Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0.1
Configuration Guide for: HVAC Metered Load / Date: 04/01/0905/1021/2010

Settlements & Billing

BPM Configuration Guide:HVAC Metered Load


Version 5.01

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 11
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0.1
Configuration Guide for: HVAC Metered Load / Date: 04/01/0905/1021/2010

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs – External Systems

3.5Inputs from Pre-calcs/Predecessor Charge Codes

3.6CAISO Formula


4.Charge Code Effective Date

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document.



As a benefit to turning over operational control of its transmission facilities under CAISO, Participating Transmission Owners (PTOs) will receive revenues by way of Transmission Access Charge (TAC). Transmission Owners (TOs) establish their Transmission Revenue Requirements (TRR), which is the income needed to offset the embedded cost of their transmission lines for their individual Service Area, whenever they request a rate change. The TRR, after it is accepted and/or approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), is charged to Utility Distribution Companies (UDCs) by way of TAC. TAC has two components, High Voltage Access Charge (HVAC) for load and Wheeling Access Charge (WAC) for exports. CAISO calculates and collects HVAC costs from the end-user or ‘Load’ in High Voltage Access Charge Allocation (CC 372) and disburses this revenue due to the PTOs in High Voltage Access Revenue Payment (CC 374). Through the TAC implementation process, a uniform access rate throughout CAISO’s Control Area will be established at the end of 10 years. January 2001 is the beginning of TAC through CAISO.

HVAC has three basic components:

1) TAC Rate.

2) Exemptions made to the metered gross load of a PTO for their Existing Transmission Contracts (ETC) customers.

3) A mitigation process to compensate PTOs with higher infrastructure costs (primarily municipalities) with the funds from PTOs having lower infrastructure costs (primarily Investor Owned Utilities) and to limit the annual amount paid by the IOUs.

During the 10-year transition period, the CAISO’s Control Area is divided into ‘TAC Areas.’ Initially there are three TAC areas, which correspond with the existing IOU Control Areas, i.e. Northern (N) Area, East Central (EC) Area, and Southern (S) Area. As new PTOs join, they will be merged into these TAC Areas or a new area will be created. A PTO may join effective January 1 or July 1 of any given year. The tariff states a PTO may join effective January 1 or July 1 of any given year. However, when an entity is becoming a new PTO because they are funding a new facility and / or major facility upgrade, they become a PTO on the January 1 or July 1, but their TRR does not become effective until the facility becomes operational. This is frequently mid-month. In the case of a bankruptcy, an existing PTO will cease and the continuing entity (if any) will have a new Business Associate ID and HVAC Payer ID. This is effective with the bankruptcy filing date and time. This is frequently mid-month. Both of these incidents may create mid-month rate changes.


The purpose of this Pre-calculation is to derive the daily and monthly HVAC Metered Load. Gross Load is all Energy (adjusted for distribution losses) delivered for the supply of End-Use Customer Loads directly connected to the transmission facilities or directly connected to the Distribution System of a UDC or Meter Sub-System (MSS) Operator located in a PTOServiceTerritory. Gross Load shall exclude Load with respect to which the WAC is payable and the portion of the Load of an individual retail customer of a UDC or MSS Operator that is served by a Generating Unit that: (a) is located on the customer’s site or provides service to the customers site through arrangements as stated in the CAISO Tariff; (b) is a qualifying small power production facility or qualifying cogeneration facility, (c) secures Standby Service from a Participating TO under terms approved by a Local Regulatory Authority or FERC, as applicable, or can be curtailed concurrently with an outage of the Generating Unit serving the Load. Gross Load forecasts consistent with filed TRR will be provided by each PTO to the CAISO.

This Charge Code will be implemented pursuant to a configuration enhancement procedure that allows for gains in performance, thereby reducing the volume of calculations executed during the monthly Settlement Run. The outcome of this feature is not published on the monthly Settlements Statements issued to participants. However, this enhancement procedure has no impact on the actual calculation of the settlement amounts determined by this Charge code. The performance enhancement is achieved through the availability of a feature that makes the results of (previously calculated) daily Settlement Runs available during to the CAISO operator for the monthly run in lieu of the operator having to re-execute daily calculations within the monthly Settlement Run. Additionally, this feature will provide the CAISO operator monthly totals of (previously calculated) daily outputs as well as monthly totals of primary bill determinants as needed. The CAISO will notify participants of which Charge Code uses this feature by including this statement in the description of the affected Charge Codes. In addition, the CAISO will indicate in the applicable CAISO Formula sections which of the individual calculations within the monthly run utilize this feature.Participants can verify the Settlement Amounts resulting from this Charge Code in their monthly calculations by utilizing the daily input data as defined in the input sections of each Charge Code, the amounts and/or quantities of which are published on the relevant, daily Settlement Statements.

