Horry County SchoolsGeneral Music StandardsGrades Pre-K - 5
General Music Standards
Standard1: / SingingStudents will sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
Standard 2: / Performing
Students will perform on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
Standard 3: / Improvising
Students will improvise melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
Standard 4: / Composing and Arranging
Students will compose and arrange music within specific guidelines.
Standard 5: / Reading and Notating
Students will read and notate music.
Standard 6: / Analyzing
Students will listen to, analyze and describe music.
Standard 7: / Evaluating
Students will evaluate music and music performances.
Standard 8: / Making Connections
Students will relate music to the other arts, and other disciplines outside the arts.
Standard 9: / Relating to History and Culture
Students will relate music to history and world cultures.
The mission of arts education in South Carolina is to provide every child a quality education in dance, drama, music, and/or the visual arts. The primary goal is to promote the development and implementation of appropriate curriculum, instruction, and assessment based on the South Carolina Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum Standards 2003. The curriculum should include comprehensive, sequential instructional units that integrate and balance all standards in all four arts areas as they are outlined in the South Carolina Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum Standards 2003.
The mission of music educators in Horry County Schools is to provide every child a meaningful and challenging standards-based music curriculum ensuring a sequential program that results in learning.
The music standards provide unified expectations for students and inform the community of what a musically literate people know and is able to do at each level of their development.
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Music Standards
StandardOne: / SingingSinging, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
Performance Standards - Grade 5:
Students will
A.Sing independently, on pitch and in rhythm, using appropriate timbre, diction, and posture while maintaining a steady tempo.
B.Sing expressively, alone or in groups, blending vocal timbres, matching dynamic levels, and responding to the cues of a conductor.
C.Sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music including partner songs, descants, ostinati, and rounds.
Vocabulary (5th grade benchmarks)accent / accidental / accompaniment
al fine / allegro / andante
arpeggio / articulate / aural
bar line / bass clef / beat
chest voice / chromatic / coda
crescendo / da capo / dal segno
decrescendo / diaphragm / diminuendo
dotted notes / double bar / double bar line
duet / dynamics / eighth note/rest
ensemble / fermata / fine
first and second endings / flat / folk music
form / forte / fortissimo
half note/rest / half step / harmony
head voice / hymn / jazz
key signature / leaps / legato
lines/spaces / loud / measure
meter / metronome / mezzo
natural (sign) / notation / octave
opera / ostinato / partner songs
pattern / phrase / pianissimo
pitch / quarter note/rest / refrain
rehearsal / repeat sign / repeated tones
rhythm of words / ritardando / rounds
section / sharp / sixteenth note/rest
skips / spiritual / staccato
staff / steps / tempo
tie / time signature / treble clef
upbeat / verse / whole note/rest
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Music Standards (cont'd)
StandardTwo: / PerformingPerforming on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
Performance Standards - Grade 5:
Students will
A.Play pitched and unpitched instruments in rhythm with appropriate posture, dynamics, and timbre while maintaining a steady tempo.
B.Play easy rhythmic, melodic, and chordal patterns accurately and independently on classroom instruments.
C.Play expressively a varied repertoire of music representing diverse genres, cultures, and historical periods.
D.Echo and create rhythmic and melodic patterns.
E.Blend instrumental parts, matchdynamic levels, and respond to the cues of a conductor when playing in groups.
F.Play independent instrumental parts while others sing or play contrasting parts.
Vocabulary (5th grade benchmarks)accent / accidental / accompaniment
acoustic / al fine / allegro
andante / arpeggio / bar line
bass clef / beat / body percussion
chromatic / coda / crescendo
da capo / dal segno / decrescendo
diminuendo / dotted notes / double bar
double bar line / duet / dynamics
eighth note/rest / ensemble / fermata
fine / first and second endings / flat
folk music / form / forte
fortissimo / guitar / half note/rest
half step / harmony / hymn
jazz / key signature / keyboard
legato / lines/spaces / loud
mallets / measure / meter
metronome / mezzo / natural
notation / octave / opera
ostinato / partner songs / pattern
percussion / phrase / pianissimo
pitch / pitched instrument / quarter note/rest
recorder / refrain / rehearsal
repeat sign / repeated tones / rhythm instrument
rhythm of words / ritardando / rounds
section / sharp / sixteenth note/rest
skips / slur / spiritual
staccato / staff / steps
tempo / tie / time signature
treble clef / unpitched instrument / upbeat
verse / whole note/rest
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Music Standards (cont'd)
StandardThree: /I.ImprovisingImprovising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
Performance Standards - Grade 5:
Students will
A.Improvise, in the same style, responses (answers) to given rhythmic and melodic patterns (questions).
B.Improvise simple rhythmic and melodicostinato patterns and accompaniments.
C.Improvise simple rhythmic variations and melodicembellishments.
D.Improvise short songs and instrumental pieces using traditional and nontraditional sound sources.
Vocabulary (5th grade benchmarks)body percussion / create / improvisation
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Music Standards (cont'd)
StandardFour: / Composing and Arranging.Composing and arranging music within specific guidelines.
Performance Standards - Grade 5:
Students will
A.Compose and arrange music using standard and nonstandard notation.
B.Compose and arrange music to accompany readings and dramatizations.
