Academic Integrity ContractEn 1001AF Summer and fall, 2018

Your instructor will go through this document with you, but it is still your responsibility to make sure you understand it. Put your initials next to each item to indicate you understand the idea, then sign and date the document at the bottom of p. 2 and submit it to your instructor.

No essays, tests, or assignments will be graded unless this contract has been initialed, signed and submitted to your tutorial leader.

1 / I acknowledge that plagiarism is the explicit or implicit (apparent) presentation of someone else's ideas or words as my own. Direct or indirect use of anyone’s ideas without citing the source is plagiarism. I understand plagiarism is a serious offence and will be dealt with vigorously.
2 / I understand that academic dishonesty includes any behaviours that by-pass or misrepresent authentic individual effort, including (but not limited to) sharing the same assignment and submitting it to different tutorial groups, paying or rewarding others to do my work for me, allowing someone else to use my password/id and login or send an email as if they were me, cheating on tests in any way, permitting or asking someone to impersonate me by email or to pretend to me be in a test, allowing another student to copy or use my work, bribing someone for academic gain, and sharing portions of all of the same assignment.
3 / I have successfully completed the SPARK Academic Integrity Module http://www.yorku.ca/spark/academic_integrity/index.html and I understand its contents.
4 / I understand that inline documentation and Works Cited documentation will follow MLA 8 Guidelines as explained at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/22/ and https://www.mla.org/MLA-Style/What-s-New-in-the-Eighth-Edition
5 / I understand that substituting my words for the words of others as a way to paraphrase, or as a way to conceal the work of others, is plagiarism unless I document my source as explained in MLA and the other sources cited above..
6 / Everything quoted or paraphrased in my assignments/papers/essays must appear as an entry in my Works Cited. Accidental oversight is not an excuse.
7 / Inaccurate bibliographic citations (page or issue numbers), or quotations, whether intentional or accidental, are academically dishonest. It is my responsibility to ensure this information is accurate.
8 / I am not re-using or reconstituting work from previous students in previous iterations the course.
9 / I will not submit work that has been purchased by me or for me, nor have I used any other non-scholarly resource to produce this work, including Schmoop, Spark Notes or any non-peer reviewed Internet website or resource.
10 / It is my responsibility to ask my TA or a Librarian about how to include any material if I am unsure about how to do it.

I have read and understood all of the above items on ______.


Name (Print) Student # Signature

Paolucci Summer and Fall 2018 Ver 2.0