Active Display Lite

Beta User Notes

v22 January 2011

Welcome to Active Display Lite (ADLite), which has been designed by the same team (TVC (UK) Ltd, in association with the Gatwick Aviation Society) that produced the highly acclaimed and successful Active Display and SBSPopulate programs.

ADLite is designed to be a simplified and slimmed down version of Active Display ( for users of the SBS Virtual Radar System, who don't feel the need for advanced editing and other extensions to the Basestation experience.

ADLite will entirely replace the autopopulate function of SBSPopulate, which will cease to provide theonline lookup service shortly. Some of the functions currently available within SBSPopulate, plus some new ones are contained within, and enhanced by, ADL although others will only be available within the full version of Active Display or by using the static function within SBSPopulate.

First Time Installation

  • Download the program zip file and SAVE it to a folder you can remember (e.g. ADLite).
  • Unzip the file
  • Click [Setup.exe] and the install will start
  • The ‘Launch’ screen will appear

  • Followedautomatically by the Basestation database locator screen which looks like this.

You will notice that the program has recognised your Operating System version.

The purpose of this step is to tell ADLite where your active Basestation database is installed.

Assuming you let Basestation be installed in the default location (i.e. you did not intentionally change this) AND you had User Account Control turned ON (Windows default) when Basestation was installed then just click [OK].

If you did NOT conform to the above Basestation process, you should click the radio button labelled [I have specified my own location] before clicking [OK]. You will then be presented with the standard Windows folder locator dialogue where you can navigate to the known location of your Basestation database (basestation.sqb).


Before re-installing ADLite, any old versions must be uninstalled using Windows Control Panel BEFORE attempting the re-install.

Otherwise the process for re-installing ADLite is identical to the First Time one.

Getting Started

Having successfully installed ADLite, the launch screen will disappear within a few seconds to be replaced by the ADLite main screen, shown below.

At this point, it is advisable to create a desktop icon, which is achieved by clicking on [Settings] in the drop-down menu situated in the top left hand corner of the screen.


Having created your desktop icon, it is now a simple matter of clicking the [Start]button on the left hand side of the screen.

If at any time you wish to pause ADLite for any reason, click the [Pause]button. However, while paused, you may miss aircraftbeing received by your SBS-1 and is similar to stopping SBS Basestation.

You will now see the top box being filled with received aircraft.

ADLite Functions

Having launched ADLite, it may be useful to continue along the line of buttons.

The next button (with a white cross on a red background) will close ADLite. Under normal operating conditions, it is important that ADLite is closed after your SBS Basestation, as failure to do so, will mean that your session will be incomplete and data will be lost.

Following on from the exit button, is the Autopopulate one which is set to Autopopulate by default (green). If you would rather update your own database manually, then a simple click on it will turn off the function and the button will turn to red. Click again to restart the Autopopulate (see also the paragraph on Autopopulate).

The next button allows you to add/update/delete a record, along with a database look-up from either your own SBS database or the GAS database. You can also look up the official registers of Canada, UK, Switzerland, USA & the Netherlands.

The final three buttons are (populated), (unknown) & (needs populating).

When Autopopulate is turned ON and a new record is found and populated, it will appear on the main listing in green.

A click on will display allpopulated records in the box below the main list.

The total number of new records found and populated is shown in one of the four boxes at the bottom of the screen.

The main listing will also display black for unknown and a click on will display these unknown records.

Similarlywhen Autopopulate is turned off, those that need populating arelight blue/greenon the main listing and a click on will display all records that need further examination.

Main Listing Box

Once you have switched on your SBS box and set ADLite running, aircraft records will start to appear in the main listing box as they are received. How many columns are filled in for each received record, depends on the extent of your database completion. To have the Logo appear, you will need to have the ICAO three letter code in-filled on your database. You may notice initially, that there are considerably more new records populated than you would expect from SBSPopulate. This is quite normal, as ADLite searches for more fields than SBSPopulate.

