Application Information

Thank you for your interest in Sound Overload 2012.

There are a number of eligibility criteria you must meet to enter the competition, as follows:

  • Majority of band members must be aged 12 to 18 years (inclusive);
  • Individuals may only represent one band;
  • Material submitted must not contain coarse language;

To enter the competition your band must submit an entry form, a link to You Tube or a CD recording and a photo of the band. CDs will not be returned. Recordings need not be of a professional standard but should include at least one original and at least one cover song.

From the entries received a number of bands will be selected to perform at the band competition heat on Friday 8 June. Successful bands will then go on to compete in the final of the competition on Saturday 23 Juneat Morley Sport and Recreation Centre. Finalists will be required to play a 20minute slot with at least 1 original and 1 cover.

Winners of Sound Overload Competition will receive prizes including:

1st Prize

  • 3 Days Recording Time
  • Professional Photo Shoot
  • $500Cash

2nd Prize

  • 1 Day Recording Time
  • $250 Cash

3rd Prize

  • $100 Cash

Entry packs and submissions must be received by 18 May 2012, however late applications will be considered.

Bands selected to play in the competition heat will be notified by 25 May 2012. Finalists will be notified by Wednesday 13 June 2012.

For all enquiries and further information please contact Gemma, Community Development Officer on:

Phone: 9272 0658


2012Entry Form


Name of Band:

Main contact person for band:



Postal address:

Band’s website/ MySpace/ Facebook address:


Name / Date of Birth / Instrument


Prior to the event, images submitted of the bands may be used for publicity and promotional purposes. During the competition the City of Bayswater’s photographer may be present to record performances. These photographs may be used for further promotion purposes.

To take part in Sound Overload band members must sign below. Parent/Guardian signature is required if the band member is under 18 years of age.

We hereby agree to the rules and regulations set out above and grant the City of Bayswater permission to use images from promotion of the event.

Please sign your consent below:

Band Member Name / Signature / Parent/Guardian Name / Signature

2012Entry Form


Please write an introduction of up to 100 words about your band. You may wish to mention you style, influences, any live performances you’ve done or a brief history of your band.

Note: This information may be amended by the City of Bayswater where appropriate


FINAL staging requirements:

Bands will need to provide instruments and any other special equipment. The City will provide basic backline requirements. Bands will be required to have their equipment checked by a certified electrician (this will be provided to the bands free of charge on the day of the concert if required).

Please indicate if you have any special requirements in regards to stage set up/ access etc.



Have you included the following in your entry?

A completed entry form (2 pages)

Music Recording (2 options)

CD recording which contains one original and one cover song along with a photo of the band (preferably emailed)

Or You Tube video link which contains one original and one cover song

Link to video can be found at

If selected, will all band members be available to play in both the heat on Friday 8 June and competition final on Saturday 23 June 2012?

Submitting your Entry


Posted to:

Attention: Community Development Officer

City of Bayswater

PO Box 467


In person to:

Attention:Community Development Officer

City of Bayswater

61 Broun Avenue

Morley WA 6062