INTRODUCTION by Chief Executive
Public services are going through a period of increasingly rapid change. It is likely that this will accelerate further in the next few years. Both the future governance of the public sector and the means of delivering services are the subject of intense debate.
While the purpose of public sector reform is to secure better delivery of services at the front line, much of the emphasis is on activity at the corporate level. The drive for efficiency is largely concerned with "back-office services" while the debate on structures and management arrangements is largely concerned with governance. The Council's two central services - Corporate Development and Chief Executive's - are crucially important to achieving progress.
So far as the Chief Executive's Service is concerned, the focus will be on four main areas of activity:-
1. Participation in the debate regarding future governance of the public sector.
2. Assisting members to develop decision-making processes and structures which fulfill more strategic requirements and facilitate collaboration with partners.
3. Ensuring secure corporate governance in this changing context, and
4. Contributing to the achievement of strategic economic development.
Administration & Legal Services
Strategic Policy
Service objectives / Administration & Legal Services:
  • Ensuring that the Council acts lawfully, openly and accountably;
  • Supporting local democracy; and
  • Protecting and enhancing the quality of life in Clackmannanshire by providing regulatory and civic services

Strategic Policy:
Leading and supporting:
  • the strategic positioning of the Council
  • an effective community planning partnership

Staffing(FTE) /
Principal Officer grade and above
Below Principal Officer
Strategic Policy – 10 / Strategic Policy - 8
Admin & Legal – 8* / Admin & Legal - 24
Revenue Budget / Strategic Policy - £1.1m
Admin & Legal - £1.89m
Capital Budget
* includes 1 FTE not funded from mainstream budget
Increased collaboration & joint working, especially related to: /
  • the increasing role of the community planning partnership in overseeing a range of initiatives
  • inter-authority joint co-operation and development of shared
  • the potential for integrated management of services with Stirling Council

Higher citizen expectations of Council Services, with a need to address: /
  • individual customer focus
  • determining community views to inform policy direction and service provision

Impact of technological advances on interface between council and citizens and the need to: /
  • respond to instant access to information and news
  • meet e-gov. targets
  • respond to increasing use of web and mobile technology

Increased emphasis on emergency and contingency planning implying: /
  • demands on Communications
  • the need for on-going risk management

Responding to plethora of national initiatives and directives
together with local priorities to: /
  • develop and manage organisational cohesion (corporate frameworks, systems, knowledge & information)
  • build organisational capacity
  • - enhance knowledge and information management

The changing role of the Public Sector & Local Authorities within it, addressing: /
  • the image and reputation of Council as an entity and Clacks as a place to live and work
  • the impact of changes to electoral system in 2007 and
    implications for policy and local democracy
  • public sector reform
  • the demands of external audit.
  • corporate governance

Developing the strategic economic development of Clacks by: /
  • supporting the implementing of the tourism strategy
  • supporting the development of transnational initiatives

Reducing inequalities, addressing: /
  • Changes in Regional Policy
  • identifying, monitoring and evaluating inequalities
  • developing, managing, monitoring and evaluating the Regeneration Outcome Agreement
  • managing and delivering employability programmes eg WFF

Need to support change through managing communications: /
  • effective internal communications
  • effective media policy
  • marketing opportunities arising from tourism and transport developments
  • information regarding joint working
  • supporting the e government agenda

Need to support change through managing knowledge and information: /
  • increased demands on data and information gathering
  • increased requirements for information analysis and evidenced based policy approaches

Building Organisational capacity to respond to legislative change: /
  • election administration
  • National Planning Framework
  • National Licensing Framework
  • Childcare and Child Protection

Public sector funding /
  • impact of reduced European funding
  • review of public sector funding and how Local Authorities are funded
  • managing different financial packages and funding streams including those through the Community Planning Partnership

