Canis Rufus Canis Latrans Hybrids

Canis Rufus Canis Latrans Hybrids

Here is a thought provoking piece from Troy Bennett:

Canis rufus/Canis latrans hybrids.

Why do we believe that we have the right to destroy the hybrid offspring between two species that have crossed naturally in the wild?

Is this not evolution or how evolution works?

Wolf/dog hybrids are a species we have created, everyone seeming to have to own an animal.We create these without thought.

But coyotes are natural having evolved on their own, and managing to spread over the Americas.

If two species can cross, why shouldn’t they?Has not nature decided already?

If the genetic differences are not compatible then the hybridisation would be impossible.

Who are we to decide that coyote/wolf hybrids are wrong?Maybe they are right?

If the grey wolf expands it range to meet the reds, will they not interbreed?

Would we allow that?Do we have the right not to?

The red wolf is in danger, and disappearing, it will perhaps become extinct.

By destroying the coyote crosses are we not pushing that extinction closer?

Would the red wolf not live on in its hybrid cousins?

A new species, which with the coyote genes added would probably also spread out over the Americas.And is this even a new species?

It is believed that the red wolf could already be a hybrid between the grey wolf and the coyote?

If this turns out to be the case, have we slaughtered over 400 wolf hybrids needlessly?

We have. There is never sufficient cause to slaughter any wild animals especially what could be termed as a new species. It is all needless, why do we interfere?

Do we still believe that we are as gods?That nature must comply with our wants?

These wolf “protectors”, who are they protecting by killing these hybrids?

Certainly we should try keep the red wolf alive, to try reintroductions and breeding programs to save this species.But! Do we have the right to kill the hybrids?

To sterilise them so that they may not interbreed?

We take liberties with our pets, crossing them to make them more docile, better workers, prettier!

Why do we believe that we have the right to stop the natural selection of other species?

Crossing an endangered wolf with a coyote which will give birth to a highly adaptable and beautiful creature that will probably still be flourishing long after we do not?

Why do we not let nature decide?

It has managed for millions of years without our well meaning interference.

Why not let it continue?

Let us leave the wolf/coyote hybrids in peace and see where they go?

Is it not time that we decided to save all species, hybrids and even non-indigenous species?

Let us let that be how we interfere, by watching and by learning.

Natures mistakes are few and far between and ours we cannot begin to count?

It is perhaps time that we learnt from that.

Troy Bennett 12.06.04