1.  What does the title of this book allude to? What does it foreshadow?

CHAPTER 62- Orleanna

1.  How does Ruth May’s death suddenly and irrevocably change Orleanna’s character and actions? Give specific examples

2.  To whom is Orleanna speaking in this chapter? What theme does this emphasize?

3.  To what Biblical character does Orleana allude? What is the significance of the allusion?

4.  What are some of the items that Orleanna gives away and the new uses she imagines for them?

5.  Discuss the power Orleanna finds in motion in this chapter.

6.  What is a motif?

7.  How does this chapter further a motif of motion? (Look at not only how it pertains to Orleanna but also conquerers).

8.  What theme or themes does this motion motif further?

9.  Orleanna says: “I wonder what you’ll name my sin: Complicity? Loyalty? Stupefication?... Is my sin a failure of virtue, or of competence?” In your opinion, did Orleanna make a mistake staying with Nathan for so long? How would you describe her “sin”? Or, explain why you feel she is not to blame.


CHAPTER 63- Leah

1.  What is the journey along the road to Bulungu like for the girls?

2.  With whom does Rachel leave? Where do Adah and Orleanna go, why does Leah stay?

3.  Why does Nathan not accompany his family out of Kilanga?

4.  Discuss the significance of Leah’s statement: “Anatole banished the honey-colored ache of malaria and guilt from my blood.”

5.  Discuss Leah’s decision to not return to America. What does it reveal about her character?

6.  What do you think of this romantic turn of events? Give specifics to support your opinion.

CHAPTER 64- Rachel

1.  How is Johannesburg different from Rachel’s former life in Kilanga?

2.  Discuss the significance of Rachel’s assertion that she was baptized by mud. What does it say about her view of herself, her family, the world, and religion?

3.  What does Rachel’s status as Eeben Axleroot’s de facto wife suggest about her character and her allegiance in the Congo’s struggle for independence?

CHAPTER 65- Adah

1.  What substantial change in her character does Adah reveal at the beginning of the chapter?

2.  What is life like for Orleanna and Adah back in Georgia?

3.  How is Orleanna’s newfound talent for gardening significant?

4.  How long was the Price family in Kilanga? How many children died in that time including Ruth May?

5.  What is Adah’s “religion that serves”? What does this indicate about her character?

6.  What is Adah’s debt that she cannot repay?

7.  Explain Adah’s statement that her family produced a scientist, penitent, politician, and a ghost. Who is who? Who created them? How?

CHAPTER 66- Leah

1.  How many years have passed since the Price women left Kilanga? What do you think this sudden change in the pace of the narrative indicates?

2.  What has become of Nathan according to the news that Tata Boanda shares?

3.  Why is Leah living with the French nuns?

4.  What is Leah’s tone throughout this chapter? What theme does this pervasive tone emphasize?

5.  Discuss Leah’s fixation on her white skin. Give TEXTUAL EVIDENCE in the midst of your discussion. What theme does this emphasize?

6.  Why is the United Nations bombing the Central African Republic?

7.  Explain the significance of God’s resemblance to Nathan.

8.  Who does Leah see when she pictures Jesus? Why is this significant?

CHAPTER 67- Rachel

1.  Why does Rachel consider herself an adaptable kind of person? Is she really?

2.  Why does Rachel’s intention to marry the First Attaché to the French Ambassador suggest about her character?

CHAPTER 68- Leah

1.  Why is January 17th a day of mourning for both Anatole and Leah?

2.  Describe Anatole’s imprisonment: how long he was there and what he did in that time.

3.  Where do Anatole and Leah decide to make a life together when he is released from prison?

4.  Who is placed in power with the help of the United States? What is the regime like?

5.  What has happened to Pascal?

6.  What does Leah mean when she calls Anatole “my first prayer to Creation answered”? What does this foreshadow?

7.  Discuss the contrast between Nathan and other missionaries Leah knows.

8.  What is Leah’s attitude toward Rachel? Why?

9.  Discuss Leah and Anatole’s hard life. Give specific examples.

10.  How does Leah deal with her guilt in this chapter?

CHAPTER 69- Adah

1.  What must Adah relearn? What is symbolic about this process?

2.  Why is Adah certain Leah, Anatole, and Pascal will not stay in the United States? Give specifics.

3.  How has the style of Adah’s narration changed now that she has lost her “slant”? What does this suggest about her character?

