Academic Skill-Science Mrs. McKinney, Room 820

Course Description

As a supportive component to the core curriculum, academic skills builds on the curriculum and skills learned in ELA, Math and Science. Social Studies is also reinforced through different fiction and nonfiction readings during the ELA portion of the rotation.

The science portion of academic skills will focus primarily on the inquiry skills needed for all areas of science. We will be reinforcing grade-level expectations through hands-on labs and literacy.

Class Expectations

Late WorkLate work may be turn in within one week of the due date, however, all late work will receive a 50% reduction

Absent WorkIt will be the responsibility of the students to collect work/notes when student is absent. Make up work can be pickup up in the “while you were out” bin.

Redo Assignments- A student may redo any assignment to improve their grade and understanding of the content, up until the chapter test/quiz is given. If a student chooses to redo an assignment they will also be asked to complete a redo form and get it signed before the redo may be accepted.

Test/Quiz Retake It is important to me as an educator, that all of my students continue to work towards the district learning standards. Any tests/quizzes can be retaken before school. If a student wishes to retake an assessment, the student must first complete a request to retest form that outlines a study plan and asks for a parent signature. Students will be given one opportunity to retest for each assessment given.

About Me

My name is Janell McKinney, and this is my second year teaching at Brittany Hill Middle School. I grew up attending the Blue Springs School District and am a former student of Brittany Hill Middle School, so it feels good to be home!I completed my Bachelor of Science at Missouri Valley College, completed a Masters of Fine Arts in Education Administration from Lindenwood University and earned an Education Specialist Degree in Education Leadership through Northwest Missouri State University. Before being hired in Blue Springs, I taught 7 years in the Independence School District.

At BHMS I teach 8thgrade Physical Science as well as Academic Skills for both 7thand 8thgrade. Please feel free to contact me through email at .

Please sign below showing that you and your student have read this syllabus and understand the expectations of Mrs. McKinney. Thank you so much and I look forward to teaching your student.

Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______