This meeting took place at the Church Hall at 7.30pm

Present: Geoff Conlon (GC) Chair Glenys Rowe (GR)

Havel Allinson (HA) Steve Kennett (SK)

Jason Charman (JC) Mike Toynbee (MT)

Tim Simpson (TS) Sandie Conlon (SC)

Geoff Uren (GU) Katie Ohno (KO)

Vicky Spiers (VS) Rebecca Beveridge (RB)

Ros Simpson (RS)

Sue Endacott (SE)

Jim Endacott (JE)

Apologies received from Carol Henderson (CH), Rachel King (RK), Leigh Cresswell (LC), Dave Cole (DC), and Sue Wood (SW)

GC opened the meeting by giving an update on current status of NP, he advised that Maureen Chaffe a NP advisor has now officially joined us and she will be producing a report on the State of the Parish at the current time which is required. He advised that CH had produced a document asking for evidence and asking for people to obtain, he asked if this could be forwarded to all the CWG aswell, please can focus group leaders do this.

GC advised that with regard to community engagement HA had produced a document with a list of people that we think did not attend the NP Launch, each Councillor has taken responsibility for certain areas/roads and engaging these people. GU advised that he has done a flyer, he has hand delivered this to residents in Hog Lane who were on HA’s list.

HA advised that she has also done a flyer and delivered to Rackham Road and Crossgates to those who did not attend the NP Launch, the flyer advises that there will be a pop up NP meeting in the middle bar of The Sportsman on 6th May at 8.15pm.

HA also advised that she and RB had met with Mr Gilbert (head of Amberley First School) and he has extended an invite for us to engage with families of children who live in Amberley and attend the school on Wed 20th May from 2pm-3pm.

HA further advised that James Tolson has provided her with a list of people from Houghton Bridge and North Stoke that didn’t attend the NP Launch, Frankie from Riverside tearooms has offered to open up the tearoom on 18th May at 7.30pm for a meeting for these residents.

HA asked RS if she had met with the Youth Group, RS advised yes but needed to do more, she advised that SE and JE have suggested a BBQ on Millennium Green on either 28th, 29th or 30th May, they would set it all up for them but Youth Group would run it, post-it notes etc. also to be supplied.

GR asked GU why on his flyer he had only mentioned Housing under key questions, GU said he took her point but flyers had all gone out now. He also advised that the Housing Focus group had decided that a Housing Survey (HS) was required in order to obtain the evidence we require for the NP, AiRS will do this, and they ask questions around income which would be hard for us to do in our NP Questionnaire (NPQ). VS advised that Tom Warder from AiRS had asked when we wanted the HS to go out to residents. GU advised that this should be ASAP and that this would not replace the Housing and Design questions in the NP Questionnaire.

GR said she thought we had decided not to do a HS. She expressed some disappointment that the decision seemed to have been made without further consultation with the CWG.

GU advised that CH had sent round a HS done by AiRS for Aldingbourne and the Housing focus group had decided that without doing the HS they did not have the capacity to obtain the required information for evidence.

RB asked if the HS and the NPQ could be combined, there then followed a discussion whether two questionnaires were required and if this would affect the engagement of residents in completing and if we needed support for a particular type of housing could we establish this by looking at income figures from the 2011 Census.

GC moved the meeting onto discuss possible questions for the NPQ, he said this is key, some people have made a start, James Tolson has done some in relation to the Environment and RB is doing some for the Employment & Tourism group. RB advised that she hadn’t finished them yet and also queried as we have not finished engaging with the Community yet weren’t we jumping ahead.

SK advised that he was happy to work with everyone once they have given him some ideas on the questions that were going to be included, he won’t be writing the questions from scratch. SK expressed a concern that he had not received any information by email yet.

GU advised that we have had two very big changes with the NP lead RK moving to Japan and CH announcing that she was leaving the Parish Council.

SK suggested that he set up a separate Listserve for the NP and CWG members, so we can all communicate more effectively. Unanimously agreed. VS to send him names and emails. He said he will set up early next week.

GC advised that the NP web pages were now up and running.

RB asked should we be starting to generate questions or wait until all the community engagement events were completed.

SK said he will do what people wanted, thinks around 20 questions in total,doesn’t want 40 or 50 from each person please.

GC suggested that each focus group works together and then forwards their draft questions to SK.

GU queried with SK if 20 questions would be enough.

SK advised that the NPQ needs to be focused. GU agreed but said that we need enough questions to gather evidence. GU said that we can also ask Maureen Chaffe.

SK advised everyone just to get the basic issues down and he can then work with them all in developing the questions.

JE suggested that each focus group could produce a maximum of 5 questions and then email to the NP Listserve so everyone can see.

RB said that 5 questions was too tough to meet and that we don’t want to over edit at this stage.

SK suggested writing down the issues that need to be answered and possible questions that can answer them, he can then put something together, he agreed that there doesn’t need to be a limit of 5 questions especially at this stage.

RB said that she has about 10 questions at the moment and that there is possibly some cross over with other groups but if all the groups did this we could then have a debate on them.

GC suggested that the email detailing the requirements for evidence for State of the Parish report is circulated to CWG, he asked VS to circulate and said that CH had put suggested names against sections, please could people come back and agree that they are looking at the items that show their names.

GU stated that we also needed a revised timeline. VS advised that she had done one and sent to CH that week, she will update with details from this meeting and then forward onto all.

GC reiterated that we are hoping to finish all engagement events by 20th May, excluding the Youths BBQ.

SK advised that he has some time constraints as he is currently acting a Chairman and Vice Chair for the Spinners, Wheelers & Dyers which is a UK and International association and things can get very busy.

GC encouraged focus groups to get together.

KO stated that as of yet she had not been asked to do anything, she would love to help out!

GU asked her if she would like to join the Housing & Design focus group as he is the Chairman of Planning Committee he feels someone else should be leading this group. KO agreed that she would join the Housing focus group.

RS advised that she has asked JC to help out with the Youth Group.

RB advised that she is also assisting in liaising with the school as she has a child that attends and also runs a guest house.

HA asked if we could have a contact list, VS advised that she has done one and will email out to everyone.

TS asked when the next meeting was, VS advised 6.30pm on 21st May, before the next PC meeting.

GU said could we look at a deadline date to post issues/questions to Steve, agreed 15th May, but do as and when before this date. Also agreed to put on NP Listserve for all focus groups to be able to see.

HA asked if we could also put details on NP Listserve of when we were all meeting.

GC closed the meeting at 8.35pm.

Vicky Spiers – Clerk to APC

6th May 2015

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