The Service plays a key role in community planning, with Strategic Policy leading community planning on behalf of the Council. This means leading and managing partnership development and developing and supporting the community planning framework, which includes:
  • the Clackmannanshire Alliance
  • the Alliance’s 4 Theme Teams
  • the partnership’s community engagement infrastructure.
The Team and Service also support and contribute to policy development across community planning’s main priorities of:
  • Community Safety – the team co-ordinates the development of the community safety strategy and the antisocial behaviour strategy as well as co-ordinating funding and performance via the Partnership structures
  • Economic Development – the team supports the Theme Team and regeneration policy in the authority
  • Health Improvement – the Joint Health Improvement Team leads the development of the Joint Health Improvement Plan within the Council
  • Sustainability/Environment – the Team contributes to the development of the Sustainability Strategy and related initiatives within the community planning framework.
The Service directs and manages the Regeneration Outcome Agreement on behalf of the Alliance.
The service has a wide range of stakeholders ranging from community planning partner agencies to individual citizens. In addition, other Council services are key stakeholders.
A key role for the service is to facilitate stakeholder engagement via the community planning consultation mechanisms of the citizens’ panel and a range of consultative fora. The Service also has a role in feeding results of such consultation into the Council and other agencies.
Within the Council there will be liaison with the management teams of other services as well as the Executive and Corporate Management Teams. Given the role of the Service in supporting the strategic policy direction of the Council, it will be important that policy developments are corporately shared. The team contributes to supporting elected members via policy forums.
In addition, surveys of customer satisfaction will be undertaken by the Research & Information and the Communications & Marketing divisions of the Service to ensure services provided are meeting the expectations of internal customers.
In Administration and Legal Services internal consultation will include customer surveys; legal clinics feedback on training. We will consult with the stakeholders through satisfaction surveys, consultative forums and policy forums.
Financial / Performance Achieved
2005-06 / Performance Anticipated
2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
Maintain advertising equivalent cost in press column inches / n/a / n/a / TBC / Annual
% of funding applications that are successful on behalf of the Council / 100.0% / 75.0% / 75% / Annual
% of funding applications that are successful on behalf of the community / 100.0% / 75.0% / 75% / Annual
Customer (Stakeholder) / Performance Achieved
2005-06 / Performance Anticipated
2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
%Corporate complaints dealt within timescale / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0% / Annual
percentage of Freedom of Information Act enquiry requests within timescale / n/a / n/a / 100% / Monthly
% of R&I statistical information notes achieved within timescales / 96% / 96% / 90% / Quarterly
No of briefing and bulletins relating to community planning and corporate policy within timescale / 13 / 16 / 16 / Quarterly
Average completion time for press enquiries (hours) / 10 / 10 / 10 / Quarterly
No of Clacks Alliance partners satisfied with Council’s lead role in Community Planning / n/a / 8 / 10 / Annual
% customer satisfaction for Communication / n/a / n/a / 80% / Quarterly

Internal Business Processes

/ Performance Achieved
2005-06 / Performance Anticipated
2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
%Councillor enquiries within timescale. / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0% / Quarterly
No of Strategies produced and agreed within timescale / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100% / Annual
Learning and Growth / Performance Achieved
2005-06 / Performance Anticipated
2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
% of PRDs complete within 12 month cycle / n/a / 80% / 100% / Annual
Training & development days per member of staff / 3 / 3 / 3 / Annual
% of staff sickness / 3.5% / 4.33% / 5.0% / Monthly
FINANCIAL / Performance Achieved 2005-06 / Performance Achieved 2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
Budgeted Income / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0% / Annual
CUSTOMER / Performance Achieved 2005-06 / Performance Achieved 2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
%Corporate complaints dealt within timescale / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0% / Annual
Percentage of Freedom of Information Act enquiry requests within timescale / n/a / n/a / 100% / Monthly
Elections - Delivery within regulation timescales / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100% / Annual
Agenda and minutes issued to licensing board members 7 days prior to the meeting / 100% / 100% / 100% / Quarterly
Civic Licence applications processed within 4-5 weeks / 95.0% / 97.0% / 95.0% / Quarterly
Council enquiries - Issued within 1 day / n/a / 100.0% / 100.0% / Quarterly
Tenders - acceptance processed within 5 Days / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0% / Monthly
Undertake 7 customer consultation exercises a year / n/a / n/a / 100.0% / Quarterly
Publish bi-monthly bulleting on service outputs / n/a / 100.0% / 100.0% / Quarterly
Progress complaints and Ombudsman enquiries within 10 working days. Respond to Ombudsman within 28 days / n/a / 100.0% / 100.0% / Quarterly
INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESSES / Performance Achieved 2005-06 / Performance Achieved 2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
%Councillor enquiries within timescale / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0% / Quarterly
Fortnightly Managers Meetings / n/a / n/a / 90.0% / Quarterly
Bi-monthly team meetings / n/a / n/a / 100.0% / Quarterly
Council House Sales - Within target time / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0% / Quarterly
Grants and Charitable Trusts - Authorise payments within 1 day of decision / n/a / 100.0% / 100.0% / Quarterly
Legal action for debt recovery initiated within 5 days of notification / n/a / 97.0% / 98.0% / Quarterly
Registrars - Audit report target- 98% accuracy, B rating or above for services, staff rating, premises access / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0% / Annual
Achieving milestones/Licensing Act Implementation Plan / n/a / n/a / 98.0% / Quarterly
Submission of statistical return on District Court performance / n/a / 100.0% / 100.0% / Annual
Percentage of Council and Committee meetings advertised and delivered in accordance with Standing Orders / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0% / Quarterly
Deliver members training programme / 100.0% / 100.0% / 100.0% / Half Year


