Name: ______Hour: ______

AZ Driver License Manual &Customer Service Guide

Section 2, Pages 21-29

1. ______means being constantly aware of the driving conditions, planning ______, anticipating ______and taking the correct action to avoid collisions.

2. The two most important driving attitudes that you can develop are ______and ______.

3. It is important to concentrate and be alert while you are behind the wheel of an automobile. As you do this, you develop the habit of keeping your ______on your driving.

4. True or False – Being extremely tired or emotionally distressed can be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol.

5. Having foresight while driving is important. Explain.

6. List four ways to prepare yourself for unpredictable events and drive defensively.

7. Through what three ways should beginning drivers learn to operate an automobile?

A. ______B. ______C. ______

8. What are three common areas in which experienced drivers have problems with operating automobiles?

A. ______B. ______C. ______

9. It is important that you constantly work to improve your driving. What three ways can your improvement be measured?

10. The problem with minor distractions is that they take your ______away from driving.

11. If you are going to use a ______in a vehicle, it is best to pull off the roadway and stop. If these items are used while driving it is difficult to keep both hands on the wheel and give your complete attention to driving.

12. What is meant by keep your eyes moving or scan the roadway constantly?

12. True or False – You create a space cushion by being certain you have enough room ahead and behind you. Additionally, it is important to stay in the middle of your lane.

13. Explain how to use the “3-6 second” rule to avoid tailgating.

14. What are some steps you can take to encourage a tailgater to pass you?

15. What is meant by blind spots? Where are they located?

16. Being someone else’s blind spot for an extended period is dangerous. If this occurs, ______up or ______back.

17. True or False – You should use your turn signals anytime you change directions while driving.

18. You should signal at least ______seconds before you turn so that other drivers have time to ______.

19. If you plan to turn just after an intersection, when should you signal and why?

20. Once you have completed your turn, it is important to turn ______your signal.

21. True or False – If a person performs a turn signal properly and gives plenty of notice, this gives him the right-of-way.

22. Label the hand signals shown below.


23. Mark the times below you should use your turn signals.

____making a lane change ____entering a parking spot on the right or the left

____ leaving the freeway ____ pulling away from the curb

____ pulling into a driveway ____ making a right turn or a left turn

____ pulling over to pick up a friend ____ entering the freeway

24. When you are passing another vehicle, it is important to not cut them off when you pull back into a position in front of them. What can you use as a guideline for moving safely in front of the vehicle you pass?

25. What should you do when another driver comes up behind you and sounds his horn and flashes his lights?

26. Passing other vehicles on the roadway must be done safely and legally. For each statement below, place an S for safe and a U for unsafe.

______Passing a car on the left who is signaling to do a left turn.

______Approaching within 100 feet of a railroad crossing.

______Passing on the left when you are on a open highway which is clearly marked with two or more lanes
moving in the same direction.

______Getting close to a curve or on top of a hill in two-way traffic.

27. Which vehicles have the right-of-way in a roundabout?

28. True or False – Roundabouts travel in a “clockwise” direction.

29. True or False - It is perfectly legal to pass on the right by driving off the paved or main portion of the roadway.

30. List four things you should do when performing emergency parking.

31. For each parking situation below, tell which direction you should turn your front wheels.

A. right side, up hill with a curb ______

B. left side, downhill without a curb ______

C. right side, downhill with a curb ______

D. left side, uphill without a curb ______

32. Mark the areas below where you may legally park a vehicle.

within 50 feet of a railroad crossing / a parking garage at the U. of A
a parking lot at a sporting goods store / within a tunnel
in front of a private or public driveway / on a bridge
the parking lot at a movie theater / on a sidewalk
on the shoulder of the freeway to surf the internet / on a crosswalk
within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection / within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
within the boundaries of an intersection / near a sign stating, no parking
parking on the shoulder of a freeway / in your own driveway because your car’s transmission blew

33. What are some rules you should follow when backing up a vehicle?

34. What is the key to entering the freeway smoothly?

35. When exiting from a freeway, at what point or area should you decrease your speed?

36. Match the following in regard to freeway driving.

_____ used by higher-speed traffic and passing a. right lane

_____ used for slower-speed traffic and entering/exiting b. left lane

37. Mark the items that are legal to do on the freeway.

_____ make a U-Turn

_____ back up if you miss an exit

_____ park on the shoulder in the case of an emergency

_____ drive over or across any dividing section or separation

_____ enter and exit at proper ramps

_____ signal before changing lanes

_____ walk

38. Is it illegal to drive over, across, or park in any part of the gore area? ______

Draw the gore area in the space below.