July 27, 2016


Attendance: John Andelin, Alfiee Breland-Noble, Michael Brown, Dave Carlson, Sheila Fleischhacker, Barbara Gomez, Alicia Guajardo, Judy Hadden, Linda Henderson, Anne O’Brien, Devanshi Patel, Anne Vor der Bruegge, Mary Ann Moran, Tricia Rodgers, Mary Wulf, Rachel Harlan, Cintia Johnson, Sam Stebbins, Brenda Wilks, Cheryl Johnson, Robert Vilchez, Rebecca Hjelm, Sally LaBonte and Kim Durand. Also student interns Rachel and Julia.


Attendees were asked to share where they’ve been or where they’re going this summer. Locations included an upcoming trip to Bangkok, which seems to be the furthest. Members also mentioned trips to Paris, Hawaii, Grand Cayman as well as the north east, Maine, New Hampshire and the Jersey Shore! It seems to be a great summer for travel.

Agency Updates & Discussion

APS (Brenda)

Student Services is on a three year rollout for psychologists and social workers – they will now have 6 each at the secondary level. They also gained an additional substance abuse counselor for middle schools. Brenda thanked Judy and Alicia for their work on the Student Services Advisory Board for their support in moving this recommendation forward.

Brenda also spoke about the Whole Child Work Group that many of the APCYF members have been involved with. The first phase was the report with recommendations that was presented to the School Board in May/June. Over the summer, Frank Haltiwanger is leading a group with Kim, Pam McLellan, and a contractor from Hanover Research to begin collecting information for an inventory of services for youth. The goal is to have a product to share among staff (APS and ACG) and eventually the community to link people to services, identify gaps, and any duplication of services.

The next steps may include pulling groups together to further discuss how we all work together – possibly an expanded version of the School Health Advisory Board? An idea is to provide examples, like how APS works with Libraries to support reading. Also to develop a common language between APS and ACG so that community members can easily make connections to programs and services.

APS (Cintia)

Second Chance meetings have included Assistant Principals to make sure they’re informed about the program and that they’re involved. Counselors are involved as well.

School Management Plans are ONLINE: drive the focus of the school for the year.

School Health has developed a Health and Exercise Tool Kit as a tool to refer to and includes resources. It will have what schools are doing and it was developed using data from the report card.

Public Health (Sam)

Sam added that Public Health has collected additional BMI data that is currently being analyzed, but upon first glance, it looks as though the issue is not getting better. He also shared that the toolkit that Cintia mentioned may have a parent component and that could address healthy messages around weight (not just eat healthy and exercise).

There was concern that we reach different cultures and that our messaging and strategies needed to be culturally sensitive. Sam and others shared that working with Carlin Springs for example, they did alter the food choices based on the audience and their preferences. It was suggested that The Extension Service be included as they have positive experience with food and eating cultural diversity.

This lead nicely into the introduction of Healthy Child Action Team (HCAT) Coordinator Mary Wulf. Tricia Rodgers, the co-chair of the HCAT introduced Mary and gave a quick update on the efforts of the grant for the next two years. The work plan is attached.

Sam also announced that Public Health is administering the Community Health Assessment and he expects that many of our members will be invited to participate along the way through workgroups and surveys.

In the clinics, Sam has become aware of kids effected by violence and sees a need for more discussion around what supports they may need throughout the community. All agreed that there is a growing need to make sure that we are able to connect people to the services they need. To do this, people must be appropriately trained/educated on what services are available.

Juvenile Justice (Tito)

Anti- Gang Task Force is looking at the Refugee Resettlement particularly with what is going on with Central America and the trauma that those individuals have experienced. They work closely with Northern Virginia Family Services, who has many resources for these individuals and families. They work to ensure that they work with all families, not just those that are court involved. The goal is for parents to see the officers as resources.

Tito also reported that the 11th Annual Soccer Tournament was a success. The theme was Breaking Barriers, 1 Goal at a Time. Michael Nuñez wat the guest speaker. He was first enrolled at Swanson and did not speak English. He could have been gang involved, but he met Tito and fellow soccer players and now has a full ride to UMass and is a role model for other youth. Friends of Argus and Aurora House are looking to replicate the Soccer Tournament so that other jurisdictions can see similar success. Cintia and Brenda both mentioned girl programs, like Girls on the Run, as a possibility to encourage more female participation.

Libraries (Rachel)

Rachel shared that Libraries has 18 FTEs dedicated to Youth Services. They feel the backbone of what they do is having a diverse collection. In the aftermath of Orlando, at Central Library, they highlighted many of the books they have that support and celebrate LGBTQ+. They will also be messaging that the libraries are a safe place to discuss LGBTQ+ matters, similar to the ongoing Teens Talking About Books (TAB) program that meets once a month.

Additionally, “New Americans” is a focus and they try to make sure that people understand that libraries are free, confidential, safe, and they have internet!

The Stand Up for Stories program is attracting 200 people on Friday mornings at Central Library. Although people want to sit and listen, Rachel gets them up and moving to demonstrate action oriented books and make the connection between movement and reading. A current favorite is “Ants Go Marching”.

Parks & Recreation (Cheryl)

For DPR, physical activity is core. For youth and families, they have the AFAC Healthy Play Initiative, where kids have organized play time during food pick-up times. Families Unplugged is at it suggests, time to play without any devices. Cheryl also highlighted the Mobile Parks and Arlington Mill Nights.

The teen program is partnering with police to provide programs for teens on what to do when pulled over.

They are also working with the Community Schools on Farmers Markets, and will be exploring programming for youth during spring and winter breaks.

Mary Ann Moran commented after all of the agency updates and discussion, “how cool is all of this?” and the supports that Arlington offers.

Assets Committee Parent Chats

Parent Chat in a Box (or Chats to Go) with resources and conversation starters to include LUV Listening and other tips for positive family communications. The kits will be geared to the transition years between 5th to 6th grade and 8th to 9th grades, but ther will be something for everyone.

Would like to push chats in September/October, starting with Jefferson Middle School. They are planning for 4 groups to meet 4 times. Christine Schaubach is also volunteering to organize some chats.

But the idea is to have the chats where you are – businesses, community centers, churches, etc.

Promotion – each of us has a role, through Next Door (social media site), at the County Fair, post to our Social Media sites and more.

The goal is to have over 500 chats.

Membership/Succession Planning

The Planning and Development committee will be talking about recommendations for January, 2017 and beyond. If you are interested in participating in a leadership role, or supporting the development of a plan, please join us on August 1, 2016 at 5:00pm in Sequoia Room A.

Community Conversation

Date is September 28 6:00 – 8:00

Location is TBD (I’ve requested Walter Reed, Arlington Mill, or Fairlington)

Topic: Positive Communications? Success Redefined? We need to come up with a unifying theme.

Idea: Have an opening session to frame the evening then break into one of three topics -


School Success

Healthy Habits

Mary Ann, John Judy, Mary, Brenda and Anne O’Brien volunteered to assist with the planning.

Upcoming Events:

Aug 1st Planning & Development Meeting at 5:00pm, Sequoia Room A

Aug 11th Administrative Conference, Wakefield

Aug 12th Data Committee, 9:00am Sequoia Room A

Aug 19, 20, 21 – COUNTY FAIR! Let Kim know if you’re interested in volunteering

Next Meeting: August 24, 2016