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / The applicable High Voltage Access Charge and the Transition Charge shall be paid to the CAISO by each UDC and MSS Operator based on its Gross Load connected to a High Voltage Transmission Facility in a PTOServiceTerritory.
1.1 / Gross Load is calculated as Energy delivered for the supply of End-Use Customer Loads directly connected to the transmission facilities or the Distribution System of a UDC or MSS Operator located in a PTO service territory.
2.0 / Exemptions are made to the metered gross Load of a PTO for their ETC customers.
3.0 / Actual load exemptions are manually submitted monthly by a UDC and estimated on a daily basis using the HVAC metered load percentages.
4.0 / It is assumed that manually submitted monthly load exemptions would be one total positive (+) value for the month reflecting all non-metered load exemptions with no reference to specific resource/resources.
5.0 / HVACMeteredLoadExceptionFlag Brt flags will only be created for BA/RSRC_ID combo’s where exceptions exist and will be populated with an interval value of 1. It is further assumed that RSRC_TYPE (t) will always be ‘Load’.
6.0 / Non PTO Load must always be excluded from the HVAC Metered Load Pre-calc.
7.0 / The PTO_ID and HVAC_PAYER_ID for any load resource will always share the same ID.
8.0 / The following relates to specific instances where the PTO’s have requested BA specific Load quantities for the purposes of validation.
The current plan for MRTU Go-Live is to provide the relevant validation details that any given PTO has requested via an MS-Excel spreadsheet.
The process is as follows:
1)Query STL_CHARGES for BA_HRLY_RSRC_HVAC_MTR@QUANTITYwhere Attribute 20 equals [insert specific PTO_ID here] and save records in a MS-Excel spreadsheet.
2)Replace Attribute 1 with [insert SC Short Name here. Example: TO05].
3)Replace Attribute 2 with a random sequential number
4)E-mail MS-Excel spreadsheet to [insert specific PTO here] validation staff monthly.
If it is decided in the future that the requirement can be met by eterra automation, then the design guide will be updated to show how the requirement will be met through the system.
9.0 / Any given load location will never be associated with any more than one PTO_ID, HVAC_PAYER_ID, and UDC_ID.

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
ETC Pre-calculation

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
CC 372 – High Voltage Access Charge Allocation
CC 374 – High Voltage Access Revenue Payment

3.4Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / HVACMeteredLoadExceptionFlagBrt / HVAC Metered Load Exception Flag for BA ID B, RSRC ID r, RSRC TYPE t
2 / BASpecificHVACMeteredLoadExceptionFlagBt / BA Specific HVAC Metered Load Exception Flag for BA ID B, RSRC TYPE t
3 / NonPTOFlagException n’ / Non PTO Flag Exception by Non Pto Flag n’
4 / HVACMeteredLoadQuantityBrtuvHn’PNmdhi / HVAC Metered Load Quantity for BA B, Resource ID r, Resource Type t,TAC AREA ID v, UDC ID u, HVAC PAYER ID H, Non PTO Flag n’, PTO ID P, and Contract Reference Number Nin Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Interval i.
5 / MonthlySubmittedLoadExemptions uPHvJm / Monthly Submitted Load Exemptions for TAC AREA ID v, UDC ID u, HVAC PAYER ID H, Non PTO Flag n’, PTO ID P, and PTB ID J in Trading Month m.

3.5Inputs from Pre-calcs/Predecessor Charge Codes

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/ Pre-calc Configuration
1 / BASettlementIntervalFinalBalancedContractHVACMeterQuantity BrtNhi / ETC Pre-calculation

3.6CAISO Formula

3.6.1BAMonthlyHVACMeterLoadAmount B = HVACMonthlyMeteredLoadQuantity uPHvm

Note: BAHourlyResourceHVACMeteredQuantity BrtvuHn’Pmdh will be utilized as a business driver to build the matrix but will not appear in the formula.

BAHourlyResourceHVACMeteredQuantity BrtvuHn’Pmdh is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns the monthly quantity as a summation of daily HVAC Metered Load quantities generated previously from daily settlement calculation results for the applicable Trading Month.
HVACDailyMeteredLoadQuantity uPHvmd
DailyGrossMeteredLoadQuantityuPHvmd+ ProRatedSubmittedLoadExemptionsuPHvmd

Note: DailyGrossMeteredLoadQuantity uPHvmd is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns (previously calculated) daily gross metered load quantities as generated by the HVAC Metered Load Price Pre-calculation.
MonthlySubmittedLoadExemptionsuPHvJm * HVACLoadPercentageuPHvd = DailyGrossMeteredLoadQuantityuPHvmd /MonthlyMeteredLoadQuantity uPHvm

Note: DailyGrossMeteredLoadQuantity uPHvmd is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns (previously calculated) daily gross metered load quantities as generated by the HVAC Metered Load Price Pre-calculation. = DailyGrossMeteredLoadQuantityuPHvmd

Note: DailyGrossMeteredLoadQuantity uPHvmd is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns the monthly quantity as a summation of daily gross metered load quantities generated previously from daily settlement calculation results for the applicable Trading Month. uPHvmd = BAHourlyResourceHVACMeteredQuantityBrtvuHn’Pmdh =PTOHourlyHVACMeteredQuantityBtvuHn’mdh

