CCOMPOSA Press Statement: Jan. 5, 2002

Recent developments in South Asia, including the US imperialist aggressionin Afghanistan in the pretext of fighting ‘terrorism’, declaration of astate of emergency against the Maoist People’s War (PW) in Nepal,promulgation of the so-called anti-terrorist ordinance POTO and banning ofMarxist-Leninist-Maoist parties in India and the war hysteria fanned by thereactionary ruling classes of India and Pakistan over Kashmir, have onceagain confirmed that this region is fast turning into a storm centre ofworld revolution. These developments have also brought into focus theinherent dialectics of serious challenges and excellent opportunities ofproletarian revolution, which the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist revolutionaries

of the region ought to grasp correctly so as to meet the challengessuccessfully and lead the revolution to victory.

The imposition of a countrywide state of emergency with suspension of allfundamental rights of the people, promulgation of the so-calledanti-terrorist ordinance and deployment of the royal army to counter theever-raging PW led by the CPN (Maoist) in Nepal is a very significant eventwith wider ramifications for the world proletarian revolution. This is infact the last desperate act of the tottering monarchical regime there stunghard by the heroic military actions of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)and the declaration of an embryonic Central People’s GovernmentOrganising Committee in the form of the United Revolutionary People’sCouncil (URPC) under the leadership of the CPN (Maoist) in the last week ofNovember 2001. It may be noted that when all the avenues for a minimumpolitical solution through negotiation in the form of immediateinstitutionalisation of a republican form of state or convening of anelected constituent assembly to draft a new constitution were summarilyclosed by the arch-reactionary monarchical regime, the CPN (Maoist) wasforced to launch the latest series of successful military campaign and togo ahead with the formation of URPC. Thoroughly defeated in the realencounters with the PLA, the reactionary royal army has taken recourse toghastly massacre of the unarmed masses in the usual fake encounters and thefascist regime there has sought external military aid or interventionparticularly from the expansionist Indian state. Already a huge consignmentof military aid including sophisticated helicopters have been sent by Indiaand USA and the reactionary ganging up between the ruling classes of thesecountries has been proved beyond doubt. The CCOMPOSA expresses itswholehearted solidarity with the revolutionary forces in Nepal and warnsall the external reactionary elements, particularly Indian expansionism,not to intervene militarily or otherwise there and let the Nepalese peopledecide their own political future themselves.

The CPI (M-L) (PW) and MCC in India have made significant revolutionaryadvancements in recent times with a series of heroic military actions inthe last few months. A number of successful military actions carried out bythe CPI (M-L) (PW) on the occasion of the first anniversary of founding of

People’s Guerrilla Army, and also by MCC, in different parts of Indiahave shaken the reactionary Indian state. As a consequence the expansionistIndian state headed by the Hindu chauvinist BJP has promulgated POTO andbanned these two revolutionary Parties along with their associated massorganizations and several other nationalist groups. The CCOMPOSA denouncesthis fascist act of the Indian state in the strongest possible terms anddemands that the ban imposed on these Parties and organizations be liftedimmediately and unconditionally.

The naked aggression carried out by US imperialism in Afghanistan and theabject servility of the reactionary rulers of this region to US imperialismhas heightened the need for a broad front against imperialism, expansionismand reaction in the region. Lack of any effective resistance against USaggression in Afghanistan has once again proved beyond doubt the hollownessof the anti-imperialist posture of the religious fundamentalists and otherobscurantist forces and has goaded the revolutionary

Marxist-Leninist-Maoist forces to forge and lead a genuine anti-imperialistand anti-feudalist front. Similarly, the so-called anti-terrorist rhetoricand war hysteria created and spread by the reactionary ruling classes inthe region, particularly by the Hindu fascist BJP in India, needs to bethoroughly unmasked, as imperialism and their lackeys are the real rootcause of ‘terrorism’. The sinister designs of Indian expansionists ledby the Hindu fanatic BJP to whip up anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan hysteriaand to brand the revolutionary communists as ‘terrorists’ for their ownsectarian ends ought to be defeated thoroughly and people-to-people levelsolidarity strengthened in the region. Recent threats posed by Indianexpansionists to Bhutan and Bangladesh also deserve to be condemned in thestrongest possible terms. The CCOMPOSA, therefore, calls upon all theMarxist-Leninist-Maoist forces to come forward to defeat the challengesposed by the Hindu fascist and monarchical forces as gendarme of USimperialism, unitedly, and to turn it into an excellent opportunity foradvancing proletarian revolution in the region.

—Coordination Committee of Maoist Parties and Organisations of South Asia(CCOMPOSA)

1. PBSP (CC)


3. BSD (ML)

4. Communist Party of Ceylon (Maoist)

5. CPI (ML)(Naxalbari)

6. CPI (ML) (PW)

7. MCC


9. RCCI (Maoist)

10. CPN (Maoist)

January 5, 2002
