/ The Department of Swimming
at the Institute of Physical Activity in Water Environment,
UniversitySchool of Physical Education, Wroclaw, Poland /
/ Invites to participate in:
the International Scientific Symposium
“Science & Swimming”
which takes place on 26-27th April 2012
in the UniversitySchool of Physical Education In Wrocław
The honorary patronage over symposium was taken byThe Rector of the University School of Physical Education in Wrocław prof. Juliusz Migasiewicz and dr hab. Andrzej Rokita prof. of the University School of Physical Education In Wrocław under the anniversary celebration of the the University.
Bulletin no 1


The exchange of views and experiences and to present the results of scientific research performed on the development of widely understood physical activity in the aquatic environmentwith a biological and humanistic context. The conference will also provide intercollegiate scientific, educational and organizational contacts.

Thematic scope:

1. Contemporary problems of the up-to-date physical activity forms in the aquatic environment.

2. Biological and humanistic aspects of physical education, sport, recreation, active recreation and rehabilitation in the aquatic environment.

3. Other problems concerning education, physical education, sport, recreation, active tourism and rehabilitation in the aquatic environment.

Scientific Committee:

Honorary Chairman: prof.Juliusz Migasiewicz

Chairman: prof. Krystyna Zatoń


dr hab. Ewa Dybińska prof. AWF Kraków

prof. Tadeusz Koszczyc

prof. Wodzisław Kuliński

prof. Romuald Olszański

prof. Patric Pelayo, University of Lille, France

prof. Andrzej Pawłucki

prof. Ross Sanders, University of Edenburg, Great Britain

prof. Robert Keig Stallman, University of Oslo, Norway

dr hab. Wojciech Wiesner prof., AWF Wrocław

prof. zw. dr hab. Marek Woźniewski

prof. zw. dr hab. Zdzisława Wrzosek

prof. zw. dr hab. Marek Zatoń

Organizational Committee:

Chairman: PhDAndrzej Klarowicz

Deputy-chairman:MSc Stefan Szczepan

Secretary: PhD Marek Rejman


PhD Krystyna Antoniak-Lewandowska

PhD Magdalena Chrobot

PhD Mirosław Fiłon

PhD Marcin Jaszczak

PhD Anna Kwaśna

MSc Łukasz Smołka

MScCEng Tadeusz Gancarek

MScCEngAgnieszka Kolończyk

MSc CEng Kazimierz Woźniak


After a positive review, the articles received will be published in the scientific monograph “Science in Swimming IV”. “Science in Swimming” is a cyclic monograph written in English. It contains original scientific concepts and describes physical activity in the aquatic environment extensively and comprehensively in physiological, biomechanical and pedagogical aspects. For published research authors don nott receive any remuneration. Each of the articles will become a chapter in the monograph. A chapter in a monograph should be understood as a scientific article for at least one publishing sheet (which is 40000 characters including spaces). In MNiSzW scoring a monograph gets – 3 points (article in Polish), - 7 points (article in English).The editorial requirements and program for verifying the correctness of text editing for monograph „Science in Swimming IV” (Essentials to send full version of the research) are available at the “instruction for authors” section on conference website The Editorial Board reserves the right to lingual, graphical and text flow adjustments. We are making great efforts to provide the monograph to symposium participants on the day of the conference.

The remaining works can be published in „Antropomotoryka” and „Human Movement” journals. “Antropomotoryka” is a periodically issued scientific journal. In MNiSzW scoring it received 9 points for 2010 issue. Editorial requirements needed to publish the research in “Antropomotoryka” journal are available at the “instructions for authors” section on:

“Human Movement”is a periodically issued scientific journal. In MNiSzW scoring it received 9 points for 2010 issue and 5,80 points in Index Copernicus (2009). Journal presents views from every field of science concerning human movement in a broad sense, both biological and humanistic. All additional information about publishing is available at:

Conference language:

Polish and English.

Important dates:

  • Application form and summaryhave to be sent by email or letter (with “VI Symposium” note) to the Symposium Office address before:

15th January 2012.

  • All articles have to be sent before:

20th March 2012.

  • Conference fee has to be transferredto the Symposium account (with “VI Symposium” note)before:

25th February 2012 r.

  • Additional information for those who declare their participation will be sent in bulletin no 2 before:

20thJanuary 2012 r.

Symposium fees:

Fee for active participants is 400 PLN and this covers: conference materials, scientific monograph and social meetings with treats. Fee for passive participants and students is 50 PLN. There is apossibility to print a few additional publications for an extra charge (200 PLN each). Conference organizers can provide hotel bookings and catering for previously made requests. All the details about hotels, refreshments and prices will be described on:

We ask to transfer Symposium fees into IV Symposium account:

BPH S.A., Oddzial Wroclaw
42 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 7743 AWF Wroclaw
with ”Sympozjum Pływackie (4405)” note

Correspondence address:

Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego
Zakład Pływania
51-612 Wrocław



With scientific regards,

Organizers of the Symposium