the course. The assigned homework problems can be accessed using the Homework and Practice Problems links on my faculty homepage.

Exams and Quizzes: There will be four 30 minute quizzes and three 1 hour exams. There will also be a comprehensive final exam. The final exam will be divided into two parts. The first part will be The American Chemical Society (ACS) Exam for first semester general chemistry and will be worth 70 points. The second part will consist of free response questions that I have written and will be worth 80 points. The specific dates of exams and quizzes are listed on the syllabus. There will be no make-up exams or quizzes given. Please note that your lowest quiz, exam and lab scores will be dropped. If you miss an exam, quiz or a lab this will be the score that is dropped.

Laboratories:The Laboratory schedule is listed on the syllabus. Students should be familiar with the procedure for each experiment beforecoming to the laboratory. The laboratory manual is now online. You can access it using the Labs link on my homepage. The Prelab Assignment should be completed before coming to the lab. Be sure to print and bring a copy of the Background andProcedure and the LabReport to the lab. Every student in the appropriate places on his or her laboratory report form must record all data and relevant information. After completion of each laboratory students will complete the laboratory report forms and turn them in at the beginning of the following lab. Each lab is worth 10 points. Students who fail to turn in a lab report will receive 0 points even if they were in attendance at the laboratory. Please note that the lowest lab grade will be dropped.

Discussions: The first hour of each laboratory class will be used as a discussion period. The discussion periods will be used primarily for problem solving. Students will be encouraged to ask questions relating to the assigned homework and additional problems will be assigned which students will solve either individually or in groups.

Attendance: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every class. You are expected to attend all classes and labs. Two or more absences from class and/or lab may result in a student being dropped. Students are expected to arrive at the beginning of each class and attend for the entire duration of the class. A student who arrives more than 15 minutes after the beginning of class will be marked as late. Every two late marks will count as 1 absence. Similarly, every two early departures will count as 1 absence.

Grading:Your grade will be based on two 1 hour exams worth 100 points each, three quizzes worth 25 points each, eleven labs worth 10 points each and the final exam worth 150 points. The maximum number of points possible is 535. Your grade will be determined based on the percentage of points you earn out of the possible 535 points as follows.

A90% - 100%481 – 535 points

B80% - 89%428 – 480 points

C70% - 79%374 – 427 points

D60% - 69%321 – 373 points

F0% - 59% 0 - 320 points

Upon receiving a graded exam, quiz, or lab reportstudents have two class days (including the day on which the document is returned) to submit the document for review if there is a concern that the grade was assigned incorrectly.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)for Chem 11:

  1. The student will demonstrate the ability to solve scientific problems by following logical procedures based on well-established scientific principles.
  2. The student will follow written procedures used in the general chemistry laboratory accurately and safely. When completing a lab report, the student will correctly apply the scientific method by making reasonable estimates of experimental uncertainties and drawing appropriate conclusions based on the gathered data and scientific principles.
  3. The student will be able to relate microscopic theories to macroscopic observations specifically using the chemical principles developed in Chemistry 11 to explain observable phenomena.

Suggestions:Students are responsible for the information presented in lectures and laboratories including any changes to the syllabus. If you miss a class it is a good idea to contact another student or myself in order to determine what was covered.

In order to do well in this course you must be able to solve problems efficiently. The only way you can develop your problem solving skills is through practice. For this reason it is absolutely essential that you do all of the assigned homework problems. If time allows, do additional problems as well. If you are having difficulty with a particular problem or concept I encourage you to come to my office during office hours. If my office hours are not convenient than I can arrange to meet you at some other time. I will answer questions concerning the homework at the beginning of each class. Please feel free to ask questions during the lecture. Remember if you are confused then it is safe to assume other students are confused as well. They will be grateful that you asked the question.

If you are having trouble with any of the course material I urge you to come see me as soon as possible. You may also obtain tutoring from the learning resource center (LRC) located on the second floor of the science building.

Fall 2016,Murphy

Chemistry 11 Syllabus

Monday’s Date / Holidays
(No Class) / Lectures
(Chpts. in Zumdahl) / Labs
1. Aug. 29 / Chpt. 1 / Check-In
8/29, 8/31
2. Sept. 5 / Mon. Sept. 5 / Chpt. 2 / Exp.1.
Graphical Analysis
9/7, 9/12
3. Sept. 12 / Chpt. 3
Quiz 1 (Thur. 9/15) / Exp. 2
9/14, 9/19
4. Sept. 19 / Chpt. 3,4 / Exp.3
9/21, 9/26
5. Sept. 26 / Chpt. 4
Exam 1 (Thur. 9/29) / Exp. 7
Gravimetric Analysis
9/28, 10/3
6. Oct. 3 / Chpt. 4,5 / Exp. 6
Types of Reactions
10/5, 10/10
7. Oct. 10 / Chpt. 5
Quiz 2 (Thur. 10/13) / Exp. 9
Antacid Analysis
10/12, 10/17
8. Oct. 17 / Chpt. 6 / Exp. 15
Periodic Properties
10/19, 10/24
9. Oct. 24 / Chpt. 6
Quiz 3 (Thur. 10/27) / Exp. 11
Molecular Weight
of a Gas
10/26, 10/31
10. Oct. 31 / Chpt. 7
Exam 2 (Thur. 11/3) / Exp. 12
11/2, 11/7
11. Nov. 7 / Fri. Nov. 11 / Chpt. 7 / No Lab
11/9, 11/14
12. Nov. 14 / Chpt. 7,8 / Exp. 14A
Atomic Spectra
11/16, 11/21
13. Nov. 21 / Thur. Nov. 24
Fri. Nov. 25 / Chpt. 8 / No Lab
11/23, 11/28
14. Nov. 28 / Chpt. 9
Quiz 4 (Thur. 12/1) / Exp. 17
11/30, 12/5
15. Dec. 5 / Chpt. 10
Exam 3 (Thur. 12/8) / Organic
Check Out
12/7, 12/12
16. Dec. 12 / Last day of class is Mon. Dec. 12 / Final Exam
(Thur. 12/15)