4.4Solving Applied Problems Involving Proportions (284)


Solve applied problems using proportions

4.4.1 Solving Applied Problems Using Proportions

Again we can use the Book’s Mathematics Blueprint or the Given, Find, How, Solve, Solution,

Check methods.

We still cross multiply and simplify.

PP1 Yesterday an automobile assembly line produced 243 engines, of which 27 were defective. If the same rate is true each day, how many of the 4131 engines produced a month are defective? (285)

Given:27 engines defective out of 243 engines examined

Total of 4131 engines produced

Find:Number of the 4131 expected to be defective

How:Use proportion of number found/ number examined = number expected/number produced.

Solve:27 / 243 = x / 4131 (hint: 243 = 27 × 9)

27 × 4131 = 243 × x

459 = x

Solution:Of the 4131 produced, 459 engines are expected to be defective

Check:30 / 200 = x / 4000; 200x = 12000; x = 600 which isn’t that close

Note: I could have used the inverse of both sides of the proportion

Normally, we have to compute things like miles per gallon.

PP2 Cindy’s car travels 234 miles on 9 gallons of gas. How many gallons of gas will Cindy need to take a 312 mile trip? (286)

Given:234 miles use 9 gallons

Trip of 312 miles

Find:Gallons required for the whole trip

How:Use proportions miles for test/gal for test = miles for trip/gal for trip

Solve:234 / 9 = 312 / x

234 × x = 9 × 312

x = 12

Solution:It should take 12 gallons of gas for a trip of 312 miles

Check:200/10 = 300/x; 200x = 3000; x = 15, sort of close

PP3 Alicia must pedal at 80 revolutions per minute to ride her bicycle at 16 mph. If she pedals at 90 revolutions per minute, how fast will she be riding? (287)

Given:80 rev/min is 16 mph

She upgrades to 90 rev/min

Find:What speed will she be moving at this increased revs

How:Use proportions revs normal/speed normal = rev upgrade/speed upgrade

Solve:80 / 16 = 90 / x

80 × x = 16 × 90

x = 18

Solution:At 90 revs per minute, she will be travelling at 18 mph

Check:80 / 20 = 90 / x; 80x = 180; x = 25, sort of close

Gear ratio is used frequently in real life. Big Ben would be an example. [Draw a picture]

PP4 For every 4050 people who walk into Tom’s Souvenir Shop, 729 make a purchase. Assuming the same conditions, if 5500 people walk into Tom’s, how many people may be expected to make a purchase.

Given:729 make a purchase if 4050 come in

5500 expected to come in

Find:How many expected to make a purchase with the increased traffic

How:Use proportions # purchase normal/ normal come in = expected purchase / increased traffic

Solve:729 / 4050 = x / 5500

729 × 5500 = 4050 × x

990 = x

Solution:If 5500 people come in Tom’s, 990 are expected to purchase something

Check:700 / 4000 = x / 6000; 4000x = 4300000; x = 1075, sort of close

PP5 A park ranger in Alaska captures and tags 50 bears. He then reduces them to range through the forest. Sometime later he captures 50 bears. Of the 50, 4 have tags from the previous capture. Estimate the number of bears in the forest.

Given:4 tagged bears out of 50 bears tagged

50 bears originally tagged.

Find:Total number of bears in the forest

How:Use proportions # tagged caught/ total caught = total caught/ total number

Solve:4 / 50 = 50 / x

4 × x = 50 × 50

x = 625

Solution:There should be 625 bears in the forest

Check:4 / 50 = 50 / x (hey, that’s what we just did)

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