Please note that, in order to apply, you must already have been offered, and accepted, a place on a Warburg Institute MA or MPhil/PhD programme.

When completing this form you may expand the boxes below to create more space for your answers.

Full name
Contact telephone number
Email address
Current student? / Yes / No
Place offered for next academic year? / Yes / No
Warburg course
(please select relevant course) / MA in Art History, Curatorship and Renaissance Studies
MA in Cultural and Intellectual History 1300 – 1650
Fee status / UK / Europe / Overseas
Reasons for applying for a bursary and why the award of the bursary is important to you. (Up to 500 words)

Current or past bursaries/awards

Please list any past or current prizes, bursaries, awards or scholarships awarded on the basis of academic merit and/or financial hardship

Name of awarding body name of award / Value of award (£) / Date awarded (dd/mm/yyyy) / Purpose of award (tuition fees, maintenance, etc)

Future funding
Please list any other funding you are applying for.

Name of awarding body/name of award / Value of award per year (£) / Notification date (dd/mm/yyyy) / Purpose of award (tuition fees, maintenance, etc)

Salary earned within the last three years
Please provide details of previous or current employment.

Position held / Employer / Salary earned / Start Date / End date

Other personal income/support
Please list any sources of personal income (e.g. savings, social security benefits, career development loans etc) which will be available to you during the course of the degree programme.

Source / Annual value (£) (2015-2016)

Other sources of support
Please provide details of any individuals or organizations who will contribute towards your fees and living costs (e.g. parents or other family members, employers etc) during the course of the degree programme.

Source / Annual Value (£) (2017-2018)

Do you intend to work while studying?

Yes, part-time

If you intend to work while studying, please provide a reasonable estimate of how much you expect to earn during your studies (please calculate for academic year 2015-2016 only).


Please detail any existing financial obligations or costs (e.g. support for dependents, medical bills, loan repayments) which will impact on your circumstances during the course of the degree programme.

Nature of obligation / Annual cost (£) (2017-2018)

Financial circumstances (up to 500 words)
Please give any additional financial information not covered by the fields above. The Warburg Institute Bursary Scheme does not have sufficient funds to cover all of a student’s fees. Please explain how you would fund the remainder of your fees and maintenance costs.


I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this form is accurate and complete. I will inform the Warburg Institute as soon as possible of any scholarships, grants or awards I am offered by any external bodies or by the School of Advanced Study.



Please return this application form as an attachment by emailing or post the printed form to:
Ms Catherine Charlton, Associate Director (Administration), The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB

The deadline for receipt of applications is 16 June 2017.