The following chart provides guidance on properly coding CC/EN values for CIT Infrastructure Rooms and Mechanical Areas in Cornell buildings, exclusive of Weill Medical College, on page4.

Setting the CC/EN Flag on IT Infrastructure Rooms and Mechanical Areas in Cornell Buildings (exclusive of Weill Cornell Medical College)

Room Types: 029, 030, 035, 710, 715

March 28, 2014


Use a consistent inventory assignment for information technology infrastructure (CIT) spaces and mechanical areas across all colleges and administrative divisions of the University (except WCMC).

These guidelines generally apply to room types 029, 030, 035, 710 and 715.

How to set the CC/EN Flag on each room:

The mechanical or IT infrastructure space should be flagged as Contract College or Endowed based on the paradigm outlined in this table, unless a more specific determination can be made regarding an appropriate pro-ration of the space. In the cases or more specific determinations, the CC/EN flag should follow the space assignment pro-ration.

If the facility is asset assignment: / And the primary university division occupant is: / Then the CC/EN flag for the space should be assigned as: /
0 Endowed (Non-Weill CMC) / Endowed / EN-General Services
0 Endowed (Non-Weill CMC) / Contract College[1] / 50/50 EN-General Services/CC-General Services
2 College Asset/College Financed / Contract College / CC-General Services
3 College Asset/State Financed / Contract College / CC-General Services
4 State Owned/SUNY / Endowed[2] / 50/50 EN-General Services/CC-General Services
4 State Owned/SUNY / Contract College / CC-General Services
5 State Owned/Other / Contract College / CC-General Services
8 Federal Government / Contract College / Pending understanding of financial arrangements
9 Outside Agency / Endowed / If the lease includes access to mechanical areas, those mechanical areas should be assigned to the occupying unit and the appropriate EN flag should be activated
9 Outside Agency / Contract College / If the lease includes access to mechanical areas, those mechanical areas should be assigned to the occupying unit and the appropriate CC flag should be activated

[1] This list usually includes 1018 Biotech, 1019A Biological Sciences, 1019E Dale Corson Hall, 1019W Seeley G Mudd Hall, 1025 Caldwell, 1165 East Campus Research Facility, 2011 Stimson Hall, 2800C Liddell Laboratory

[2] This list usually includes 1001 Barton, 1011 Human Ecology Building, 1024 Bailey, 1024A Bailey Hall Addition