10th grade history project

As part of this year's curriculumthe 10th grade history lessons included the growth of modern nationalismin Europe during the 19th century. The new nationalism flourished in Europe influencing thesocial economical and political structure of many nations and had also effected the Jewish Diaspora.

This project will enable each student to search for his" inner self". An "inner self" that is incorporates values and other unique elementswhich together contains the Jewish national core to which each one belongs and identifieswith.

Below are instructions for the assignment - follow the instructions and challenge yourself through a creative process aiming to produce an original result which will reflect your identity

Work stages:

Part 1: individuall project , submit until 29.2.12 (40 points)

1. Choose a picture of a family member (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father , brother, sister ) and describe it. Write why you choose to present it and how it reflects features of your identity. Paste or scan the picture upon one of the frames that are offeredand_____ it. Print the answer to this assignment in another frame an _____it.

2. Choose a song or a story that express your identity and your family relations to the Jewish nation and \ or to the Israeli nation(A lullaby that your family used to sing , holiday or Shabbat songs, prayer, blessings or heroic stories, wars ,immigration to Israel , wedding, birth). Show the connection of the story to your identity today.

3. Choose a story of a classmate which you find a common ground and present the relation between the two stories.

Part 2 : pair project , submit untill 19.3.12 (60 points)

1. Enter this website , in there you will find testimony and videos of Jews and their families.There's an option to use the English language or the Hebrew language according to yourpreferance. I recommend English because there is much more information offered and it is more challenging.
Choose one assignment out of the two: reading a testimony or watching a video.

A. Pick one of the testimonies or one of the videos according to one of the following criteria
- By last-name. (Perhaps your last name)
- By countryof origin, city or village. (Perhaps one of your relative's origin)
Read the testimony or watch the video and summarize the content.
Explain why you choose this specific testimony or video and write what is the connection between the story to your family, if at all.

In summary, present the insights in which you have found about your personal identity and your national identity as a result of this project.

For your information, all of the projects will be displayed in a gallery at school, and the finest of the projects shall be displayed at Centropa's worldwide institute .

Enjoy working
Eti Gal.