Particip8 Overton is a Registered Scottish Charity SC046290

Booking Form

Private Party Hire Booking Form(for Children under 10)

User details
Name and Address of Hirer
Hirer’s Telephone Number(s)
House/Office / Mobile
Purpose of Hire
Please Note:
1. Hire Rate is £15 per hour (+ £2 per hour for Kitchen).
2.Hire times to include set-up and clear-up times*
3. Hire fee payable in advance
4. A member of the Particip8 Committee will open and close the Centre on the day
Kitchen Required? / Back Room Required? / TRCCA Catering Required?
Yes / No / Yes / No / Yes / No
Please give details of all equipment you propose to bring into the Centre
Dates/Time Required
Date / Start Time* / Finishing Time* / Age of the Child & No. of Attendees
This form is an application for booking. Bookings are only confirmed when signed by both hirer and a Particip8 representative. Please read the Terms and Conditions carefullyprior to signing the form. Any queries should be referred to the Secretary of Particip8 Overton.
I agree that this booking form is an accurate record of my request to hire space within the Particip8 Overton Community HUB. By signing, I also agree to adhere to the Terms and Conditions shown on the next page. I enclose the hire fee of £……………………
Signed………………………………………………….……Date…………………………. (Hirer)
On behalf of Thornton Road Community Centre I accept this application for booking as outlined above.
Signed………………………………………………………..Date……………………….. (Particip8)

Terms and Conditions of Let

1. Five working days’ notice is required when placing a booking. A booking form should be completed and sub-letting is not permitted. Bookings depend on availability. Set-up/clear up time must be accounted for and is chargeable at the same rate. The hire fee should be submitted along with the booking form.

2. Five days’ notice of cancellation is required. This should be in writing (email is sufficient) otherwise a full charge may be levied. Particip8 Overton reserves the right to cancel a booking at short notice for reasons such as safety, repairs, essential maintenance and renovation.

3. The person signing the booking form is responsible for the hire. This includes responsibility for all persons attending, any equipment brought onto the premises and ensuring the facility is left in an acceptable condition. He or she must adhere to all health and safety requirements and in particular the fire evacuation procedure (displayed on the walls) and note the location of first aid kits. All accidents or dangerous occurrences must be reported to the Particip8 Overton Keyholder who arranged admittance.

4. The hirer is responsible for any damage done to the premises, its contents or for any loss or theft. Any damage or breakages should be reported to the Particip8 Keyholder who arranged admittance. The hirer is liable for replacement and repair. Particip8 is not responsible for any equipment brought onto the premises. Injury to anyone attending the hire remains the liability of the hirer.

5. The hirer should leave the facility in an acceptable condition similar to that in which it was found. Any hirer deemed to have left the facility in an unacceptable condition will be informed as soon as this is discovered. A surcharge may be applied.

6. The hirer is responsible for setting up and clearing away their equipment. If a member of Particip8 Overton is required to support this, an additional charge may be applicable.

7. Alcohol and smoking are not permitted on the premises.

8. Illegal activity merits removal from the premises and the relevant authorities will be informed. Any behaviour deemed to be inappropriate could also result in immediate removal from the premises.

9. All electrical equipment brought onto the premises must be in good condition and be tested in accordance with current statutory electrical regulations. The hirer will be liable for any damage to the facility caused as a result of faulty or unsafe electrical equipment brought onto the premises.

10.Hirers who are allowed access to the kitchen must adhere to the Kitchen Rules displayed on the kitchen wall.

11. Any temporary installation of raised structures or platforms must comply with current building regulation standards and be inspected by the appropriate agency if necessary.

12. The hirer must not crowd the capacity of the hired space, which would endanger safety (maximum 35). Layout of equipment must comply with all current Health and Safety legislation. The hirer must comply with the wishes of Particip8 Overton in these respects.
13. Failure to comply with any of the above may lead to the refusal of any future bookings as well as a surcharge.

14. Any hirerwho uses the Community HUB shall not discriminate directly or indirectly, or by way of victimisation or harassment, against any person on grounds of gender, marital status, colour, race, nationality or ethnic origin, sexual or gender orientation, age, disability or faith/belief.

15. The hirer shall take all reasonable steps to secure the observance of the previous paragraph by all who represent the hirer in the use of the Community Centre.

16. The Particip8 Overton care about the welfare of children and vulnerable people locally and therefore request that where activities involve children and vulnerable people, the hireragrees to take responsibility for ensuring that appropriate adults are in attendance, and that strong supervision is exercised, at all times.

17. One or two members of Particip8 OvertonCommittee will be present in the premises during the time of hire, and will be available if any queries arise.