/ Performance Achieved 2005-06 / Performance Achieved 2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
CPU hours per solicitor / 20 / 50 / 100 / Half Year
% of PRD's complete within 12 month cycle / 100% / 100% / 100% / Annual
Training & development days per member of staff / n/a / 8 / 5 / Annual
% of staff sickness / n/a / 5.19% / 5.0% / Monthly
Corporate training events delivered (will include service arranged consultative forums / n/a / n/a / 100.0% / Annual

Chief Executive’s Service Plan 2007 – 10

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TARGET OUTCOME 1 / Effective external and internal strategic partnerships which meet the Council’s and its partners’ strategic objectives
Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
1.1 / A cohesive Community Planning framework / 5.4 / Community Planning partners / Establish community planning performance framework / Develop revised community plan / Evaluation of added value of community planning partnership
1.2 / Continuous strategic improvement of the Community Safety Partnership / 5.4 / Community Planning partners / Complete implementation and evaluation of Outcome Agreement for Anti Social Behaviour / Produce revised partnership strategy and performance framework / Oversee implementation of partnership strategy and co-ordination of performance framework
1.3 / Develop, monitor and report on Health improvement policy via the CHP and the Clacks Integrated Health Improvement Team (CIHIT) / 2.3 / NHSForthValley
Clacks CHP Committee
Council Services / Publish 2007 – 2010 JHIP / Develop and implement a prioritising, monitoring and evaluation framework for the JHIP / Increased partnership (PPF and CHP) involvement across health improvement community engagement structures
TARGET OUTCOME 1 / Effective external and internal strategic partnerships which meet the Council’s and its partners’ strategic objectives
Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
1.4 / Development of shared services with other local authorities and partner organisations / 2.10 / Stirling, Falkirk and other relevant Councils; Scottish Enterprise FV; NHS FV;
CS Police
Vol Sector / Establish cohesive and corporate approach to CCTV development; contribute to review of ForthValley system / Implement agreed approach / Implement agreed approach
1.5 / Co-ordinate input to potential joint management with Stirling Council / 5.1 / Stirling Council
Scottish Executive
Consultancy Firms / Represent Council on Joint Steering Group and support operation of the Political Monitoring and Joint Political Monitoring Groups / Co-ordinate the implementation of any recommendations arising from the feasibility study / Co-ordinate the implementation of any recommendations arising from the feasibility study
1.6 / Manage performance reporting across partnership structures / 5.4 / Community Planning Partners
Council Services / Improve links between Council Corporate Objectives and the Community Plan / Continue to improve data & information management in support of community planning / Consolidate information and data for community planning performance framework
1.7 / Effective management of externally funded projects / 5.4 / Council Services
Various Partners / Provide support to ensure external funding monitoring and evaluation commitments are met / Provide support to ensure external funding monitoring and evaluation commitments are met / Provide support to ensure external funding monitoring and evaluation commitments are met
TARGET OUTCOME 1 / Effective external and internal strategic partnerships which meet the Council’s and its partners’ strategic objectives
Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
1.8 / Agree and implement revised planning and performance management framework within the Council which is integrated with community planning / 5.4 / Council Services / Future community planning, corporate and service priorities agreed with Elected Members and CMT / Reports to elected members on achievement of community planning and relevant corporate priorities / Reports to elected members on achievement of community planning and relevant corporate priorities
1.9 / Provide effective integrated emergency management arrangements / 5.1 / Central Scotland Strategic Co-ordinating Group / Implement civil contingencies legislation and manage civil contingencies awareness in the community through implementation of the joint strategy. / Implement civil contingencies legislation and manage civil contingencies awareness in the community through implementation of the joint strategy. / Implement civil contingencies legislation and manage civil contingencies awareness in the community through implementation of the joint strategy.
