Alternative Energy Source Project

Alternative Energy Source Project Honors

Fossil fuels, our most important energy resources, are nonrenewable resources and will not always be abundantly available in the future. There are several alternative energy resources; some are currently being used with great success, some are still in the experimental stage. For the next three weeks you will be doing research, creating an informational tri-fold brochure with original logo, writing a news article/editorial, presenting and debating these sources of energy as well as a holding town hall meeting (community is the classroom) to decide and vote on which alternative energy resource best meets the needs of the community.

The project will be done in groups of two, you and a partner. It is broken into 6 parts: 1) research, 2) tri-fold informational brochure, 3) original hand drawn Logo included on the brochure, 4) News Article/Editorial Article and 5) Debate/Socratic Seminar, 6) Town Hall meeting recapping options and a vote by town members on best energy source for their community. The project is designed to be completed at school, with the exception of the logo and news article which can be completed at home. If a student is absent during the project the make up work can be completed at home.

Part 1 Research: This will be a Formative Daily grade. Each student individually must do their own research. Then as a pair they collaborate on a final product. Due Monday December 6, 2010 (Beginning of class period with final project)

We will spend 5 days in the computer lab and/or classroom collecting information and research. A folder on the common student file under your teacher's name will have websites for you to use. You must use the approved websites provided to you. Any additional websites you use may be viewed at your own home. Be sure to include on your research page all websites used to gather information and pictures.

This information is the minimum that needs to be in your research:

1.  How do we take the resource and convert it into a usable form of energy?

2.  What are some examples of its current use?

3.  How else could this energy source be used?

4.  What are the apparent environmental impacts associated with this resource? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this energy source?

5.  Is this technology widely accepted today? Why or why not?

6.  Do the costs of this technology make it prohibitive for common use? Why or why not?

7.  Why would this energy source best meet the needs of your community?

8.  Works cited, websites used for information. This will be done on a separate sheet of paper and students must use MLA format.

Arrange your research notes the way you plan to present them on your tri-fold brochure. ***If you find pictures you'll use, note on your research where you’ll be using them and the web address of where they were found. Everything you put in your brochure should be on your research. All research materials should be cited in the bibliography.

Part 2 & 3 Tri-Fold Brochure with original color logo. This is a Summative Test grade. Due at the beginning of class: Monday December 6, 2010 at the beginning of class.

You will spend 3 days working on the brochure with a partner. It should be completed by the beginning of the 4th day. If you need more time, plan to come and work during tutoring time or with your partners outside of school.

1.  Include a minimum of 5 informational pages/flaps, and one title page/flap.

2.  Be colorful, easy to read. (Minimum Font 12pt.)

3.  Include pictures. (Minimum 2, not including the log.)

4.  Works cited/bibliography page, in MLA format.

5.  Each of you will draw and color a logo for your alternative energy topic... This can be completed at home. One logo will be for alternative energy in general, the other one with be specific to your energy resource. Both will be pictured on your brochure.

6.  The Logo should be:

1.  Titled with the alternative energy topic

2.  Colored with map pencils or crayons, no markers.

3.  On a separate sheet of paper there should be an explanation as to why your logo is a good choice to represent your alternative energy

4.  Neat with correct spelling.

Part 4 Oral presentation/Debate/Socratic Seminar. This is a Summative quiz grade done with your partner. This will take place on December 6th, 7th and 8th.

The oral presentation is a chance for you and your partner to present your brochure and viewpoint to the class. The class will debate and discuss using a Socratic Seminar approach.

During your presentation you will:

1.  Speak clearly and with expression.

2.  Thoroughly explain your alternative energy resource and how it is used.

3.  Answer any questions the class might have.

4.  Present the advantages to using your energy source for the community and any solutions to disadvantages to the use of your energy source.

Part 5 Alternative Energy Interviews and News Article/Editorial - This is a Summative quiz grade. Due at the end of class: Thursday December 9, 2010

After listening to all presentations and participating in the debates the students will interview adult family and adult friends. A set of guiding questions will be provided to each student. All class members will then compile survey notes and information from the debate and write a “group news article/editorial” on each energy source. The news article/editorial article must site family and friends that have been interviewed for their point of view regarding the energy source.

1.  You will choose the type of alternative energy you feel would be the easiest to implement for wide spread use in your community.

2.  You will use persuasive writing, for you will ultimately be typing to persuade the other members of the community to adopt this alternative energy source.

3.  You should defend you choice using information learned in this lesson.

4.  A copy of your article along with other of differing viewpoints will be shared by all students prior the town hall meeting.

The students will spend 2 days in the classroom working on this assignment.

Part 6 Town Meeting and Vote to take place on December 10, 2010 this is a Formative Daily Grade as a participation grade for the class. The students will all participate in a mock town –hall meeting in which students will be advocates for their particular energy sources. Each group will make a final statement to follow up on the debates from the previous days and they will vote on the energy source best for their community.

Student Copy of Expectations Agreement

I have explained to my parent the expectations of the alternative energy project. I understand the requirements and due dates of said project and have shared with my parents the partner I have chosen to complete this project. I will also sign and return the bottom portion of this page signed by me and my parents. It is due back to my teacher by November 18.2010.


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date


Teacher Copy of Expectation Agreement

Portion to be returned to teacher. (Cut along dotted line.)

I understand the requirements for this alternative energy project. I have spoken with my parents and shared with them the expectations. Return by Nov. 18, 2010


Student Printed Name Class Period


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date