Note: PTOHourlyHVACMeteredQuantity BtvuHn’mdh is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns the monthly quantity as a summation of hourly HVAC metered quantities generated previously from hourly settlement calculation results for the applicable Trading Month.’mdh = ATTRIBUTESWAP(BAHourlyResourceHVACMeteredQuantityBrtvuHn’Pmdh)

Note: The interval positions for BA_ID and PTO_ID will utilize the ATTRIBUTESWAP function in order to provide PTO’s with HVAC meter quantities.’mdh =

ATTRIBUTESWAP(BAHourlyResourceExemptHVACMeteredQuantity BrtvuHn’Pmdh)

Note: The interval positions for BA_ID and PTO_ID will utilize the ATTRIBUTESWAP function in order to provide PTO’s with meter quantities associated with exemptions. BrtvuHn’Pmdh =



HVACMeteredLoadExceptionFlagBrt= 1


BASpecificHVACMeteredLoadExceptionFlagBt= 1

Note: Flags will only be created for BA/RSRC_ID combo’s where exceptions exist


Resource Type (t) = Load


NonPTOFlagException n’> 1

Note: Exception Flag will only be created for instances where NON_PTO_FLAG =’YES’ to ensure Non PTO load are not included in the HVAC load calculation and also to ensure that those particular records are not used to build the matrix. BrtvuHn’Pmdh = HVACMeteredLoadQuantityBrtuvHn’PNmdhi - BASettlementIntervalFinalBalancedContractHVACMeterQuantityBrtNhi


HVACMeteredLoadExceptionFlag Brt > 1


BASpecificHVACMeteredLoadExceptionFlag Bt > 1

Note: Flags will only be created for BA/RSRC_ID combo’s where exceptions exist


Resource Type (t) = Load


NonPTOFlagException n’> 1

Note: Exception Flag will only be created for instances where NON_PTO_FLAG =’YES’ to ensure Non PTO load are not included in the HVAC load calculation and also to ensure that those particular records are not used to build the matrix


OutputID / Name / Description
1 / HVACMonthlyMeteredLoadQuantityuPHvm / Actual Monthly HVAC Metered Load for UDC u, PTO P, HVAC Payer H, TAC Area v, during Trading Monthm.
2 / HVACDailyMeteredLoadQuantity uPHvmd / Estimated Daily HVAC Metered Load for UDC u, PTO P, HVAC Payer H, TAC Area v, during Trading Dayd.
3 / ProRatedSubmittedLoadExemptionsuPHvmd / Estimated Daily Pro-Rated Submitted Load Exemptions for UDC u, PTO P, HVAC Payer H, TAC Area v, during Trading Day d.
4 / HVACLoadPercentage uPHvd / HVAC Load Percentage for UDC u, PTO P, HVAC Payer H, TAC Area v, during Trading Day d.
5 / MonthlyMeteredLoadQuantity uPHvm / Monthly Metered Load Quantity for UDC u, PTO P, HVAC Payer H, TAC Area v, during Trading Month m.
6 / DailyGrossMeteredLoadQuantity uPHvmd / Daily Gross Metered Load Quantity for UDC u, PTO P, HVAC Payer H, TAC Area v, during Trading Day d.
7 / BAHourlyResourceHVACMeteredQuantity BrtvuHn’Pmdh / BA Hourly Resource HVAC Metered Quantity By BA ID B, RSRC ID r, RSRC TYPE t, TAC AREA ID v, UDC ID u, HVAC PAYER ID H, Non PTO Flag n’, PTO ID P, during Trading Day d.
8 / PTOHourlyHVACMeteredQuantity BtvuHn’mdh / PTO Hourly HVAC Metered Quantity By BA ID B, RSRC TYPE t, TAC AREA ID v, UDC ID u, HVAC PAYER ID H, Non PTO Flag n’, during Trading Day d.
9 / PTOHourlyResourceExemptHVACMeteredQuantity BrtvuHn’mdh / PTO Hourly Resource Exempt HVAC Metered Quantity By BA ID B, RSRC ID r, RSRC TYPE t, TAC AREA ID v, UDC ID u, HVAC PAYER ID H, Non PTO Flag n’, during Trading Day d.
10 / PTOMonthlyNetMeteredGrossLoadQuantity BvuHm / PTO Monthly Net Metered Gross Load Quantity By BA ID B, TAC AREA ID v, UDC ID u, HVAC PAYER ID H, during Trading Month m.
11 / BAHourlyResourceExemptHVACMeteredQuantity BrtvuHn’Pmdh / BA Hourly Resource Exempt HVAC Metered QuantityBy BA ID B, RSRC ID r, RSRC TYPE t, TAC AREA ID v, UDC ID u, HVAC PAYER ID H, Non PTO Flag n’, PTO ID P, during Trading Day d.
12 / BAMonthlyHVACMeterLoadAmount B / BA Monthly HVAC Meter Load Amount.

4.Charge Code Effective Date

Charge Code/
Pre-calc Name / Document Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type
HVAC Metered Load / 5.0 / 04/01/09 / Open3/31/09 / Documentation Edits Only
HVAC Metered Load / 5.1 / 04/01/09 / Open / Configuration and Documentation Edits
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 11