Balance of State Continuum of Care Committee

March 4, 2015


On phone: Chris Leach, Debbie Snapp, Jami Crowder, Deanne Goering,Dani Dresslar, Natasha Derakhshanian, Vivian Baars, Emily Wagner, Phyllis Shaefer, Anne Smith, Tonja Hornbeck, Cheryl Patrick, Megan Thomson, Sara Rust-Martin, Alana Winner, Shawn Rice, Dusty Chowder, Christy McMurphy

Guest(s): none

Topic Item / Recommendations/Actions / Follow-up
Welcome, introductions and announcements. Corrections to minutes. / The February minutes were approved. / Carry Over from January/February: James Chiselom volunteered to contact Phyllis Shaefer to work out guidelines for their new COC RRH grant. The CoC RRH grants have different expectations/regulations from HUD than the ESG RRH grants. The BoS CoC needs to draft and approve the guidelines set for CoC RRH grants based on HUD’s regulations. James and Phyllis will work on initial draft language and bring it back to the CoC committee.
PIT Count/MAACLink Survey/HIC/TA / Natasha and Dani reported that for the most part, the PIT/HIC went smoothly. Some agencies still need to summit PIT or HIC data. Dani and Natasha are following up with these agencies. / Both the PIT and HIC is due to HUD the first week of April, therefore, all data needs to be submitted to Dani/Natasha by the last week of March, preferably sooner.
BHOC & HMIS Updates / James Chiselom was not in attendance so the HMIS Data Quality Plan was tabled until he is present to discuss it. Natasha plans to do two HMIS trainings soon: Lawrence on March 19th (call/email Natasha for location) and on March 12th in Augusta at the South Central Regional CoC Mini Summit. / Will discuss data quality plan when James is in attendance.
Summit / Summit registration is on KSHC website. Workshop proposals are still coming in. Everything is progressing smoothly. / None at this time.
NOFA Committee / The NOFA Planning Committeemet 2/25 in Manhattan. The committeeis making good progress. They spent most of the time reviewing and revising the scoring tool. Cheryl is looking for one more member for the R&R committee. / Send recommendations to the R&R committee to Cheryl.
Coordinated Assessment / Cheryl is organizing a committee. She still needs members. HUD released a document on coordinated assessment this morning. Members need to read it. / Contact Cheryl if you want to be on committee.
CoC Manual / Not addressed / None at this time.
Grantee/Regional Updates / South Central/Joyce Stockham:(Tonya Hornbeck) Next meeting will be March 12 and will be a mini Summit.
South West/Debbie Snapp: Need to schedule meeting.
South East/ Jami Crowder: They are focused on getting members to fill gaps in their continuum. Next meeting is March 11th and is in Pittsburg at Via Christi.
North East/Emily Wagner: Next Meeting in April. Emily is looking for someone to assume the Regional Coordinator role for the NE region.
East Central/Beth Waddle: (Anne Smith) No meeting has been held.
Lawrence/Dani Dressler: Next meeting April 14th.
North West/Linda Mills: Not Present
Central/Mike Lynam: Not Present
4. Other Updates / Members discussed whether meeting by phone vs. meeting in person was good and members expressed satisfaction with meeting by phone. It was agreed to continue BOS CoC meeting by phone only for future meetings. / Members need to make sure they are recognized and recorded in the minutes for attendance.
5. Next Mtg / April 1st. / Teleconference/GoToMeeting only.

Signature of Recorder:Christy McMurphy