Executive Committee

Meeting Minutes

June10, 2015

Appoquinimink State Service Center, Middletown, De.

9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Members Present: Barbara Monaghan, Larry Henderson, Brian Hartman, Rick Kosmalski.

Members Absent: Terri Hancharick, Diann Jones, Steve Slotkin.

Staff: Pat Maichle


I.Call to Order – The meeting was Called to Order at 9:30 a.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes – The Minutes of the 2/11/15 meeting were approved as submitted.
  1. Approval of Agenda – The Agenda was approved as submitted.
  1. Chair’s Report
  1. Today is the last Day Services Transition meeting and tomorrow is the last day for the Residential group. These work groups are developing provider self-assessments to ultimately be used to come into compliance with the new CMS HCBS Medicaid waivers. After the committees submit the questions for each survey to Jane Gallivan, DDDS has the ability to add or subtract to the assessments and then it will be submitted to CMS by DMMA for approval.
  2. Bill and Barbara have been asked to present at the NACDD national conference in July to talk about the CMS Rule and our process as it has played out thus far. DMMA will provide a power point presentation of timelines for each step of the process for them to use. Jane Gallivan has expressed an interest in helping with this presentation.
  3. Barbara served on the legislative Family Caregivers Task Force. A final report has been completed and will be submitted to the General Assembly. AARP was integral in that process and provided a lot of the research that the members used to build the final report and recommendations. The intent of the members was to include caregivers for those who are older and for those who have disabilities of all ages. The report has been forwarded to the DDC Members.
  1. Staff Report
  1. We will be attending the NACDD annual conference in Nevada in July. Members of the DDC who are self-advocates are attending as the primary focus of the conference is self-advocates as leaders. We have submitted a paper for consideration by the planning committee for Barbara and Bill to present at the conference with Jane Gallivan on the process for the new CMS Rule. We are waiting to hear back if we have been accepted.
  2. The work to be completed by DMMA towards compliance with the new CMS Rule comes under the auspices of the Governor’s Commission. At the last Commission meeting, Pat was asked to work with DMMA to develop informational materials for the public concerning this process. Lisa Zimmerman will work with Pat to complete this task.
  3. Diann has requested a medical leave of absence from the Council for a period to be determined. She is not asking to be removed from the Council. The Members present felt this should be officically presented to the Council and that they should approve this request. That will come forward for the July meeting.
  4. Will need new Chairs for both the FAC and Partners Oversight Committees because of Diann’s need to ask for a leave of absence. As the Election of Officers occurs in September, Pat will ask other members of each Committee to assume the role until the election in September.
  1. Financial Report/FAC Committee Report – An updated Budget Sheet was provided to the Members with the addition of the projected FY16 grant funds. We currently have $46,000 FY15 project funds available to allocate as well as new FY16 funds that have not yet been obligated. After the close of our fiscal year on September 30th, we will finalize expenditures and report the state of the budget at that point to DDC.

At the September Council meeting, we will, as always, vote on the proposed budget for FY16 as submitted by the FAC. The FAC will meet in August to develop this proposed budget.

  1. Current Business
  1. LIFE Update – The Planning Committee has been working to build the Agenda for the 2016 Conference. We will be working for the next year to make the arrangements for this Conference. The Conference will be in January 2016.
  2. Legislative Agenda/Event Report – We will begin to plan for this Agenda and Event in September. All are invited to be part of this process.

Brian talked about H.B. 126, S. B. 92, S.B. 93. The session ends on June 30th and the bills that haven’t been passed will carry over until January 2016.

  1. COOP– Update – We had our COOP Drill in April. It was a good process to complete as it made us think of emergency plans. We have a final report to complete. And, we need to review it each year for updates. We still do not have an alternate site from which to work in case of a large emergency. Joe Swiski from DSHS attended the drill and just reported that if we were displaced, he would find an alternate site for SCPD. He did not mention DDC. The reps from DTI were concerned about the response that we received from Joe during this drill.
  2. ADA25 Celebration – Our large event to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the signing of the ADA is planned for July 18th from 11:00 to 5:00 in Dover. All are invited to attend and bring their families to enjoy the day. We are inviting corporate partners to be involved including the U.S. Business Leadership Network who will bring the American Disability History Museum to Dover. The save the date will be out this week and the full flyer will be out next week. All should share it on their web sites, facebook, etc. We will have a hashtag for the event.
  3. Strategic Planning – The Ad Hoc has met several times to plan this process. We will have 3 separate events; focus groups in September, a virtual “café discussion” in October, and the large final event in April 2016. From this process the DDC will develop our new 5-year State Plan to begin in FY17. All Members of the DDC will be involved in this process as well as our partners, GACEC and SCPD.
  4. Trademark Process – Pat is working with the Attorney General’s office to apply for the Trademark for Jr. Partners in Policymaking program. Our DAG, Victoria, is helping us with the application. We will report the process as it happens. We are able at this point to use the TM in the corner of the name of the program on our paperwork and publications.
  1. New Business
  1. State Plan – We are about to start the final year of the current 5-year State Plan. The DDC will approve the final year in July and will be submitted to AIDD in August.
  2. September DDC Meeting – The meeting will be at the Duncan Center in Dover at 6:00 on September 9th. The election of officers will take place and a vote on the proposed budget at that meeting.
  1. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned by 10:30 a.m.