AP Exam Review Questions

AP Exam Review Questions

1.  Why are map projections distorted?

2.  On what level of political organization are the following institutions:


b.  School Board

c.  U.S. Congress

d.  British Columbia, Canada

e.  United Nations

3.  What are centrifugal forces of a nation?

4.  What present-day country is located in the region once known as the cultural hearth, Mesopotamia or the Fertile Crescent?

5.  What country is currently ruled by a fundamentalist Shiite Muslim theocracy?

6.  Identify as many “stateless” nations as you can?

7.  Identify the religion which matches the appropriate site for “pilgrimmages”:

a.  Jerusalem ______

b.  Mecca ______

c.  Northern India ______

8.  Give examples of primary economic activities:

9.  Give examples of secondary economic activities:

10.  Give examples of tertiary economic activities:

11.  What are the three elements of spatial distribution?

12.  What kinds of economic activities occur on the outer rings of von Thunen’s model?

13.  What are the three flow determining factors of spatial interaction?

14.  What is outsourcing?

15.  What determines the highest terminal cost of shipping goods?

16.  Describe Stage 4 of the demographic transition model?

17.  Summarize the Gravity Model?

18.  In which stage of the DTM does a nation achieve the highest levels of population growth?

19.  What kinds of economic activities typically occur in countries that are in Stages 1 & 2 of the DTM?

20.  What factors contribute to the reduction in birth rates in Stage 3 of the DTM?

21.  What model of urban development maintains that large cities develop as separately expanding clusters of contrasting economic activities?

22.  Draw the outline and profile of a New England “Saltbox” House.

23.  What is the difference between supranationalism and devolution?

24.  What are the two different kinds of globalization and what are examples of each?

25.  What are the three models of urban development?

26.  What is NIMBY?

27.  What are “squatter settlements”, and where are they most commonly found?

28.  In what two Canadian cities are Asian immigrants most likely to be found?

29.  What culture trait would most likely be concentrated in Tennessee?

30.  Where are the highest concentrations of Mormons in the United States? Lutherans? Baptists? Catholics? Methodists? (p. 187)

31.  What is the most common transportation pattern in African countries?

32.  What is the difference between subsistence and commercial agriculture?

33.  What is the “Green Revolution”?

34.  What are the pros and cons of organic agriculture?

35.  What is sustainable agriculture, and how is it different than conventional commercial agriculture?

36.  What is the difference between weight-gain (bulk-gain) and weight-loss (bulk-loss) industries?

37.  What factor determines whether an industry is material-oriented or market-oriented?

38.  What is red-lining and why is it a problem?