Checking our group’s wineskins

Overall, how would you rate your spiritual growth over the past school year?

I fell further away from Christ

I stayed about the same

I grew a little bit

I grew a lot

My life was completely changed

Are you satisfied with your level of spiritual growth this year?




What or who had the greatest spiritual impact on you this school year? Why?





Approximately how regularly did you have spiritual conversations with unbelievers this past school year?

I never had one

Very rarely

Once or twice every couple weeks

About once a week

A couple times a week

Almost every day

How influential was Sr. High Impact in your spiritual growth?

Didn’t attend

Not at all

A little bit

Pretty influential

It helped change my life

Why did you attend? ______



How influential was C-Groups in your spiritual growth?

Didn’t attend

Not at all

A little bit

Pretty influential

It helped change my life

Why did you attend? ______



Overall, how influential were special events (MOVE, Belize, Planet Wisdom, 30 Hour Famine, etc.) in your spiritual growth?

Not at all

A little bit

Very influential

They helped change my life

Why did you attend? ______



What do you like best about our youth group? (i.e. What should never change about who we are or what we do together?)





Rate the following in order of what is “most influential” (1) to “least influential” (17) based on its spiritual influence in your life.

Games at youth group

Youth group Bible study teaching

Youth group Bible study discussions

Youth group special events

Sharing Christ with my unsaved friends

Small groups

Time in worship

Godly parents

Personal time in the Word

Personal time in prayer

Godly friends

Sunday morning church services

When life experiences stretch me

A godly adult

Other: ______

Other: ______

Other: ______

What do you think would stimulate your spiritual growth more than anything else?





What do you think our youth group must do or become in order to better encourage your growth in that way?





What do you think your generation’s greatest needs are?





Do your parents engage you in conversations about spiritual matters?




What kinds of things, events, people or attitudes surrounded your best times with the Lord?





When you initiate a spiritual conversation with an unbeliever, what causes you to do it? What holds you back from having more spiritual conversations than you do?





How would you rate yourself spiritually?

Spiritually apathetic

Spiritually interested

Spiritually excited

Spiritually passionate