Blue Island Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

Dec 20, 2017 Minutes

Library Conference Room, 7:00 pm

  1. Call to Order (7:04 p.m.) Meeting presided by Board PresidentOrozco.
  1. Roll Call > Present, Trustees: Prater,Brown, Orozco, Mason Terzakis, Sklom,Castillo. Also present Library Director Waltman. Trustees absent: Perez, Chauncey
  1. Public CommentNone
  1. Introduction and presentation of guest None
  1. Reading of November2017 Meeting Minutes(7:05 p.m.) (action)
  • Trustee Sklom motioned to accept Nov 2017 Minutes; trustee Prater seconded the motion. All in favor.
  1. Reading of November 2017 Executive Session Meeting Minutes (7:10 p.m.) (action)
  • Trustee Sklom motioned to accept Nov 2017 Executive Minutes with corrections; Trustee Orozco seconded. All in favor.
  1. Financial Report (7:11 p.m.) (action)
  1. Revenue & Expense > Reviewed
  2. November 8 – December 14 2017 Payables > Trustee Mason Terzakis motioned (7:31 p.m.) to accept November 2017 Payables in the amount of $23,244.59; Trustee Sklom seconded. All in favor.
  3. Balance Sheet > Reviewed
  1. Director’s Report (7:18 p.m.)
  1. FOIA request
  2. SWAN Fees
  3. Levy complete
  4. Ritzman reply regarding Trustees
  5. IRS forms submitted
  1. Old Business (7:50 p.m.)
  2. SWAN
  3. Trustee issues (action)
  • Trustee Orozco e-mailed Mayor Vargas Nov 17, 2017 to inform of:

3 terms that expired in June 2016

3 terms that will expire in June 2018 (one of which leaves in Jan 2018).

This leaves us - with 2 Trustees with non-expired terms and 4 with expired terms.

  • Mayor Vargas has not responded.
  • The issue was discussed; Trustee Sklom motioned not to send letter or communicate a reminder to Mayor Vargas for now. The Board will wait until April 2018 to figure out how to precede communication with mayor, or address the issue earlier if the City of Blue Island brings up the topic.
  1. New Business
  2. Wellness initiative 2018 (action) (7:52 p.m.).
  • Trustee Sklom motioned to approve for entire year. All in favor.
  • Sexual Harassment policy review
  • Whistleblower policy review
  • Sexual harassment/whistleblower policy resolution (action) (8:13 pm)

Trustee Sklom motioned to consider Whistleblower Procedures policy 355 & Sexual And Other Harassment policy to be included in final resolution, of which draft will be submitted to attorney to review before accepting. All in favor.

  1. Executive Session for the purposes of discussing “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body” (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)).
  • Trustee Prater motioned the Board to go into Executive Session (8:15 pm)
  • Board exited Executive Session(8:29 pm)
  • Staff raises 2018 (action)
  • Raises were discussed – differences between 2% and 1% raises. Trustee Sklom motioned to give 2% raise to all staff; Trustee Brown seconded (8:31 pm). All in favor.
  • Trustee Meeting Dates 2018 (action)
  • Board agreed to skip June 20, 2018 BIPB meeting in consideration for the foreseen busy summer days/holiday and vacationing trustees engage in.
  • Trustee Castillo motioned to accept the 2018 Meeting dates with the exclusion of June; Trustee Prater seconded the motion (8:30 p m). All in favor.
  1. Legislative Updates
  2. Local Governments must formally adopt sexual harassment policies.
  3. Remember to adopt a formal meeting schedule.
  1. General Communication
  2. General reminder from attorney Roger Ritzman
  3. Thank you from Blue Cap for donation
  4. Next BIPL Board meeting will be Trustee Sklom’s last meeting after serving 17 years.
  1. Adjournment (8:36p.m.)Trustee Sklom motioned to adjourn.

The next meeting of the Blue Island Public Library Board of Trustees will be held on

Wednesday, February 21, 2017.

Any individual requiring special accommodations as specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act is requested to notify the Blue Island Public Library Director at (708) 388-1078 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting date.