4.  When Adah can think of “no honorable answer” to Pascal’s question, what theme is emphasized?

5.  What cause has Orleanna taken up?

6.  Discuss the religions of each of the Price women and their significance. Underline each character’s name before giving your discussion of EACH. Give textual evidence and specific examples.

7.  Explain the significance of Adah’s statement: “In spite of myself I have loved the world a little, and may lose it.” What does this say about her character?

8.  According to Orleanna, why did she choose Adah over Leah at the river? Do you believe that Orleanna’s explanation is truthful? Explain your opinion.

9.  How do you feel about Adah’s evolution?

CHAPTER 70- Leah

1.  What is the new name of the Congo? Why has Mobutu changed the names of places?

2.  Where is the irony in renaming the Congo and its cities?

3.  Describe Leah and Anatole’s house and who lives there. How do you think you would react to living in a similar situation?

4.  What evidence do we get of tainted and inaccurate media in Adah’s package? Why do you think Kingsolver shares details like this?

5.  Leah writes: “It’s as if history can be no more than a mirror tipped up to show each of us exactly what we already knew.” What do you think of this idea?

6.  What athletes has Mobutu decided to bring to Zaire and for what purpose? Why does this decision irritate Leah?

7.  Why must Elevee quit school? How does Leah survive there?

8.  Look at Anatole’s explanation of Mobutu and Congo as a wife. How does Leah see Nathan and Orleann’s marriage as similar to the Congo?

9.  What does Leah mean when she says, “My pagan mother alone among us understood redemption”?

10.  Why does Leah regret her time working as a teacher for the Inga-Shaba project, discuss Mobutu’s homes, and emphasize the project to build the IngaShaba power line? What does this discourse reveal?

11.  Many countries in Africa are still indebted to the United States because of deals like this. What do you think of this?

12.  Leah says, “We at least have the option of leaving.” Given all we hear from Leah in this chapter, why do you think she opts to stay there?

CHAPTER 71- Rachel

1.  How many times does Rachel marry? Which husband is her favorite? Why?

2.  What is Rachel’s opinion of Leah’s marriage?

3.  Why does Rachel think her family has never visited her and what does this say about her character?

4.  When thinking about Ruth May’s death, Rachel says: “So I refuse to fee the slightest responsibility. I really do.” Do you believe Rachel when she says this, or do you think she does feel some guilt like her sisters, mother, and Anatole feel? Explain your answer giving specific support.

CHAPTER 72- Leah

1.  What happens to Anatole when the family returns from Atlanta?

2.  How were the hope chest projects prophetic, according to Leah?

3.  Leah realizes she cannot return to America for good. Why? What theme does this emphasize?

4.  Explain Leah’s statement: “We are all co-conspirators here. I mean, all of us, not just my family.”

CHAPTER 73- Rachel

1.  What is significant about Rachel’s choice of last name in this chapter?

2.  Why does Rachel need to “think” about letting Anatole into the Equatorial? What is Leah’s response?

3.  What historical site do the girl’s visit on their journey? Why do you think this was included?

4.  Describe what happens to Nathan Price. What do you think of this turn in the story?

5.  What does Adah realize about this event? How is it ironic?

6.  How does the news of Nathan’s death affect the sisters? How does each sister’s response reflect her character?

7.  Who are the five wives of Nathan Price?

CHAPTER 74- Adah

1.  This chapter begins with a poem from Shakespeare’s The Tempest. It is the second stanza of a song the character Ariel sings. The poem speaks of Ferdinand’s father, who was lost at sea. What is its significance of this allusion as it relates to Nathan’s lasting impact?

2.  Discuss how Adah equates lameness with dark skin. What theme does it emphasize?

3.  How does Adah emphasize the theme of the power and beauty of language in this chapter?

4.  Why does Adah insist on talking about Nathan?

CHAPTER 75- Leah

1.  Describe each of Leah’s sons.

2.  Why is Leah drawn to Angola, and why is she frustrated with the United States?

3.  How does Leah continue to respond to unfairness and injustice?

4.  How is the theme of the power of language developed in this chapter?