BCPA Membership Director Candidate 2018-2019

Bill Nickel, HealthPartners

1) How long have you been a member of the BCPA?

I’ve been a member of BCPA for over 20 years and have seen a lot of changes in the organization.

2) What areas of Business Continuity do you work in and describe one of your interesting projects of this past year?

I am responsible for Disaster Recovery at HealthPartners. One of the more interesting projects I’ve worked on over the last year has been the revamping of our Disaster Recovery Program. Starting from the ground up, I’ve overhauled our policy, standards, procedures, and forms. I’ve implemented a DRBC Advisory Board made up of representatives from each business area, providing overview and buy-in as well as a feedback voice for the business. This project has provided a unique opportunity for me to learn and understand different processes across the business, as well as get in front of and meet with key personnel that I normally wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do.

3) Where do you learn about new changes in the Business Continuity world?

I find the BCPA to be a fantastic resource to learn from both presenters and other members about new processes, upcoming changes, and future trends. I also find that my own Technical SMEs to be some of the best providers of the latest and greatest trends within their areas of expertise.

4) As a candidate – What “message would you approve” if you had a 30 second commercial spot?

Our MEMBERSHIP is our life blood! Without our members we wouldn’t exist as an organization. I’ve been on the BCPA Board for many years and have been a part of several great efforts. It is my goal to use my experience to both support the membership here at BCPA and work to help it grow. The BCPA is a critical resource for all of us; let’s build the membership together! I look forward to 2018!

BCPA Secretary Candidate 2018-2019

Kathy Davis, C.H. Robinson

1) How long have you been a member of the BCPA?

Since May of 2015

2) What areas of Business Continuity do you work in and describe one of your interesting projects of this past year?

I work on the Business Continuity team. This team conducts Business Impact Analysis, Business Continuity plan development, BC plan reviews and Crisis Management exercises. This year Kim and I expanded the program to cover our global offices.

3) Where do you learn about new changes in the Business Continuity world?

BCPA of course! I enjoy the networking and education in this group. I also attended the Secure360 event and I check the DRI and DRJ websites for business continuity news.

4) As a candidate – What “message would you approve” if you had a 30 second commercial spot?

I have enjoyed serving the BCPA as Secretary the past two years. I serve the membership by serving the Board and also by publishing the meeting notes on the website and answering questions you may have. The more organized the Board is, the more we can accomplish and I find it rewarding to help keep the Board organized. BCPA is a great place to learn and network. I am looking forward to the upcoming year!