8thGrade ELC Leadership Assignment

Due Date: Friday, Feb 22nd

Points: 55

"The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born." —Warren Bennis

8th graders! As we get closer to the ELC trip if you have not done so already I want you to read the "100 Best Leadership Quotes" file that is found on my webpage under 8th grade. I would like you pick two quotes that speak to you as a leader. What does leadership mean to you? How are you going to be a leader at ELC and for the remainder of your 8th grade year? Once you pick your quotes write them down somewhere so you can look at them daily in the next few weeks. Bring them with you to ELC! I want you all to live out your quote while at ELC and remember how it feels to lead. We will discuss leadership during our time at ELC and how you can be leaders while attending Wolf Ridge.

Please remember the quote at the top of this page because you all have the potential to be leaders.

Assignment: Due Feb 22nd

1)From the “100 Best Leadership Quotes” pick two quotes that you feel speak to you and wright them down (5pts.)

2)While at ELC keep track of your quote and each night in a journal/note book write down ways that you were a leader during the day. (Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri.,) (10 pts.)

3)After our trip you will organize your thoughts about Leadership. In a typed paper you will do the following………..

  1. Tell me your quotes and why you selected those quotes. (4pts.)
  2. Tell me about your abilities as a leader (do you agree with the quote on the top of this page? Tell me what you think and explain why or why not.)(5pt.)
  3. How have you grown as a leader the past few weeks (you can use your Faith Rally experience as well as ELC)(10pts.)
  4. Describe specific examples of leadership YOU experienced at ELC (use your journal). How were you a leader?(10pts.)
  5. Tell me about a leader (another classmate) that you feel emerged during ELC and/or the Faith Rally. Why does that person stick out to you? Why do you think they were a leader? (5pts.)
  6. Finally, you will describe how you will “live out” your quotes for the rest of your 8th grade year. (6pts.)

This paper must be a minimum of 2 pages typed in size 12 font double spaced. Because we are short on class meetings this is part of your final grade for Health and PE.

Please take your time and truly think about your leadership qualities and abilities.