Profile / Rector Search Teams

We are forming a Calling Committee that is comprised of two teams, a Profile Team and a Rector Search Team. If you are interested in serving on one of the Calling Committee Teams, please complete the information above, read the information below, complete the questions, and sign the form. Return the form by emailing to vhinton@nativity-hsv. Or you may put into a sealed envelope with the words “Nomination Calling Committee” on the envelope and submit to the office staff by NOVEMBER 30, 2017. All responses will be kept confidential and only used by the Vestry to select members of the committee. Receipt of your nomination form will be confirmed by phone or email. If you have any questions on this process, contact either the Senior Warden, Margaret Devenish, or Junior Warden, Robert Dunn.

About the Commitment and the Committee Teams

As an applicant for one of the teams on the Calling Committee, you should understand this will require a great amount of work and responsibility. This is indeed a major commitment. This responsibility should take priority until the task is complete. A summary of each team is described below:

Profile Team: The Profile Team is responsible for creating the parish profile and the profile of the desired new rector. They will complete these two assignments by doing a thorough “interview” of the parish – survey and small group discussions. The Profile Team will meet every week for the first 3 to 4 months after the beginning of the process. There will be additional meetings for the purpose of data gathering.

Rector Search Team: The Rector Search Team is responsible for working from the profiles, discerning the will of the Holy Spirit, and recommending the proposed rector to the Vestry. After the Profile Team completes its work and submits the Parish and Rector Profiles, the team will meet weekly or bi-weekly for 6 to 9 months. They will be working both as an entire team and in smaller sub-teams – reviewing candidate resumes, interviewing candidates, visiting candidates, and hosting candidates. Weekend out of town travel will almost certainly be required.

In addition to the specific team meetings, all members of both teams must also attend the Formation Retreat that begins the process. This retreat will last approximately 6 – 8 hours and will be facilitated by the appointed Calling Coach, Sarah Sartain. It will be held locally.




Phone#’s: (h)(c)(w)

Please check which of the following teams you would like to serve on:


Nominee’s Demographic & Involvement Information

The Vestry is seeking the most complete representation of the parish. Please check as many of the following demographic items thatdescribeyou. (Check as many asapply)

_Married, PartneredorCommitted__Member for over 20years

_Divorced__Member for 10-19years

_Single__Member for 3-9years

_Widow(er)__Member for less than 3years

_Parent of babies/toddlers/preschoolers

Youngadult(20-30)__Parent of young children (ages 5 –12)

_Mid-Life adult (31–44)__Parent ofteens

_Olderadult(45-64)__Parent of college-age children orolder

_Senior (65+)

_Attend services almosteveryweek_Attend services two or more times permonth

_Attend services onceper month_Attend services every othermonth

If you need more space, please continue typing if you are responding electronically in Word, or add additional pages if you are submitting a written response.

List all committees and activities that you have been involved in at the church:

Please list interests, hobbies, skills and talents that you possess:

Questions for the Applicant:

1.Can you commit to several hours of work a week, including potentially one meeting a week outside your home, for 3 to 12 months over the next year, to work on one of these Teams?


2.What pre-conceptions do you have about a new priest for Nativity, with regard to race, gender, sexual orientation? Would this interfere with your ability to consider or evaluate potentialcandidates?

3.Explain why participation on one of the Calling Teams is important toyou.

4.What role do you think spirituality plays in this process? What spiritual practices do you regularlyobserve?

5.What do you believe the primary role(s) of a rector shouldbe?

6.Which characteristics or qualifications should a rector possess to successfully perform thisrole?

7.Selection of a rector that is "best fit for ALL" requires a committee member to set aside his/her personal experience (opinions/desires) to focus primarily and most importantly on the needs and desires of the entire Nativity congregation. Are you capable and willing to serve during this search process in an unbiased, open- minded, and selflessmanner?

8.What are some of the characteristics of Nativity that are important toyou?

9.This will require working effectively together in a group to achieve consensus. What characteristics do you have which enable effective groupwork?

God plays an important role in this process. You must be willing to actively and prayerfully seek God’s guidance and wisdom in the search process.

The Vestry will select a balanced representative committee. The names will be announced as soon as the selection process is completed. This is targeted for yearend 2017.

