About Dr. Hovind

Do you know the scientific facts supporting Biblical Creationism? Do you know the facilities in the theory of evolution?

Dr. Kent Hovind is one of the foremost authorities on Science and the Bible. He has debated evolutionist at many universities across America and is dedicated to the proclamation of factual, scientific evidence supporting the biblical record of creation and the history of the world. His fact-filled creation seminars are exciting and informative, causing even the most devout evolutionist to sit up and take notice!

Christians will be encouraged in their faith and non-believers will be seriously challenged to reconsider their beliefs!

Dr. Kent Hovind is from Pensacola Florida, but originally from Illinois. He was a high school science teacher for 15 years. He travels around the country speaking on creation, evolution, and dinosaurs over 700 times a year.

The following information has been transcribed from several public messages given by Dr. Hovind on the subject of Creationism versus Evolutionism. It is being offered to encourage and strengthen the faith of believers and to convince the unbelievers there is a God who loves them and wants a personal relationship.

As you read this, it is important to remember, Dr. Hovind has three goals:

· To strengthen your faith in the word of God. He believes the Bible is the infallible, inspired word of the living God.

· If you are not saved, He wants to get you converted. He will tell you right up front, Im after you, so dont be surprised.

· If you are saved, and you are not doing much for the Lord, he wants to make you uncomfortable. There is war going on, we all need to get busy. God has a ministry for everyone.


Page 1 - Intoduction About Dr. Hovind

Page 2 - Chapter 1 How Old Is The Earth?

Page 15 - Chapter 2 Dinosaurs And The Bible

Page 32 - Chapter 3 Leviathan: The Fire-Breathing Dragon

Page 45 - Chapter 4 Evolution, the Foundation For Communism, Nazism and Socialism

Page 70 - Chapter 5 The Hovind Theory

Page 83 - Chapter 6 Questions and Answers

Page 107 - APPENDIX

Number of Pages : 117

Chapter 1

How Old Is The Earth?

There are four great questions every one is trying to answer in life.

· Who am I?

· Where did I come from?

· Why am I here?

· Where am I going when this life is finished?

There is a war in progress with two opposing world views, or the way that one looks at the world. Your belief will determine how you are going to behave. If you believe the evolutionist world view, that says man is just an animal and that we got here by blind random change, your answers to these four great questions are different from the creationist world view. Who am I? Well, if you believe in evolution, you are nothing important. You are just a bit of protoplasm that washed upon the beach a couple of million years ago. Where did I come from? If you are an evolutionist, you came from a cosmic burp about 20 million years ago. Where am I going when this life is over? Dont worry about it. You will just go back to star dust.

The Bibles answer is considerably different. Genesis 1:1 says, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Now, if God created it, then He is the boss. He makes the rules. If God wants to say in His written word that women should dress modestly then he has the right to say that. If you go to the beach in Pensicola, Florida you will see that it is bare season all the time there. Just because there is a little sand and water around, it doesnt make it right to dress immodestly. The Bible says a lot of things, like, Children, honor your father and mother. If the Bible is the word of God, then we are in a lot of trouble. God is the boss. He is the creator.

Apparently, the devil has always been rebellious against Gods authority. In Genesis 3:1, Satan came to Eve in the garden of Eden, and the first sentence out of his mouth was, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? It is interesting that the first statement out of his mouth ended in a question mark. Number one, he tried to make Eve doubt the word of God. The second thing he said was in Genesis 3:4, Ye shall not surely die. After he got her to doubt the word of God, he used outright denial. Now the third thing is in verse 5. The devil said, ...ye shall be as gods.., He wanted Eve to think, if she ate of that tree, she would become like God. The sentence, ...ye shall be as gods.., is the whole philosophy of evolution in a nutshell. The devil wants you to believe that we are improving or progressing. He wants you to believe that we are headed to Godhood. He wants you to believe that we started off as an ameba, and that we are getting bigger and better, and stronger and smarter, and some day we are going to sail around the universe and discover new life forms like Star Trek.

People ask me all the time, Dr. Hovind, do you think that there is intelligent life on other planets? I tell them, No, I taught high school for 15 years; I dont believe there is much intelligent life here on this planet. The Bible says that Eve is the mother of all living. The Devil is a liar! He told Eve that she would be just like God.

When I was about six or seven, I came running to the breakfast table. I was the first one there, and I got the last banana out of the bowl. Its just a Hovind tradition; you get out a banana, slice it and put it on your cereal. Pretty soon my two big brothers walked in. Now, my brothers are much bigger than me. They are both nearly six feet five inches and they are older than I am. They have always been older than I am. They said, Hey Kent, is that the last banana? I said, Yep, and I got it! How many of you have an older brother or sister, and you know that wonderful feeling when you finally pull one over on them? They pick on you all of your life. I had them that morning. They wanted the banana. Were they going to beg little brother for that banana? No. Do you know what they did to me instead? They lied to me. They said, Kent, do you know how bananas are made? I said, No. You see; I was only about six or seven. Its been demonstrated in laboratory tests that the brain doesnt even start to grow until kids are between 18 to 20 years old. How many of you parents can verify that? I said, No, how are bananas made? They said, Down in South America there are these spiders and they have these big long legs, and when they die, they hang up in a tree and all their legs fold up; then mold grows on those dead spider legs. They said, Bananas are really dead spider legs. I said, you guys are just lying to me so that you can get my banana. They said, No, we wouldnt lie to you brother. Cut it in half and you can see where the legs were. So, I cut the banana in half, and sure enough there was those black spots in there. They said, Are you going to eat those moldy spider legs? I said, I dont believe I want them. I didnt eat bananas for nearly three years.

