St Edward’s Catholic Primary School

Behaviour Policy
Approved by
Chair of Governors Head Teacher Pauline Cuddihy
Review Date:



At St Edward's School we aim to bring the children to an understanding that we are all members of God's family and as such we must have respect for ourselves, for other people and their property and for all living things.

We believe that it is essential that the example set to children by all the adults with whom they are in contact is one which demonstrates mutual respect.

We also believe that all adults who are connected with the school must

share the responsibility for establishing and maintaining the values that we wish to see reflected in the children's behaviour.


As a Catholic School we have expectations that every child will try to live according to the Gospel teaching. At all times we will try to foster values in our pupils. We expect pupils to be:

·  Kind

·  Polite

·  Honest

·  Helpful

·  Gentle

·  Patient

·  A friend

·  And the best they can be in everything they do and say.


We firmly believe that children learn when they feel valued and are praised for their achievements. This system of rewards provides a systematic, consistent and motivating approach. In brief:

·  Praise

·  Stickers

·  Friday celebration assembly will award pupils who have:

1.  shown the “Bee-attitudes”

2.  tried their best in English and in maths

3.  achieved in an activity they have attended either in school or outside.

·  Pupil of the term – selected by Governor from a list presented by class teachers. This award is presented 3 times per year and awarded in our end of term assembly.

·  Table of the week - chosen by lunchtime supervisors on a Friday. “The table of the week” will sit at a special table which has a special table cloth and trophy.

·  Golden Day – this will occur on a morning or afternoon each term for children who have been consistently good throughout the term. There will be a variety of different events on offer that children can choose to attend. Children need to be in the golden zone to attend. Children who are not in the Golden Zone will spend this time with the Head Teacher completing some work.

·  Individual class rewards chosen by each class teacher

·  WOW wall for displaying excellent examples of work

·  House points in KS1

·  Value Jars in KS1

If children do not follow these expectations these sanctions follow:


·  Red, amber green, gold visual display to reward appropriate behaviour

·  Warning

·  5 minutes ‘Time Out’ within class

·  5 minutes ‘Time Out’ with linked class

·  Lose 5 minutes break time

·  Sent to do their work for whole session with Phase Leader

·  Parents will be contacted by class teacher if there is felt to be a particular issue, or low level behaviour becomes prolonged or persistent

·  Miss break time and or lunch time play

Occasionally a pupil’s behaviour goes ‘beyond’ that which can be dealt with using the above strategies and we call this ‘severe behaviour’. Anything that is deemed severe behaviour should be recorded immediately on the appropriate Behaviour Incident report and passed to the Phase Leader who will then forward to the Head Teacher.

Severe unacceptable behaviour includes:

·  Refusing to carry out any adult instruction

·  Answering an adult back – including giving inappropriate noises or gestures

·  Spoiling own or other’s work

·  Wilful destruction of property

·  Hurting others – physically and/or emotionally

·  Acting in a manner which puts their own or other’s safety at risk

·  Unacceptable language or behaviour

Severe behavior Sanctions

·  Send to Head Teacher or Deputy/Assistant Head Teacher

·  Completed forms added to behaviour log including actions to be taken.

·  Exclusion from break/lunch times

·  If a second severe behaviour incident by the same child is logged in the behaviour log within the same term a letter will be sent to parents detailing the behaviour. On a third occasion a formal meeting will be arranged with parents.

·  Fixed Term Internal exclusion for a set time and discussion with parents before child rejoining the class

·  If Severe Behaviour continues during internal exclusion ‘next steps’ immediately follow

·  Fixed Term External provision at an alternative educational establishment

·  Fixed Term Exclusion

·  Permanent Exclusion


Inclusion of all children of any race, or disability whose special needs we are able to be meet and give appropriate access to the curriculum, is the heart of our foundation. To this end we:

·  regularly address appropriate curricular provision through audit and subsequent revised provision to meet the needs of our children

·  work with outside agencies to effectively inform staff about individual and group needs

·  secure appropriate resources for all properly identified needs

·  make real and sustained efforts to enlist support and establish partnership with all parents recognising the needs of the marginalised

·  regularly review the effects of behaviour strategies and induct staff into their use

·  use key stage and supervisor meetings to regularly discuss concerns, lift awareness and build staff confidence and expertise in dealing with different and challenging children

·  play situations appropriately resourced and used to extend socialisation and positive interaction and independent self management for all children

·  use of outside agencies and in-service training to provide ongoing support to the above


Exclusion is a very extreme measure and every step should be taken through the code of practice and application of strategies and sanctions to avoid exclusion and permanent exclusion.

·  We accept that it can be necessary because of the level of violence or other harmful behaviour towards children or adults to resort to exclusion strictly following LA advice and guidelines.

·  In that event, having taken advice, the Head Teacher will consult with the Chair of Governors before the action of exclusion is taken.

·  Exclusion should be for a minimum period to ensure maximum access to the curriculum.

·  The school will provide and mark work for the child.

·  With the inclusion officer every effort will be made to get appropriate support for the child and the family.

·  An extreme act can result in an immediate permanent exclusion.

·  Permanent exclusion can also come as a result of a series of damaging acts, self -harm or non-compliance.

Racist Incidents

It is a requirement that any incident with racist overtones must be recorded as a racist incident and immediately reported to the Head Teacher, with details noted down so that official recording can be made and appropriate action taken. There is a detailed Policy for ‘Dealing with Racist Incidents’.

Definition of a racist incident

Any incident that is perceived to be racist by those involved or by an observer of the incident or a parent and must be investigated and recorded as such by the school.