3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9
10 / 11
12 / 13 / 14 / 15
16 / 17
18 / 19
20 / 21 / 22
23 / 24
25 / 26 / 27
29 / 30 / 31
32 / 33 / 34
35 / 36 / 37
40 / 41

Astronomical word grid

Astronomical wordgrid


4.The distance of an object with a parallax of one second
7.The plane of our galaxy visible as a pale band of stars

12.The shape of a planet’s orbit
14.Name given to the line between day and night on the Moon
17.The brightest star in the northern sky
18.The apparent backwards movement of the planets in the sky
22.A type of variable star used to measure distance
25.The name used to describe the brightness of a star
26.The name given to a very large but cool star
29.He discovered the moons of Jupiter
30.A type of telescope using lenses
35.A very luminous and distant compact object
36.The energy that powers the stars
38.The moon of Jupiter with an active volcano
40.The largest planet
42.The line in the sky along which the Sun and the planets move


1. An object with an escape velocity greater than the speed of light

2. A huge cloud of low density gas sometimes shining

3. A huge collection of some hundred thousand million stars

5. A ball of ice and rock orbiting the Sun with a long period

6. A star emitting radio waves of with a period that may be as short as a few seconds

7. A lump of rock falling through the Earth’s atmosphere

8. The time it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun once

9. The name given to a small hot star is a …. dwarf

10. A bright planet visible as a morning or evening star

11. He proposed the law of gravitation

13. The furthest planet from the Sun

15. A type of telescope using a large mirror as the objective

16. The name of the point on an orbit closest to the Sun

17 A new star formed by a massive explosion of a star

19. The name of a telescope mounting with one axis parallel to that of the Earth

20. The change of colour of the light from receding galaxies

21. The constellation containing the star Rigel

23. The time it takes the Earth to rotate once on its axis

24. He discovered three laws of planetary motion

27. The name given to a star whose brightness changes

29. The spectral class of our Sun

31. Stars that never set

32. The time of year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator

33. Name given to the “seas” on the Moon

34. The distance light travels in a year

37. A new star formed by a partial explosion of another star

39. The name given to the “wobbling” of the Moon that allows us to see more than half of it

41. The proper name for the constellation part of which we call the Plough