Ecology Pretest

1)  1. Which of the following is a characteristic of all living things?

a) reproduction c) cellular organization

b) metabolism d) all of the above

2)  A functioning aquarium displays …

a) a community b) a habitat c) an ecosystem d) all of the above

3)  A group of organisms of different species living together in a particular place is called a

a) community b) population c) biome d) habitat

4)  An ecosystem consists of

a) a community of organisms c) the soil, water, and weather

b) energy d) all of the above

5)  When an organism dies, the nutrients in its body

a)  can never be reused by other living things

b)  are immediately released into the atmosphere

c)  are released by the action of decomposers

d)  none of the above

6)  A relationship between a producer and consumer is best illustrated by a

a) snake eating a bird c) lion eating a zebra

b) fox eating a mouse d) zebra eating grass

7)  Food webs are more common than food chains because

a)  many animals that comprise the links in a food chain are migratory.

b) organisms almost always eat, and are eaten by, many different organisms

c) over time, food chains always become food webs

d) None of the above

8) T/F Biogeochemical cycles are a way of recycling nitrogen, water, and carbon between the living and the non-living ecosystem.

a.) True

b) False

9)  In going from one trophic level to the next higher level,

a) the number of organisms increases

b) the amount of usable energy increases

c) the amount of usable energy decreases

d) diversity of organisms increases

10) The organisms that convert molecular nitrogen into useable forms are called

a) denitrifying bacteria

b) nitrogen fixing bacteria

c) archaebacteria

d) nitrogenous bacteria

11) Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem are called

a) primary consumers c) primary producers

b) predators d) scavengers

12) All of the following are abiotic factors of a habitat except

a) soil b) plants c) water d) weather