
446 Snyder Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ07922

Phone (908) 464-1717 Jessica Nardi

Facsimile (908) 464-1783 Principal

March 10, 2017

Dear Hughes Families:

The New Jersey Department of Education again requires all districts to administer computer-based assessments developed by the Partnership for Assessments of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) to all students in grades 3-11. The PARCC assessments are aligned to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics.

The following is the PARCC testing schedule for students in grades 3 through 5. On the days listed below, school will operate on a normal, full-day schedule with all students in all grade levels reporting to school and being dismissed at their normal time. Students taking PARCC assessments will be excused from their scheduled classes during their assigned testing window. Testing sessions will be scheduled throughout the day. We request your assistance to provide your child with earbuds that may be used during testing. Please send them in to your child’s teacher prior to March 30th. If you are unable to provide the earbuds, we will make a pair available to your child for the assessment. In addition, please be aware that no unauthorized electronic devices are permitted in the testing environment.

The Hughes testing period will be April 24 through May 8. Grades 3, 4, 5 ELA: Three Sessions, Math: Four Sessions. Your child’s homeroom teacher will make you aware of the specific times and dates within the time frame listed above that your child’s class will be testing.

Our teachers have been preparing our students through daily instruction. Teachers are also providing opportunities for the students to use the PARCC technology and to practice test questions. As such, we believe our students are prepared for a successful test administration, and we would appreciate your assistance in keeping a low stress approach to testing. Kindly review the PARCC information that is posted on the district and school websites. We have posted PARCC Practice Resources: tutorials, practice test questions and an informational pamphlet so that you may be more knowledgeable about the assessments. Thank you in advance for your anticipated support. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your ongoing support.


Jessica Nardi
