Cornell University的课件信息

1.Recirculated and Energy Recovered Linacs, January 2008 (incomplete notes)

2.Recirculated and Energy Recovered Linacs, June 2005 (notes)

3.Fourth Generation Light Sources II: ERLs and Thomson Scattering, January 2003 (notes)

4.Course Materials from Most Recent School


Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab Fernando Sannibale, Soren Prestemon and David Robin, June 2007

Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab Yannis Papaphilippou and Nuria Catalan Lasheras, June 2005

6.Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism in AcceleratorsGennady Stupakov and Zhirong Huang, June 2007

7.Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism for Accelerators and Beams Helmut Wiedemann, January 2004

8.Classical Mechanics & Electromagnetism in Accelerators and Beams Richard Talman, June 2002

9.Accelerator Physics

Accelerator Physics Waldo MacKay and Todd Satogata, June 2008
10.Control Room Accelerator Physics John Galambos, Chris Allen, and Chungming (Paul) Chu, June 2008
11.Advanced Accelerator Physics and Accelerator Simulations George Hoffstaetter and Changsheng Song, June 2006

12.Accelerator Physics Waldo MacKay and Rama Calaga, June 2005

13.Accelerator Physics Gerald Dugan, January 2002
14.Advanced Topics in Accelerator Physics Alex W. Chao, June 2000

Accelerator Design

15.Fundamentals of Charged Particle Optics Michael Syphers, Arden Warner, Ryoichi Miyamoto, January 2008
16.Fundamentals of Storage Ring Design Yannis Papaphilippou, January 2008

17.Beam Delivery System and Interaction Region of a Linear Collider Mauro Pivi, Andrei Seryi and Nikolai Mokhov, January 2007
18.Microwave Linear AcceleratorsDavid Whittum, January 2006

19.Recirculated and Energy Recovered LinacsG.A. Krafft, L. Merminga and I.V. Bazarov, June 2005.

20.Schedule and Computer Classes
21.The SNS - I, Front End and Linac Thomas Wangler, James Billen and Roderich Keller, June 2004
22.The SNS - II, Ring and Transport Systems Jie Wei and Yannis Papaphilippou, June 2004

23.Physics and Technology of Linear Collider Facilities N. Walker, A. Wolski, A. Seryi and P. Tenenbaum, June 2003

24.Physics and Design of High-Intensity Accelerators Yannis Papaphilippou, BNL with Jie Wei, BNL/ORNL; and Alexei Fedotov, BNL, June 2001

25.Beam Sources

High Brightness Electron Injectors for Light Sources David H. Dowell, John F. Schmerge, and Steve Lidia, January 2008

26.CW & High Brightness Electron Sources James Rosenzweig and Massimo Ferrario, June 2004

27.Beam Physics

Beam Physics with Intense Space-Charge John Barnard and Steven Lund, June 2008

Beam Dynamics Experiments on the University of Maryland Electron RingRami Kishek, Santiago Bernal, Ralph Fiorito, Patrick O'Shea, Diktys Stratakis, David Sutter, and UMER Staff , June 2008

Beam Physics with Intense Space Charge John Barnard, Steven Lund and Rami Kishek, June 2006
Beam Control and Manipulation Michiko Minty and Frank Zimmermann, June 2004

28.Intense Beam Physics: Space-Charge, Halo and Related Topics John J. Barnard and Steven M. Lund, January 2004

29.Introduction to Beam Physics Martin Berz, June 2002

30.Beam Techniques - Beam Control and Manipulation Michiko Minty and Frank Zimmermann,June 2002

31.Physics of Collective Beam Instabilities K.Y. (Bill) Ng, June 2000

Diagnostics and Controls

32.Beam-Based Diagnostics Christoph Steier and James Safranek, June 2008

33.Beam Diagnostics Using Synchrotron Radiation: Theory and Practice Jeff Corbett, Alan Fisher and Walter Mok, January 2008
34.Beam Based Diagnostics Christoph Steier, James Safranek and Greg Portmann, January 2006

35.Response Matrix Measurements and Applications to Storage Rings Jeff Corbett, January 2005
36.Beam Instrumentation Laboratory at the Synchrotron Radiation Center (SRC) Ken Jacobs, Robert Legg, Mike Fisher and the SRC Staff, June 2004
37.EPICS Control Systems Robert Dalesio, Andrew Johnson and Kay-Uwe Kasemir, January 2003

38.Accelerator-Based Sources of Coherent Terahertz Radiation John Byrd and Fernando Sannibale, January 2008

39.Fourth Generation Light Sources II: ERLs and Thomson Scattering Geoffrey Krafft and Ivan Bazarov, January 2003

40.Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory Derun Li, Bob Rimmer, Tom Powers, and John Staples, January 2008

41.RF Superconductivity Jean Delayen, June 2008

42.Microwave Measurement and Beam Instrumentation Lab Ralph Pasquinelli and David McGinnis, January 2007.

43.Course Text: "Microwave Theory and Applications" by Stephen F. Adam

44.Superconducting RF Applications Jean Delayen, January 2005

45.Microwave Physics and Techniques Ali Nassiri, June 2003

46.Radiation Physics, Regulation, and Management (Fermilab Technical Memo -1834) J. Donald Cossairt and Reginald Ronningen, June 2007
47.System Safety and Safety Systems for Accelerators Kelly Mahoney and Sandra Prior, June 2004

48.Laser Applications to Accelerators Yuelin Li and Triveni Rao, June 2008
49.Fundamentals of Timing and Synchronization with Applications to Accelerators Russell Wilcox and John D. Fox, January 2008
50.Superconducting Accelerator Magnets Paolo Ferracin, Soren Prestemon and Ezio Todesco, June 2007
51.Superconducting Accelerator Magnets Ramesh Gupta and Animesh Jain, January 2006
52.Iron Dominated Electromagnet Design Jack Tanabe, June 2005. Individual class lectures.
53.Accelerator Power System Engineering Paul Bellomo and James Sebek, June 2004
54.Principles of Cryogenic Engineering Steven Van Sciver and John Pfotenhauer, June 2004
55.Accelerator Vacuum and Mechanical Engineering Lou Bertolini, June 2002

56.Graduate General Relativity : Physics 6553 / Astronomy 6509 (Fall 2008)

57.Introduction to General Relativity : Physics 445 / Astronomy 445 (Fall 2007)

58.Analytical Mechanics : Physics 318 (Spring 2008)

59.Special Relativity : Physics 216 (Spring 2004)