NZQA Expiring unit standard / 11740 version 3
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Title / Install and commission domestic LPG systems and appliances in caravans and/or boats
Level / 4 / Credits / 6
Purpose / This unit standard is for people in the automotive and marine repair industry. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of the use of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) in caravans and boats; prepare caravan and/or boat for LPG installation; install LPG for domestic purposes in a caravan and/or boat; and commission the installation.
Classification / Motor Industry > Automotive Fuel Systems and Exhaust
Available grade / Achieved

Guidance Information

1The following legislation, publications, and their amendments are required to be consulted and followed where applicable:

-Health and Safety in Employment Act, 1992;

-Shipping and Seaman Act, 1952;

-Dangerous Goods (Class 2 - Gases) Regulations, 1980;

-New Zealand Standard NZS 5428: 1996 Installation and use of LPG for non-propulsive purposes in caravans and boats;

-Safety in Small Craft (Mike Scanlan, 1994, Royal New Zealand Coastguard Federation).

2Reference to suitable tools and equipment means industry approved tools and equipment that are recognised within the industry as being the most suited to complete the task to a professional and competent manner with due regard to safe working practices.

3This unit standard applies to LPG installation of domestic systems in caravans and boats other than those covered by statutory requirements pursuant to the Maritime Transport Act 1994, and also excludes matters relating to using LPG as an engine fuel for propulsion of boats, yachts, and other vessels, or motor-driven caravans.

Outcomes and performance criteria

Outcome 1

Demonstrate knowledge of the use of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) in caravans and boats.

Performance criteria

1.1Safety practices associated with LPG are described according to legislation and NZS 5428.

Rangereading and observing gas appliance manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring adequate ventilation before use, changing or replacing cylinders, action to take when damage occurs to components, component storage, suitability of components for installation, fitting components, inspecting and testing the system.

1.2Precautions and actions to take in the event of an emergency are identified.

Rangeleaks, fire.

1.3Characteristics and safety aspects of LPG are identified.

Rangehow LPG is stored normally, volume expansion change from a liquid state to a gas, flammability, density, vapour dangers, odour, temperature change due to rapid vapourisation.

1.4Use and care of cylinders and cylinder valves are identified.

Rangemaximum size, protection from corrosion, retesting period, labelling, shut-off valve and safety relief device.

1.5Procedures to identify faulty, damaged, or expired cylinders are identified.

Rangeexamining a cylinder before filling, retesting procedures.

1.6Location and attachment of cylinders are described.

Rangespecific locations according to NZS 5428, cylinder fixings, manifolded cylinders and pipelines, stowage provision, cylinder lockers or compartments and vents.

1.7Pressure regulator positioning and mounting are identified.

Rangehigh pressure pipe length, service and reserve cylinder manifolding, maintaining flexibility between regulator and fixed pipe work.

1.8Types and use of pipework and fittings are identified.

Rangequick release fittings, rigid piping, flexible hoses, copper and stainless steel fittings.

1.9Installation of pipework and fittings are described according to NZS 5428.

Rangerouting of piping, security, protection, pipe lengths, siting of piping to an appliance, flexibility to avoid stresses, pipe branches, use of isolation valves, separating piping from electrical cable and fittings, pipe supports and fixings.

1.10Appliance installation requirements are identified.

Rangecooking appliances, refrigerators, space heaters, water heaters, gas lights, portable appliances, flues;

siting and mounting of appliance, security against vibration, automatic shut-off, appliances fitted with a continuous burning pilot light.

1.11Ventilation requirements for the extraction of gas are identified.

Rangeventing all compartments, ensuring natural ventilation where gas-consuming appliances are sited, using mechanical ventilation.

1.12The use of a portable manually operated gas detector is identified.

Rangetesting in each area containing a gas consuming appliance, testing in lower parts of compartments.

1.13Installation and periodic testing procedures are described according to NZS 5428.

Rangepipework, pressure test, testing joints with soap and water solution, ensuring appliances operate according to manufacturer's specifications.

Outcome 2

Prepare caravan and/or boat for LPG installation.

Performance criteria

2.1Safe working practices are observed throughout the task.

Rangepersonal safety, safety of others, equipment and caravan and/or boat safety.

2.2Suitable tools and equipment are selected and used to prepare for the installation.

2.3Customer's and/or supervisor's instructions are determined from the job sheet.

2.4All equipment and appliances for the installation are procured according to customer's and/or supervisor's instructions, and in accordance with NZS 5428.

2.5The positioning of appliances is identified for their suitability, and a report is given to the supervisor.

Outcome 3

Install LPG for domestic purposes in a caravan and/or boat.

Performance criteria

3.1Safe working practices are observed throughout the task.

Rangepersonal safety, safety of others, equipment and caravan and/or boat safety.

3.2Suitable tools and equipment are selected and used to enable the installation to be carried out.

3.3LPG equipment is installed according to NZS 5428 and equipment manufacturer's instructions.

Rangecylinder(s), pipework and fittings, pressure regulator and valves, appliances.

3.4Operating instructions are included on permanent caution plates or labels, and additional notes are included in an instruction sheet in accordance with NZS 5428.

Rangecaution plate or label mounted outside the caravan or boat near the cylinder installation, caution plate or label and the instruction sheet mounted inside the caravan or boat near one of the appliances.

Outcome 4

Commission the installation.

Performance criteria

4.1Safe working practices are observed throughout the task.

Rangepersonal safety, safety of others, equipment and caravan or boat safety.

4.2Suitable test equipment is selected and used to enable the installation to be tested and commissioned.

4.3The installation is examined and tested according to legal requirements.

Rangelow pressure stage, high pressure stage and regulator joints, appliances.

4.4Any faults found are reported to the supervisor.

This unit standard is expiring. Assessment against the standard must take place by the last date for assessment set out below.

Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions

Process / Version / Date / Last Date for Assessment
Registration / 1 / 30 July 1998 / 31 December 2020
Review / 2 / 19 April 2002 / 31 December 2020
Review / 3 / 26 April 2018 / 31 December 2020
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0014

This CMR can be accessed at

MITO New Zealand Incorporated
SSB Code 101542 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018