Note:A word of caution regarding the manner in which you input records into your own database. ADLite populates the Basestation database (sqb), but doesn't update it in quite the same manner. For example, if you infill the Manufacturer Field and the Type Field separately in Basestation Reporter, the Type Field on the Main Listing of ADLite will only show the type, not the manufacturer.


Autpopulate is a process where ADLite is able to fill in unknown data after an aircraft is received for which details are not held on your SBS Database.

ADLite does this by recognising the fact that some data is missing by checking all the major fields which are defined as .....




Construction Number


ICAO Operator

If ANY of these fields is blank, ADLite will invoke Autopopulate. The record is than looked up on the GAS server and, if the aircraft details are known, they are extracted and copied to your SBS Database.

This process will overwrite any information already there.

To avoid an overwrite (for example of your own special manually entered data), you are able to selectively exclude fields from this process using [Settings > Options] from the main drop-down menu.

This process is expected to be refined further to improve performance handling of larger data streams like those of the various networked systems now available.

Autopopulate makes demands on the GAS server over and above any that would be acceptable from a normal web server. GAS thus has to run fast, dedicated servers with ‘fat’ connections to the Internet in order to maintain excellent response to the user. This is expensive and that is why a small annual contribution to these costs will be required ex Beta for using the Autopopulate option and the associated support.

Autopopulate can, of course, be disabled by toggling the green [AP] button when it will turn Red.

Menu Functions

You will almost certainly want to configure ADLite for your own purposes and the top drop-down menu line of the window enables you to perform a lot of functions. It is recommended that these functions are used when ADLite is Paused. This will make them more responsive to mouse clicks.


We've already discussed[Settings] to create a desktop icon.

However, there is a choice of which data fields get autopopulated. The default is to populate (and thus overwrite any existing data) the fields Registration, Type, ICAOType, C/N, Operator andOperatorFlagCode(ICAOOperator).

By selecting [Options] and the Auto Populate tab, you are able to prevent any of these fields being populated/overwritten on your SBS database by deselecting them individually. (See paragraph on Autopopulate)

Basestation Database

Moving along to [SBS Basestation DB], you will find four sub headings...

[Show Database Path] displays the database pathto which ADLite currently points.

This should have been set correctly at installation time.

[Set Database Path] allows you to specify a different path if your Basestation installation is changed or you need to correct the current setting.

[Check DB Status] shows three sub-headings, which detail the total number of Aircraft records in your database; the number of Flights recorded during the current session (this will differ from the number of aircraft, shown in the box at the bottom of the window, as the same aircraft may be logged several times during the session); and the total number of Basestation Sessions recorded to date.

[Create/Replace Active Table] At installation time, ADLite automatically creates a new Reference database (Reference.sqb) and Active table which holds details of all the aircraft processed in the current Session.

There may berare occasions when thisActive table may need to be replaced before ADLite will function correctly. This function performs that operation.

[Backup Basestation DB] allows you to automatically backup your SBS database into a folder called SQBBackups which will reside in your Basestation folder. Basestation must be closed when this is run. Each backup is given a Date/Time stamp.

[Restore Basestation DB] presents you with a list of backups you have taken. You can select the one you wish to restore. Your current one will be renamed before being replaced.


Following on from SBS Basestation DB is [Logs]. If you have no wish to send your log to anyone else, you may ignore this function.

However, if you wish to send your daily log to a friend, the Mode_S Yahoo Group or to another Group, you will need to set up your log parameters. Firstly,select[Log Set Up]. For a simple daily log, fill in your Location, the time used in your log (local/UTC or GMT) and a name to identify yourself and click [Set]. If you wish to send a log from a different location, then you can simply clear the current details, by clicking [Clear] and input new details.

A Local Log can be produced by filling in the name of the local area and setting the maximum altitude (e.g. the maximum height that you lose contact with a plot when landing) and the altitude difference (a figure to distinguish ascending or descending aircraft), say 5000ft. By doing so, you will dispense with any overflights at high level and only report on the arrivals and departures at your local airport. You will need to experiment with the maximum altitude/altitude difference to obtain the best results as this process in not precise.

If you wish to e-mail your log direct from this function, you will need to complete the e-mail ‘from address’ and the address(es) of those, towhom you wish to send your log. You will also need to complete the details of your ISP address, user name and password.