Have you ever been lied to before? Has somebody told you a lie? The devil is a master liar. He lied to Eve and hes been lying for the past 6,000 years. He wants to destroy your life. Now, its an awful thing when somebody lies to you and steals your banana, but the devil has bigger plans than that. He wants to lie to you and steal your soul. He wants you to go to Hell. Now, if you are already saved, he cant get you to go to Hell. However, he is going to keep lying to you, and try to still your life. Day by day he is going to try to get you to invest your life in things that are dumb and unimportant so that when you get to Heaven, you will have nothing to show for your life. What are you doing with your life that is going to matter a thousand years from now? You may say, Well, Im memorizing all the names of all the football teams. Who is going to care a thousand years from now? Who won the Super Bowl seventeen years ago? Do you know? Does anybody care? It doesnt matter does it? All those men out there, fighting over that ball, and they can all afford to buy their own football. Im not saying that this is bad, but when you look at it from the perspective of where you will be a thousand years from now, its a waste of time to invest all of your life in things like that. What are you doing for the Lord? The devil is very successfully wasting Christians lives; hes a liar!

Adolph Hitler said, If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough, the people will believe it. The secret to get someone to believe a lie is constant repetition. Just tell it over, and over, and over again. That is what they have done in advertising. Its classic to look at the way different products are advertised. Marlboro cigarettes, for example, have been advertised with cowboys for years as if there is some kind of connection. Nobody stops to think, Now wait a minute, what is the connection between smoking Marlboros and cowboys? Do all cowboys smoke? No. Do you have to smoke to be a cowboy? No. If you start smoking Marlboros, do you automatically become a cowboy? No. You may smell like a horse, but you are not a cowboy. Actually, you may be surprised that it has been demonstrated in laboratory tests that nobody in the world smokes. The cigarette smokes. The person is the sucker; thats all.

It is a lie! They want you to think if you smoke Marlboros, youre a cowboy. Now, the connection takes place in the mind. There really is no connection, but psychologically people start thinking there is some kind of connection, and if they start smoking, they start walking around thinking, Hey, Im a cowboy. Something happens; they have been sold a product by associating it with something else. The same thing happens when they try to sell beer. Beer wouldnt sell buy itself; so, they have mixed it in with sportsas if there is some kind of connection. They always get some big football player holding his can of beer. He has his Buddummer, or Budstupid, or what ever it is called. Somebody said they call it Budwiezer. Have you seen them when they are finished drinking that stuff? They are not wiser!

He has his Buddummer or his Miller Low Life, and he says, Man, you ought to be a football player. Drink Bud! Wait! Hold on a minute! Stop the train! Do you want your football player full of beer when hes out there calling the plays? Is there any connection between beer and sports? Fill your defensive end full of beer before the game. Heeey, anybody seen number fouuurteeen, or was it thhirteeen? There is no connection between sports and alcohol, but theyve been associated for so long that people have started to think they belong together for some reason. Its classic to watch those commercials.

Take the Indianapolis 500 for example. You will see the guys racing around the track at 200 mph. A flash of the sign says, Drink Bud. Wait, wait, wait! Dont drink Bud when you are going 200 mph. Do you know what? It sells the product. Its a very affective advertising technique to take something useless and mix it in with something good. People want the good; so, they will take the useless right along with it. They think somehow the two are associated. Folks, that is exactly what has happened in the teaching of evolution.

Evolution is a religion. It is not science. It has nothing to do with science! It has been mixed in with science for so long that people think it belongs there for some reason. I collect public school textbooks. I have scores, and scores of them. The Merrill Science- First Grade Science Book, states: Earth has changed, since its formation four and a half billion years ago. (Merrill Science- First Grade Science Book, 1989 Teachers Edition, page 46.) Wait a minute. Is the earth four and one half billion years old? No, it is not, but if you tell kids in the first grade this, theyre going to believe you. You see; first graders believe everything that you tell them. They believe that bananas are moldy spider legs, if you tell them that. Now, if you tell kids this when they are in the first grade, and you make sure to tell them again in the second grade, they will believe it. The second grade textbook, Changes On Earth, states, Since its formation four and a half billion years ago, earth has changed. (Merrill Science- Second Grade Science Book, 1989 Teachers Edition, page 26.) Now, they add a new element a paragraph later, Life too, has evolved on earth. Oho! Life has evolved on earth? Oh yes, boys and girls. If repeat that in the first, second, third, and fourth grade, and continue that lie for 18 or 20 years in a row, hes going to believe you. Its Adolph Hitlers technique. If you tell the lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough, the people believe it.

We have millions of people that have accepted the theory of evolution as factual. This is because evolution has been mixed in with science throughout their educational processes. Now, science is wonderful! I taught science. I love science, but evolution has nothing to do with science! It has nothing more to do with science than beer has to do with football. There is no connection at all! By its own, it would not stand.

First Law of Thermodynamics

The best thing for a kid to learn in order not to be drawn into these crazy ideas of evolution is for him to learn some real science. The First Law of Thermodynamics tells us that matter cannot be created or destroyed. Now, obviously, there is a world here. We can all agree that there is a material world, so this leaves two choices. Now, this is going to be deep. This is going to be hard to understand. Since the world is here, there are only two choices. Somebody made it, or it made itself.