SECTION 32 91 13


Based On DFD Master Specification Dated 02/17/2016

This section has been written to cover most (but not all) situations that you will encounter. Depending on the requirements of your specific project, you may have to add material, delete items, or modify what is currently written. The Division of Facilities Development expects changes and comments from you.Modify this document to account for project specific conditions. Use “Track Changes” when editing and providing review comments.



The work under this section shall consist of providing all work, materials, labor, equipment and supervision necessary to provide and prepare soil for seeding, sodding, and landscape planting. Included are the following topics:

PART 1 - General




Quality Assurance

PART 2 - Materials


Organic Soil Amendments



PART 3 - Execution

Subgrade Soil Preparation

Placing Topsoil

Organic Soil Amendments and pH Adjustment



Applicable provisions of Division 1 govern work under this Section.

Section 32 92 00 – Plants

Section 32 92 18 – Seeding

Section 32 92 23 – Sodding

Section 00 00 00 – (Section Title)


WISDOT SSHSCStandard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction

Section 625.2 Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction

Section 629.3.1Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction

S100 CompostWisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Specification

ASTM D5268-07Standard Specification for Topsoil Used for Landscaping

USDA Agricultural Handbook No. 60Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils


Provide product data, including applicable analytical data, for soil amendments including:

  • Organic Compost
  • Fertilizer

Provide copies of all quality assurance testing reports.

Material Test Reports: For standardized ASTMD5268 topsoil [existing native surface topsoil] [existing in-place surface soil] [and] [imported or manufactured topsoil]


Contact the Owner to determine the type, and frequency of quality assurance testing required on each project. Provide a listing of quality assurance testing requirements. If Contractor is not responsible for testing, modify this section accordingly.

The Contractor shall retain the services of an independent testing firm to conduct sampling, testing and analysis of salvaged and imported soil and amendments as required by this section and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. The materials testing consulting Architect/Engineer shall be subject to approval by the Owner.

Soil-Testing Laboratory Qualifications: An independent laboratory, recognized by the State Department of Agriculture, with the experience and capability to conduct the testing indicated and that specializes in types of tests to be performed.

Soil Analysis: For each unamended soil type, furnish soil analysis and a written report by a qualified soil-testing laboratory stating percentages of organic matter; gradation of sand, silt, and clay content; cation exchange capacity; sodium absorption ratio; deleterious material; pH; and mineral and plant-nutrient content of the soil.

Testing methods and written recommendations shall comply with USDA's Handbook No.60.

The soil-testing laboratory shall oversee soil sampling, with depth, location, and number of samples to be taken per instructions from Architect. A minimum of three representative samples shall be taken from varied locations for each soil to be used or amended for planting purposes.

Report suitability of tested soil for turf and plant growth.

Based on the test results, state recommendations for soil treatments and soil amendments to be incorporated. State recommendations in weight per 1000 sq.ft.or volume per cu. yd. for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash nutrients and soil amendments to be added to produce satisfactory planting soil suitable for healthy, viable plants.

Report presence of problem salts, minerals, or heavy metals, including aluminum, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, lithium, and vanadium. If such problem materials are present, provide additional recommendations for corrective action.

Collection of soil specimens shall be complete in accordance with accepted practices, and shall be subject to approval by the Owner.



Clean salvaged or imported material capable of passing the 1” sieve and meeting the requirements of Section 625.2(1) of the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. The material shall be free of rocks, gravel, wood, debris, and of noxious weeds and their seeds.

Naturally fertile, agricultural soil, capable of sustaining vigorous growth, of uniform composition throughout, without admixtures of subsoil, free of clay, stones larger than 1” inch diameter, roots, trash and debris of any kind, supplied by Contractor at his/her expense, and subject to approval by the Architect/Engineer and DFD Construction Representative.


Organic Compost: Well-composted, stable, and weed-free organic matter, pH range of 5.5 to 8; moisture content 35 to 55 percent by weight; 100 percent passing through [1-inch] [3/4-inch] [1/2-inch] sieve; soluble salt content of [5 to 10] decisiemens/m; not exceeding 0.5 percent inert contaminants and free of substances toxic to plantings. Organic Matter Content: [50 to 60] [ ] percent of dry weight.

Organic Compost: Compost meeting Wisconsin DNR S100 Compost Specification.


All fertilizers shall be delivered fully labeled according to applicable regulations, bearing name, trade name or trademark of producer, along with producer’s warranty. Application amounts of fertilizer and lime will be governed by the recommendations of the soil test.

Fertilizer: Granular, non-burning product composed of not less than fifty (50) percent organic slow-acting, guaranteed analysis professional fertilizer. Commercial fertilizer shall conform to Wisconsin State Statutes, Section 94.64, and meet the standards of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture as to registration and labeling. Fertilizer shall be specified in the contract documents as to composition, but is subject to revision to suit project site conditions.


Lime material shall meet the requirements of Section 629.2.2 of the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction.


Subgrade Soil INSPECTion

Examine the sub-grade condition and that all drainage requirements have been met. Remove all debris and unsuitable material present.

Subgrade Soil Preparation

Remove or mow all vegetation to a height 3”. Remove all rocks, debris, and litter that will prevent compliance with topsoil and seeding specifications. Final grade area to within 2” of subgrade elevations. Till or disc the subsoil to a depth of 2”-4” to allow aeration. Areas shall be graded to a smooth uniform surface plane with loose, uniformly fine texture. All areas shall be rolled and raked to remove ridges and fill depressions and ready for final topsoil or planting mixture application. Areas shall be restored if eroded or otherwise disturbed after grading.

placing topsoil OR PLANTING MIXTURE

Planting Mixture:

Ratio of Loose Compost to Topsoil by Volume: [1:4] [1:3] [1:2] parts native topsoil from project site to organic compost. Conform to alternate mixes as specified for beds of certain ornamental plants. All mixing shall be done by mechanical means subject to the approval of the Architect/Engineer.

Place topsoil/planting mixture to achieve final grades indicated on the Drawings, allowing for settlement. Place to the depth shown on the Drawings. If no depth is shown provide a minimum of 6” of topsoil.

If topsoil/planting mixture depths are greater than 6” then the topsoil shall be installed in lifts. Moisten the soil surface between lifts at a rate of two gallons of water per square foot. Allow water to thoroughly percolate through and settle and dry before rolling and placing the next lift.

Place and spread the specified planting mixture to the correct depths adjusting for the difference between seed, sod or planting bed finished grade.

Do not apply topsoil to saturated or frozen subgrades.


Provide lime or other organic soil amendments as recommended soil analysis. If topsoil has been determined acceptable by a soil test, no amendments are needed.

Uniformly apply lime and organic soil amendments, and incorporate into the top 4”-6” of soil by tilling or discing.


Fertilizer shall be applied in accordance with the requirements of Section 629.3.1 of the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction.


DSF Project No.

32 91 13 -1