BHS Track and Field Booster Club Meeting

BHS Track and Field Booster Club Meeting

BHS Track and Field Booster Club Meeting

March 21, 2012

Coach Miller talked about the team in general and how the numbers are down by approximately 20 athletes this season. Practices have been going okay and the scrimmage on the 20th went well. He was pleased with how everyone did to start off the season.

The meet next week at Central Mountain will have a start time of 3:30 due to the fact that it is a quad meet. This will be against Bald Eagle, Central and Central Mountain. He will update the website to reflect this change.

He has received/completed the entry form for the invitational at Brookville. He gave the form to the Treasurer (Sue Swartz) to process.

The clothing order has been submitted and monies turned in for deposit.

The soup fundraiser is coming to a close and the majority of forms were turned in today. Some individuals will be turning theirs in tomorrow. This is usually a very good fundraiser but it doesn’t look like it went very well. This may be due to the unseasonably warm weather we have been experiencing this spring.

The throwing coach has requested that there be two “J” heels purchased. These would be used by the various throwers at places that don’t have the actual track surface at those areas. They run approximately $23.95 each. Coach Miller has requested that the Booster Club cover this expense as his school budget has been expended. Deb Trowbridge made a motion that the Booster Club would cover the expense and Lynn Pensak seconded the motion and everyone agreed.

We talked about various fundraisers to help provide funds for the end of year purchases for the athletes. Something that isn’t very time involved at either end would be good. People mentioned various fundraisers that have been done in the past, etc. Coach may look into doing the pretzel sales again.

Sue Swartz talked about the upcoming Chicken BBQ and had those individuals in attendance review the letter and attachment that would be needed. Approval has been granted for the use of the front of the High School for this fundraiser on May 19th. Will check to see if the school with post it on the marquee in front of the school the day before for added reminder/advertisement. We talked about going with 300 halves seeing as we have 57 athletes @ 5 tickets per athlete presales and allowing for a few extras for day of pickup.

Pam Rogers made a motion that the Treasurer should purchase a box of envelopes (mainly for the Chicken BBQ) and a book of stamps for general use of paying bills, etc. and receive reimbursement from Booster Club monies. Kellie Gibboney seconded the motion and everyone agreed.

Coach Miller finalized the date for the Track & Field end of season banquet. The banquet will be held on Tuesday, June 5 at the Faith United Methodist Church.