Alternatively, you can copy and paste into a normal e-mail after your log has been created.

Having closed down your SBS Basestation, ADLite will automatically pause and will display a message to the effect that Basestation is no longer running.

To create a log, click [Logs] and [Create Session log]. A window will appear showing your sessions and it is a simple matter of highlighting the session you require and clicking on [Create Log].

If you have a log that last for more than 24 hours e.g. from 07.00 on 29th December until 05.00 on 31st December, and you only want the 30th December listed, you will need to tick 24 hours and then [Create Log]. A box will appear, asking you for which date you want to create a log. Fill in the date and a further box will appear asking for a file name. Input the title you require e.g. SBS Log 30122010 (note no slashes, dashes or any other separators are permitted). Click [Save] and a further check box will appear to confirm if you want to create a log. The system then reads your records and within a few seconds your log is complete. If you wish to e-mail the log from this point click [Yes] or if you wish to e-mail later click [No].

The same process applies if you wish to create a local log or an arrivals log.

Basestation Configuration

By clicking on this function, you can easily download a variety of enhancements direct to your Basestation from Third Party sources. If you do not already have them installed, you will need the Extended Countries File, Flags, Logos and Silhouettes to obtain full benefit of the Main ADLite Listing.

[Install Extended Countries File]

TheCountries file that comes with Basestation is a very basic file. To use all the graphical extensions an extended set is required. Clicking this option will automatically install the extended version after first taking a date/time stamped backup of the current one.

[Install Flags]

This option gives you the choice of one of a number of Flag Sets. Clicking the one you want will install for you, overwriting those already in place. This may take a minute or two, so wait for the completion message before moving on. In order for all these to display correctly, the latest Extended Countries File must be installed. You will be prompted for this in case it isn’t.

[Install Logos]

This option gives you the choice of one of a number of Logo Sets. Clicking the one you want will install for you, overwriting those already in place. This may take some minutes as there could be a lot, so wait for the completion message before moving on. In order for all these to display correctly, the latest Extended Countries File must be installed. You will be prompted for this in case it isn’t.

[Install Silhouettes]

This option gives you the choice of one of a number of Silhouette Sets. Clicking the one you want will install for you, overwriting those already in place. This may take some minutes as there could be a lot, so wait for the completion message before moving on. In order for all these to display correctly, the latest Extended Countries File must be installed. You will be prompted for this in case it isn’t.

[Install/Uninstall Coastlines]

If you want to upgrade your coastline graphics or change your geographic location, this option allows you to install high resolution coastlines for any part of the world. Just click the area on the map and your Basestation will be updated. Similarly you can uninstall those no longer needed to optimise Basestation startup time.

[Install/Uninstall Outlines and Waypoints]

This option allows you to simply install or uninstall aeronautical graphics. Select your Country and ADLitewill display those that are available. Click the ones you want and they are installed automatically. Similarly you can uninstall those no longer needed to optimise Basestation startup time.

[Install pre-loaded Database]

If you prefer to use a pre-loaded Basestation database, this option allows you to do this simply. Any existing one is backed up with a date/time stamped file name.

The database available during Beta test may be a few months out of date.

[Clear Graphics Folders]

Because the new graphics have standardised naming conventions, it may be preferable to remove any old ones before installing the new. This can be done with this option. Backups are taken automatically before deletion.


You can obtain the current aviation weather position at over 700 airports and stations from around the world, simply by clicking on this function and highlighting the appropriate code. A full, easy to read, weather status is obtained, by clicking on [Decoded], or an abbreviated raw Metar data box can be displayed by clicking [Raw].

If you want your local airport to appear automatically, when you open this function, simply click [Set As Default], when you have chosen your airport.


[About] simply gives version details etc. of ADLite.

If you have problems at any time with ADLite and you have tried other avenues (e.g. Friends/Kinetics Forum) without success, then click [Support] and your Email client will appear where you can ask for help from ADLSupport. Please try to resolve your queries first before contacting ADLSupport via the Help menu.

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