20160405 Industry Consultation Meeting Minutes

20160405 Industry Consultation Meeting Minutes

TAMS/Civil Consultants

INDUSTRY Consultation Meeting 1/2016

Tuesday, 5thApril 2016, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Present TAMS:
/ Gabriel Joseph – Asset Acceptance, Scott Martin – AIAMS, Jeff Bell- AA, Karl Cloos – Roads ACT, Richard Matto- Asset Information, Maggie Dunn – AA (MD),
Present Consultants:
/ Steve Coleman – LDA, Ashley Howard – Northrop, Tony Connell – Calibre, Christie player – TTW, Kristian Starkovski – Pierre Dragh, Luka Kovacevic – Kova Group, Stuart Gwynne – VDS, John Randall – Indesco, Peter Evans – RD Gossip, Martin Gordon – RD Gossip, Andrew Easey – Sellick, Gerard Zafico - Cardno










Administrative information
Gabriel explained;
  • evacuation procedure
  • exit and meeting area
  • conveniences
/ N/A
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Action items from the previous meeting
Electronic ADF to be prepared / complete / Asset Acceptance
Electronic submission cover sheets to be prepared / complete / Asset Acceptance
Reference Document 06 for infill projects to be prepared / complete / Asset Acceptance
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Project wise and WAE portal update – Richard Matto
RM explained that ProjectWise is a common data environment where we can open access to all of our data as well as share them in a digital space.
ProjectWise & WAE portals were launched on 1 February 2016.
Following feedback from the Industry, the WAE portal has reverted to a Dev/Test status to enhance it’s capability but once re-opened, (early May) this portal will enable consultants to;
  • access asset data in GIS format, CAD format , WAE drawings and cadastral directly on self serve basis and without limitation of business hours;
  • Submit of WAE information for Operational Acceptance and Soft Landscape Consolidation Commencement submissions.
  • Automatic validation of submitted information for compliance with Ref 11.
ProjectWise passports will have an annual fee per person, the vendor is currently reviewing the licencing categories & TAMS will be securing the best Value for Money. Richard Matto will provide an update as we progress with the vendor.
ProjectWise enables Industry, in stage 1, to connect direct to our TAMS Asset Data Library. James Downing () can be contacted for PW Passport assistance.
More information will soon be on our webpage.
Electronic submissions via Project wise will become compulsory from July 2016. Applicants are encouraged to purchase passport and commence using of PW prior to this date. This would enable smooth transmission and help AA to resolve any issues that may occur. / To participate in using PW by requesting PW passport / Industry
Update on standards – Gabriel Joseph
Municipal infrastructure standards are available on TAMS website.
They can be tested on selected projects and comments can be forwarded to TAMS.
This new standards will become mandatory for all projects in 12 months time. / To test MIS on chosen projects and provide comments
Design Acceptance requirements
Requirement for the bill of quantity (no cost) will be added to requirements for design acceptance submissions from the 1st July 2016.
The form will be similar to the current asset description forms required at the operational stage however it won’t include cost.
Development Control Code rev 2
DCC has been open for comments since publishing of the first version in May 2014.
Gabriel thanked all those who provided their input and informed that the final version is being discussed internally and Industry will be advised on progress.
Separate project on waste collection strategies is being undertaken and results of its findings will be taken into consideration for the next revision. / For information
Asset Acceptance website
Asset Acceptance website has been launched on the 29th February.
This website is dedicated to process of assessment of assets and contains information on AA processes for building applications, pre DA submissions and post DA submissions as well as schedule of industry consultation meetings and workshops and performance statistics.

We are open for comments and suggestions. / To provide comments
To add information about common faults with DA’s and post DA submissions. / Industry
Kuga Kugathas


Reference document 06 A – Requirements for Design Acceptance submissions for infill developments

On industry request AA developed separate set of requirements for residential and or commercial infill developments within a block (excluding developments which require subdivisions or creation of new infrastructure network).
This document has been circulated for comments and it has been approved by Executive Director IRAPT Paul Peters for publishing.
Ref 06A has been published on AA website followed by email to our contacts within the Industry. / For information
Published on AA Website 3 March 2016.



Change of communication protocol during assessment of projects

All correspondence in regards to projects will be send to the developer/owner as well as to the consultant. This is to ensure that developer is fully involved in the process, understands TAMS requirements and will follow it through until Final Acceptance.
Industry commented that the same can be achieved by bonding of works. Gabriel commented that bonds were used in the past and they weren’t successful.



Advisory Notes

  1. Draft LAN-02 Period of Consolidation of Soft Landscape, has been distributed and will be available for comments for 2 weeks since the date of publishing on TAMS website.
  2. EAN 7 – Innovative solutions is available for comments until the 6th of April. The document is currently available under the following link;
GJ also informed that the following advisory notes are being developed;
-Ponds handover
-Shade sails
-Fitness equipment / To provide comments / All industry



Streetscape guideline

Streetscape guideline tender was open for tender for the second time. Tender is closed now. / For information only



Involvement of Developers during project assessment process

GJ informed that from 21st March all correspondence and primary communication in regards to the project will be between developer and AA project lead. Civil Consultants and Landscape Architects will be CC’d into the emails only.
If fees and charges are to be applied, the process will be similar. / For information only



Streetscape guideline

Streetscape guideline tender was open for tender for the second time. Tender is closing this Thursday. / For information only



Survey Monkey

/ To provide feedback with the survey link / All invited



Open discussion

Gabriel requested ideas and topics of future workshops

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