Catholic Charities


We are sorry that you are leaving Catholic Charities. We would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to answer the following questions as completely as possible. The purpose of this questionnaire is to enable Catholic Charities to examine your experience with our organization and identify improvements in employment practice for the future.

The information you provide will be kept confidential. General information will be put into our database and used only to produce regular monitor information. Please be assured that your comments will not influence future references or re-employment within Catholic Charities.

Name (Optional)Position

Program Supervisor

Date of Hire Last Day of Work

1.Primary and Secondary Reasons for leaving

What made you decide to leave Catholic Charities? Please select your main reason with #1 and secondary reason with #2:

{ }Return to School

{ } Company direction

{ } New occupation

{ } Work Conditions

{ } Quality of Supervision

{ } Career Advancement Opportunity

{ } Work Load

{ } Work Hours

{ } Work Environment

{ } Salary

{ } Benefits

{ } Lack of Recognition

{ } Corporate Culture

{ } Family Circumstances

{ } Personal

Please explain______

2.What would have encouraged you to stay?



Please rate your supervisor on the following:

Always / Usually / Sometimes / Never
Follows polices and procedures
Treats employee in a fair & equal way
Expresses instruction clearly
Provides recognition for a job well done
Resolves complaints and problems
Encourages suggestions
Develops cooperation and teamwork


4.Work Satisfaction

Where you satisfied with your job?

{ } Yes

{ } No______

5.How frequently did you receive your performance feedback? Formally or informally?

6.Do you have any thoughts about the performance review process?

7.Any other comments______

8.Workload and Flexibility

Was your workload usually:

{ }Too great

{ } Varied, but mostly right

{ } About right

{ } Too light

9.Did you make any suggestions about maintaining the work schedule?

{ } Yes

{ } No

If yes, please explain

10. Salary and benefits satisfaction

Did you believe you were paid appropriately for this position in this area?

{ } Yes

{ } No ______

11.Please comment on the qualities of your employee benefit package.

Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / N/A / Unaware
Medical/Dental Plan
401 (k) Plan
Life Insurance
Leave Benefits

Other comments?______

12. Training & Development

Did you receive enough on the job training to improve your work?

{ } Yes

{ } No______

13. Were you encouraged to attend trainings, which would help you with further promotion?

Did you receive enough on the job training to improve your work?

{ } Yes

{ } No______

14.Organizational and Program Communication

How would you rate the following information concerning your job?

Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / N/A
Cooperation within your program
Cooperation with other your programs
Communications in your program
Communications within the organization as a whole
Morale in your program
Communication between organization and county/state/funder.

15.General Information

Would you recommend Catholic Charities to a friend as a place to work?

{ } Yes, without reservations

{ } Yes, with reservations


{ } No

16.Would you consider returning to Catholic Charities for employment in the future?

{ } Yes

{ } No______

17.Would you work in the same program/office you are leaving?

{ } Yes

{ } No______

17.What did you like MOST about your job and/or our organization?

18.What did you like LEAST about your job and/or our organization?

19.What do you believe to be the new and positive things about your new job?

20.What can be done to make Catholic Charities’ workplace more rewarding? Any suggestions for the structure of the position you are leaving?

Thanks for your assistance!