TARGET OUTCOME 2 / Improved communications and information management
Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
2.1 / Improve image of Clackmannanshire as an area to live, work and visit / 5.4 / Council services
External Partners
Media partners / Promote and protect the image and reputation of the Council through effective media management / Promote and protect the image and reputation of the Council through effective media management / Promote and protect the image and reputation of the Council through effective media management
2.2 / Improved flow of information in Council and externally with local partners / 5.5 / Council services
External Partners / Contribute to the development of a corporate knowledge management (KM) strategy / Implement pilot KM projects (e.g. Publications Pilot / Roll out of KM approaches
2.3 / Continued development of the internet as a corporate tool / 5.6 / Council services / Implement core & priority online services and review technical platform / Implement extended online services & integrate core & priority online services with internal systems; review content mgt. system / Produce new Web Development Plan
2.4 / Provision of appropriate information and data to support service development, performance reporting and policy development / 5.4 / Council Services
Community Planning Partners / Maintain agreed support for statutory information reporting and corporate information strategy / Maintain agreed support for statutory information reporting and corporate information strategy / Maintain agreed support for statutory information reporting and corporate information strategy
TARGET OUTCOME 3 / Socio-economic regeneration of Clackmannanshire and its most deprived communities
Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
3.1 / Support the development of and implementation of an Economic Development Strategy for Clackmannanshire / 3.2 / Community planning partners
Council services
Various funding bodies / Review of Building Clackmannanshire / Revised partnership strategy produced / Implementation of relevant strategic actions and effective monitoring of strategic outcomes
3.2 / Manage, monitor and evaluate regeneration programmes and initiatives / 1.7 / Community Planning partners
Voluntary sector
Communities Scotland / Co-ordinate and manage Regeneration Outcome Agreement, Tullibody Healthy Living Initiative and Working For Families Initiative / Manage programme transition or wind up via exit strategies / Manage programme transition or wind up via exit strategies
3.3 / Encourage tourism in the area / 3.5 / Community Planning Partners
Local Tourism Partnership partners / Oversee implementation of Clacks Tourism Strategy / Oversee implementation of Clacks Tourism Strategy / Oversee implementation of Clacks Tourism Strategy
3.4 / CommunityCapacityBuilding & Local Advocacy / 5.2 / Community planning partners
Council Services / Implement partnership community engagement mechanisms (e.g. Clacks 1000) / Review and develop community planning community engagement framework / Continue to develop the range of mechanisms
TARGET OUTCOME 3 / Socio-economic regeneration of Clackmannanshire and its most deprived communities
Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
3.5 / Support transnational initiatives / 5.1 / Council services
Community planning partners / Manage twinning links and co-ordinate twinning activities / Manage twinning links and co-ordinate twinning activities / Manage twinning links and co-ordinate twinning activities
DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT / Administration and Legal Services
TARGET OUTCOME 1 / Good standards of corporate governance are in place in respect of all Council activity
Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
1.1 / Procedures ensure that good standards of corporate governance continue to be achieved and maintained. / 5.4
5.5 / Legal Services
Support Team
Head of Service / Review of Core Documentation / Review of Core Documentation / Review of Core Documentation
 Contract Standing Orders / Deliver training to key officers / Deliver training to key officers
 Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract / Deliver training to key officers
Complete review of New Political Structure / Evaluate the impact of the new structure and produce a report on any requirements for change