C.Compose and arrange short songs and instrumental pieces within specified guidelines, using basic music elements.
D.Compose and arrange short songs and instrumental pieces using a variety of sound sources.
Vocabulary (5th grade benchmarks)compose / composition / dynamics
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Music Standards (cont'd)
StandardFive: / Reading and Notating.Reading and notating music.
Performance Standards - Grade 5:
Students will
A.Read and write rhythmicnotation incorporating syncopation as well as whole, half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes and corresponding rests.
B.Read and write short melodicnotation in pentatonic, major, and minor tonalities.
C.Identify symbols and terminology for dynamics, tempo, and articulation and interpret them correctly when performing.
D.Write notation using standard symbols for meter, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics.
Vocabulary (5th grade benchmarks)accent / accidental / accompaniment
adagio / al fine / allegro
andante / arpeggio / bar line
bass clef / beat / chromatic
clef / coda / create
crescendo / da capo / dal segno
decrescendo / diminuendo / dotted notes
double bar / double bar line / dynamics
eighth note/rest / fermata / fine
first and second endings / flat / form
forte / fortissimo / half note/rest
half step / key signature / leaps
legato / lines/spaces / measure
meter / metronome / mezzo
natural (sign) / notation / octave
pianissimo / pitch / quarter note/rest
refrain / repeat sign / repeated tones
ritardando / section / sharp
sixteenth note/rest / skips / staccato
staff / steps / tempo
tie / time signature / treble clef
upbeat / verse / whole note/rest
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Music Standards (cont'd)
StandardSix: / AnalyzingListening to, analyzing and describing music.
Performance Standards - Grade 5:
Students will
A.Identify examples of music forms including motive to phrase, 4-bar phrase, canon, rondo, AABA, 12-bar blues, and theme and variation.
B.Demonstrate perceptual skills by moving, answering questions, and describing selections representing diverse musical styles.
C.Use appropriate terminology to explain pitch, notation, meter, chords, voices, instruments, and performances.
D.Explain music using the appropriate terminology for pitch, notation, meter, chords, voices, instruments, and performances.
E.Identify by sight and sound a variety of instruments including orchestral, band, multicultural, and digital.
F.Demonstrate movement and emotional response to prominent music characteristics while listening.
G.Identify music in pentatonic, major, and minor tonalities.
Vocabulary (5th grade benchmarks)accompaniment / acoustic / adagio
allegro / andante / arpeggio
beat / body percussion / brass
Broadway / chest voice / consonance
dance / digital keyboard / drama
duet / dynamics / ensemble
folk music / form / frequency
guitar / harmonic / harmony
head voice / hymn / jazz
keyboard / loud / major
minor / mood / movement
musical theatre / opera / pattern
percussion / phrase / pitch
pitched instrument / repeated tones / romantic
same/different / section / spiritual
strings / symphony / tempo
theatre / theme/variation / unpitched instrument
verse / vibration / woodwind
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Music Standards (cont'd)
StandardSeven: / EvaluatingEvaluating music and music performances.
Performance Standards - Grade 5:
Students will
A.Devise criteria for evaluating performances and compositions based upon musical concepts, ideas, and values.
B.Use appropriate music terminology to explain their personal preferences for specific musical works and styles.
C.Apply music concepts when judging the quality of their own performances and those of others and when offering constructive suggestions for improvement.
Vocabulary (5th grade benchmarks)beat / brass / Broadway
chest voice / consonance / create
dance / digital keyboard / drama
dynamics / form / guitar
harmonic / harmony / loud
major / minor / mood
movement / musical theatre / opera
pitch / theatre / woodwind
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Music Standards (cont'd)
StandardEight: / Making ConnectionsUnderstanding relations between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts,
Performance Standards - Grade 5:
Students will
A.Explain the role of music in life experiences, celebrations, community functions, and special events.
B.Identify similarities and differences in the meanings of common terms used in the various arts disciplines (e.g., “texture,” “color,” “form”).
C.Explain how the principles and subject matter of disciplines outside the arts interrelate with those of music.
Vocabulary (5th grade benchmarks)audition / body percussion / brass
Broadway / consonance / dance
digital keyboard / drama / duet
folk music / form / frequency
guitar / harmonic / hymn
jazz / keyboard / mood
musical theatre / opera / pattern
percussion / rhythm of words / same/different
spiritual / strings / symphony
theatre / vibration / woodwind
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Music Standards (cont'd)
StandardNine: / Relating to History and Culture.Understanding music in relation to history and cultures.
Performance Standards - Grade 5:
Students will
A.Listen to examples of music from various historical periods and world cultures and identify the pieces by genre or style.
B.Describe how elements of music are used in music examples from various cultures of the world.
C.Identify various uses of music in daily experiences and describe the characteristics that make a particular type of music suitable for each use.
D.Identify and describe the roles of musicians in various settings and world cultures.
E.Demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the context and style of music being performed.
Vocabulary (5th grade benchmarks)brass / Broadway / dance
digital keyboard / drama / ensemble
folk music / form / hymn
jazz / keyboard / mood
musical theatre / opera / percussion
romantic / spiritual / strings
symphony / theatre / theme/variation
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Updated: August 15, 2007