A)How Do I Start an Application? Page 1

A)How Do I Start an Application? Page 1

NYLAF: Instructions.

a)How do I start an Application? | Page 1.

b)How do I complete an Application? | Page 6.

c)How do I view the Applications that I have submitted? | Page 9.

d)How do I reset my Password or Details? | Page 10.

e)How do I generate a PDF of an Application for later completion | Page 10.

a) How do I start an Application?
If you need to start an Application for an individual, carry out the following steps:

  1. From your portal menu, click to select the ‘Start Application’ link.

  1. This will bring you to the Application Search tool. This will allow you to check the eligibility of your Applicant and make sure that they are able to receive support. The system will allow you to check four fields: 1)First Name, 2)Last Name, 3)DOB and 4) Postcode and 5) Carry out a search:

PLEASE NOTE: Applicants are able to receive a Standard Funding once every 12 months and Emergency Funding twice within 12 months. The search functionality will check these fields to make sure that they have not been awarded within this period.

  1. To start the application, click to select any of the fields then enter a first name, last name and DOB for the applicant. Once you have entered this information, click to select the search option.

  1. The system will then display the following fields:

1)Reference: This will detail the Applicant’s unique registration number.

2)Support Worker: This will give the Support Worker that started the Application

3)Beneficiary: This will give the first and last name of the individual beneficiary.

4)Date of Birth: This will give the Applicant’s Date of Birth

5)Post Code: This will give the Applicant’s Postcode.

IF an Applicant HAS NOT applied before, these fields will appear blank, as shown below.

To start an Application for this individual, click to select the ‘Start New Application’ button, available below.

IF an Applicant HAS applied before, the fields below the question will be populated with information. This will detail where the information you have entered matches with previous Applications made through the system. Where there is a match with this data, the results will be highlighted, as seen below:

If an Applicant is still eligible (ie: Their previous Application was unsuccessful) you can start a new Application by clicking the select the ‘Start New Application’ option for that individual.

If there is a match, but the Applicant is a separate individual, click to select the ‘Start New Application’ button that will be available at the bottom of your page.

  1. After starting a new Application, you will be able to select which Grant the individual is applying for. To do this, click to select the dropdown box.

  2. This will open to allow you to choose the ‘North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund’ or North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund: Emergency Form. From here, click to select the option that best fits your Applicant’s need.
  1. This will then display instructional text for completing the Application along with eligibility and guidance notes. To confirm that you have read this, click to select the checkbox at the bottom of the list.

  1. You will then be able to click to select the ‘Start’ button to begin your Application on the system.

PLEASE NOTE: The history of all searches and their results will be tied to your account to add extra accountability to this process.

b) How do I complete an Application?

After carrying out your search, you will be brought to the Application Form for the Grant that you selected. This will either be:

A Standard Form.

This is for individuals applying for clothing, furniture or white goods, once within a 12mth period.

It is made up from the following pages:

Page 1: Eligibility and Contact Details | Here you confirm the Applicant’s eligibility, give their contact details and provide further information about their current situation.

Page 2: Vulnerability & Benefits | Here you determine the Applicant’s vulnerability and any benefits or support they are in receipt of.

Page 3: Assistance Required, Declarations and Monitoring | Here you select the assistance that the Applicant requires and complete declarations to confirm the accuracy of the information given.

An Emergency Form.
This is for individuals applying for emergency food and utilities support, up to twice within a 12mth period.

It is made up from the following pages:

Page 1: Eligibility & Contact Details | Here you confirm the Applicant’s eligibility, give their contact details.

Page 2: Assistance Required, Declarations & Monitoring | Here you select the assistance that the Applicant requires and complete declarations to confirm the accuracy of the information given.

Instructions about completing Forms within the system are available here.

c) How do I view the Applications that I have submitted?

If you want to view the Applications that you have submitted for Applicants within the system, carry out the following steps.

1. From your Portal Homepage, click to select the ‘Applications’ option.

2. This will open the Applications menu and allow you to see the status of the Applications that you have submitted.

d)How do I reset my Password or Details?
If you need to make changes to your contact details, adjust your password or are locked out of your account; please contact .

e) How do I generate a PDF of an Application for later completion?

If you need to download a PDF copy of an Application to sit down and complete with an Applicant, carry out the following steps.

  1. After carrying out the steps detailed in a) How do I Start and Application? you will be brought the Summary Page for the Application. From here, click to select the ‘Print Form’ or ‘Download as PDF’ buttons.

IF you selected the ‘Print Form’ button, the Application will open in a print view and can be printed as required.

IF you selected the ‘Download as PDF’ button, the Application will be converted into a PDF file format and can be used as required.

  1. Once you have manually completed the form outside the system, the information can then be entered into the system and submitted.

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