2009 SRM Annual Meeting PlanningCommittee

January 7, 2009Meeting


AlbuquerqueConvention Center

Meeting Notes


Laurie Abbott

Bob Alexander

Matt Atencio

Tom Bartlett

Joel Brown

Michael Casados

George Chavez

Andres Cibils

Nathan Combs

Ann Dement

Summer Eaton

Don Ellsworth

Sabrina Flores

Alicia Gallegos

David Graham

Sandra Imler-Jacquez

Ken Johnson

Rich LaCasse

Ken Leiting

Jason Martin

Dan Merkel

Santiago Misquez

Jeff Powell

Lesley Radtke

Susan Rottman

Cliff Sanchez

Donald Serrano

Dave Stewart

Jim Thorpe

L. Allen Torell

John Tunberg

Also:Roy Roath from the 2010 SRM Annual Meeting Committee

Kirk Reid and Tom MacMahon from Meeting Expectations A/V

KC Flores from the Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau

Chris Cardenas of the AlbuquerqueConvention Center


David Graham passed out the 2009 SRM Meeting vests and collected the $8.38per vest.

Review hotel commitments and availability:

We need 80% room commitments for hotels to avoid penalties. The DoubleTreevandPlaza are over 100%. The Hyatt Regency is only at 72% but they have little availability for Thursday because of other groups. Therefore, they are going to decrease SRM’s obligation. Concern exists about whether we will meet the 80% commitment for the Embassy Hotel as we are currently at 31%, but Embassy Suites has agreed to decrease the price to $119 per night (same as the Hyatt). Embassy Suites will also add rooms to Thursday night. A Range Flash for the $119 price,with breakfast and evenings refreshments will go out soon and it is anticipated that this will up the room count. Fairfield is another alternative that will be announced soon.

Review Registration Numbers:

Meeting: Lesley Radtke reported count was 990 registrants so far. Because of online registration problems not many have signed up for the (free) SRM Memorial Breakfast, and SRM Business Meeting Luncheon. It was discussed that no ticket would be required as originally planned for the breakfast and luncheon

Tours: Technical Tour 2 to the PlantMaterialsCenter is currently at 17 people which is below the 20 person breakeven. It was decided to continue the tour regardless and to explore alternative cheaper transportation options.

Tour to Santa Fe: Proposals now are to have people ride the train to Santa Fe, a cheaper transport alternative. The signup is currently at 29 people, slightly below break-even but ample if the train is used. Susan Rottman and Jeff Powell are going to ride the train and check out transportation at the Santa Fe end from the RailRunner Station to the Plaza. Note: Susan’s and Jeff’s trip was successful and the bus to Santa Fe has been cancelled. The group will ride the RailRunner.

To solicit more attendees, a combined Range Flash will be submitted about the availability of the Santa Fe Tour and the Wine Tasting Tour. The Wine tour is behind breakeven but the vote was to continue regardless.

Day-by-Day Review of 2009 SRM Meeting:

The majority of the meeting was spent on a line-by-line edit of the draft Program-at-a-Glance from the Pocket Program. The Pocket Porgram will go to the publisher next week. The committee reviewed the time, location and special needs of events from Saturday, Feb. 7 through Friday, Feb. 13. There were no major discrepancies but minor corrections were made. Tim Timmons has moved the final version of the pocket guide on to Allen Press for printing

Questions arose as to whether the Nebraska Section wanted a meeting that was scheduled. It was determined that we had received a request from Section’s Past President (it was not just added from previous years). Thus the entry will remain in the program. David Graham said he would check with the current Nebraska Section President.

2009 SRM Annual Meeting Committee Final Report

We are obligated to provide SRM and the Colorado Section with a final report that reports by planning area what went right, wrong, and to make suggestions about how to conduct business in the future. Planning participants are expected to prepare a brief written report that will be presented at the wrap up 2009 Planning Committee meeting that is scheduled for Thursday afternoon, Feb. 12, 2009. We need to make this as complete as possible so that are responsibilities do not drag on, and on, and on.

Next Meetings

  • Jan. 16, 2009, 1:00 pm - Local Arrangements/ Host Activities Committee
  • Jan. 23,2009, 9:00 am, Executive Committee Meeting (call in)
  • Full 2009 SRM Annual Meeting Planning Committee, Saturday, Feb. 7, 2009, 3:30 PM, Enchantment II, ACC