Character Collage / Character Biography Name ______Hour_____

Turn in this rubric with your collage and your biography.


If you have thought through the traits/description of your character, then you have some images in your mind. These images, when put together will make a collage that will represent the person you have in your mind. The collage will help you visualize your character, like Walter Dean Myers did in the video interview we watched. This collage might have pictures of what he/she looks like, what he/she likes to eat, what he/she likes to do, what his/her job is, who he/she spends time with, where he/she lives, problems in his/her life, his/her ‘favorites,’ and things that are important to him/her.

Arrange these images on a piece of paper to be visually appealing and meaningful. Each image must have a label to explain why it is on the collage—not just what the picture is! (e.g., if it is a picture of a dog, don’t write “dog”… I know what a dog looks like. Explain that, “Mike has had the dog Bingo since he was 12 years old, so he is very important to him.” That tells something about the character.)

I will be looking for a minimumof 10-12 images with labels (drawn, cut-out, printed out, etc.) Be creative!!

Step 1) Fold your paper in half so that it does not get ruined when it is stored.

Step 2) Write your character’s name in large letters clearly.

Step 3) Find 10-12 images that relate to your character or draw them

Step 4) Label each image in detail explaining how it relates to your character


Now, on a separate paper, you should begin your character biography. Your analysis should be one to two pages long double-spaced. This should be in your best work with correct spelling, grammar, and complete sentences. This should be a thorough description of your character, as if you are introducing them to me, the reader. (This is not a story!) You might include:

•Information about your character’s background and personal history

Information about your character’s appearance

•Information about your character’s personality

•What is your character’s motivation?

•What relationships does your character have with others?

•What conflicts does your character have?

•Does your character change?

Character collagebiography rubric

Collage / 0-2 / 3-4 / 5
Neatness / Messy, folded, torn, unreadable writing / Some smudges or could be neater / Neat, professional- looking poster. Has character’s name in large letters.
Completeness / Has 5 or fewer images, no labels / Has 6-9 images, some labels / Has a variety of 10-12 or more images, with clear, descriptive labels

Total:______x 1.5= ______/15

Biography / 0-2 / 3-4 / 5
Ideas / Tells very little about your character / Tells about your character / Thoroughly describes your character
Organization / Many paragraphing/ sentence structure errors. / Some paragraphs and sentences are formed correctly. / Writing is organized into paragraphs with complete sentences
Conventions / Less than one page. Many (more than 10) errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation / One page long. Few errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation / Two full pages long. Almost no errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation

Total: ______/15