Below is a functionality grid that we hope helps you quickly determine which tool will help you best.

OSU eMailer (you are able to get a list of students on your roster) / My Roster/E-mail tool in AdvisingConnect / Helpful Notes
Can export to .csv with student NO DATA / X / This is helpful if you want to narrow down your list (or not) and send using another e-mail tool.
Can export to .xls WITH DATA / X / This is helpful if you would like to assess your students beyond what the column of data for each student provides for you on the roster page.
See live preview before sending / X
Can send a test e-mail / X / OSU eMailer does not allow you to send a test e-mail.
Can send attachments / X
Can remove e-mail addresses from the TO field / X / OSU eMailer doesn’t allow you to do any manipulation to addresses.
Can add e-mail addresses in the TO field / NONE / NONE
Can send on behalf of / X
Can BCC / X / Future feature for AdvisingConnect
Can CC / X / Future feature for AdvisingConnect
Can export list of e-mails in a format to be used by another e-mail tool / X / X / The OSU eMailer exports in .csv only/ AdvisingConnect will export either a comma separated or semi-colon separated list.
Can import e-mail addresses from another data source / X / Future feature for AdvisingConnect
Html formatting / NONE / NONE (will arrive later) / Each tool gives you the ability to export a list of e-mail addresses; although the AdvisingConnect Roster Tool does a better job with giving you the format you need for a simple copy/paste job.
Merge Fields / X
Send e-mail to notes history / X / If you would like to send your roster in AdvisingConnect an e-mail that is not appropriate for academic notes, you can export e-mails into either a comma separated or semi-colon separated list (depending on what your e-mail client requires).
Filtering options / X / X / Each tool will give you different filtering options. OSU eMailer will have more options. For example, you are able to e-mail your list of students who HAVE NOT completed a TAP checklist item.
Special Note: The OSU eMailer will also allow you to send an e-mail to those OUTSIDE of your roster. For example, you may obtain a list of students by program/plan/sub-plan – filter the list down using specific criteria – and then send them an e-mail. You may also obtain a list of students enrolled in a particular course – filter the list down using specific criteria –and then send them an e-mail.

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