Duke Street Primary School Survey 2016
Aspect of School
/ Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t knowEthos
Duke Street Primary is a caring school.The school meets my child’s particular needs
I am made welcome at the school.
The school keeps my child safe.
Parents are encouraged to play an active role in the school.
My child’s teacher knows my child well.
Children are encouraged to make a positive contribution to the school and wider community.
The school helps my child to have a healthy lifestyle.
The school takes account of children’s views.
Parental concerns are taken seriously by the school.
My child enjoys school.The standard of teaching at Duke Street Primary is good.
My child is making enough progress at school.
The school has high expectations of my children.
My child is are happy at break times and lunchtimes.
Children behave well arriving and leaving school.
The school has high expectations of children’s behaviour
The school deals effectively with unacceptable behaviour.
The school is kept clean and tidy.
The school learning environment is attractive.
The school is well led and managed.
The school has high expectations about attendance and punctuality.
The school disapproves of term time holidays being taken.
I am informed about the work my child’s classes are doing in school.I am kept well informed about my child’s targets / academic progress
I am kept well informed about other aspects of my child’s development.
The school helps me to support my child’s learning.
My child’s end of year written report is accurate.
Aspect of School
/ Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t knowCommunication (continued)
Newsletters are circulated regularly and are informative.The information on the school website is useful.
The school makes sure my child is well prepared for the future.
(eg reception induction process, changing year group, moving to high school etc)
Members of staff are approachable.
Overall I am happy with my child’s experience at Duke Street Primary.
I would recommend Duke Street Primary to other parents.
What aspects of the school have improved in the last two years?
What aspects of the school would you like to see improve in the future?Other comments:
Please circle the class(es) your children are in: Acer Pine Ash Kiwi Rowan
Spruce Willow Maple
Sycamore Holly Bamboo
Name (optional):
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please send it back to Mr Kidd by Friday 9thDecember.