2016Executive Director’s Report

As we approach our 50th year in 2017, it is reassuring to note that NRCC is stronger than ever! Our certification programs are widely accepted by federal & state agencies, and seen as a valuable asset to employers and employees alike. Over 130 new applications through the first 10 months of the year have been processed. Those applicants have largely taken advantage of our (nearly) paperless communication for submitting applications, references and transcripts. Electronic transmission of materials has made it much easier for everyone. What is amazing is how truly international the NRCC has become, with certificate holders in all 50 states and 12 foreign countries. Perhaps it’s time for a name change to International Registry of Certified Chemists!

Our finances have benefited substantially by a continued conversion to as much electronic communication as possible, lowering our mailing costs. We should be able to continue with our current fee structure, which have been held steady for the past ten years despite rising postage and paper costs. Our website has significantly reduced paper correspondence, with all application, reference, and renewal forms now available for easy download in either PDF or Word format.

Our aim is the make the application and testing process even smoother in 2017. Beginning in March we expect to be offering at least some of our exams through a computer-based system, making it even easier for applicants to schedule exams. This will also vastly improve our test question banking, psychometric analysis, and recordkeeping.

I continue to travel to promote NRCC certification, but the cost of meeting rooms at national meetings precludes offering exams in conjunction with those meetings. We have been building a good database of local proctors, and are happy to help you find an acceptable one that fits your schedule.

As many applicants and certificate holders know, we can be reached by telephone nearly any time of the day for questions and concerns. Our objective is to provide the highest level of service possible, but hopefully everyone is aware that nearly every question you might have is answered on the website. Please do not call to check on your application status; we will respond promptly by email to those requests. If there is any additional information you would like to see included on the website, please let us know.

Thank you to all of our sponsors and Board associates, including the American Chemical Society (ACS), American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC), American Board of Clinical Chemistry (ABCC), American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), American Institute of Chemists (AIC), and the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) for their continued financial support and/or sponsorship, including nominating representatives to the board of directors. We look forward to a happy and productive 50th anniversary year in 2017!

Russ Phifer