Français I

Présentation finale de l’unité

Your final project of the unit willbe a presentation about your family. Your family does NOThave to be real. You may choose which slide show presentation (power point, prezi, Movie maker, etc.) you want to use. Whatever format you choose, your project is due on Tuesday, October 29that the beginning of classand presentations will begin that day. You will not be able to use any notes for this presentation.

Your presentation must include at least 5 slides:

  1. A slide entitled “My Family” in French-no picture is needed on this slide
  2. A picture that you can describe of yourself
  3. A picture of one other person or pet
  4. A picture of at least two other people (or pets)
  5. A picture of you and at least one other person (or pet)

For each picture above, you must mention:

  1. Their name and relationship to you
  2. Their nationality or heritage
  3. Age or birthday
  4. 2 physical descriptions
  5. 2 personality traits
  6. One negative phrase

You want to show me that you can:

  1. Use avoircorrectly
  2. Use êtrecorrectly
  3. Make your adjectives agree in gender (masculine/feminine)and number (singular/plural) with what they are describing
  4. Use the words MY and YOUR correctly
  5. Make sentences negative

No words may be added to the slides except for the title slide. This is a memorized presentation.

I will post a list of requirements on the back whiteboard for your reference.

In addition, as an audience member, you must ask a total of two questions to two different presenters. You must listen and not ask a question that has already been discussed. You will be graded on your grammar and pronunciation.

Rubric for the Final Project of the Friends and Family Unit

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Pronunciation (pronunciation) / You speak clearly and project your voice loud enough for everyone to hear. You are trying to have an appropriate accent. Extraordinaire! / You need to speak more clearly or loudly. You need to practice the pronunciation of some words because it is confusing. Bravo! / Your pronunciation limits your ability to be understood. Your point is incomprehensible.
You are speaking too softly. Essayez plus SVP!
(Flow) / You have practiced and it shows. Your presentation moves smoothly and follows a logical sequence.
Un super travail! / Your presentation is good but you have some minor hesitations or illogical sequencing. Practice for a seamless presentation next time. Bon! / You need to prepare for presentations in front of the class. You don’t want to lose your audience. Your sequencing needs reworking for next time.
Préparez plus SVP!
Grammaire (Grammar) / You have proved that you can use verbs correctly, negate them and make your adjectives agree. You are communicating what you intend.
Génial! / You do a good job with grammar but have a few minor errors to work on. The listener can still understand what you are communicating. Bonne continuation! / You need to be more careful about your grammar. Your mistakes are confusing the listener. Faites attention! / The audience cannot understand you. You obviously used a translator to form your sentences.
Contenu (Content) / You have satisfied all the requirements for content. You have shown a large variety of adjectives without repeating any. You have a wonderful work ethic.
Trèsbien fait! / You have missed 1-2 of the specified requirements. You repeated adjectives.
Pas mal! / You have missed 3 or more requirements. You repeated adjectives.
Travaillez mieux la prochaine fois. / You need to follow directions. Please ask questions BEFORE you present if you do not understand the task.
Saisissez chaque opportunité!
Synthèse de la présentation
(Presentationalsynthesis) / Your pictures are clear, appropriate and demonstrative of your description. You have tried to add some humor or syntactical originality to the presentation to make it entertaining. You are ready to present when your turn arrives. Your work is meticulous. Excellent! / Your pictures are clear, appropriate and demonstrative of your description. You have tried to add some humor or syntactical originality to the presentation to make it entertaining. You are ready to present when your turn arrives.
Très beau! / Some of your pictures may not be clear or appropriate. They do not follow what you are describing. Your sentence structure is too repetitive. You are not ready to present due to a lack of preparation on your part. Faitesmieux la prochainefois! / Your pictures are blurry or inappropriate. The presentation has effects that are distracting. You are not giving your best effort. You are not ready and need 2 or more days before you present.Bof!
2 questions / You have asked two well- formed questions which were not redundant. Super! / You have asked two questions of which one may be grammatically incorrect or redundant.
Bien! / You have not asked two well-formed questions or your questions are redundant or incomprehensible.
Faites attention! / You have asked only one question and it may be redundant or incomprehensible. Demandez de l’aide.

Totale ……………../22


Evaluation pour ……………………………………………………………………..

Trèsbien! 2 / Pas horrible 1 / Bof! 0
Je comprends le présentateur.
I can understand the presenter.
La présentation est belle et bien conçue.
The presentation is appealing to the eye and well thought out.
Le présentateur a parlé avec aisance.
The presenter spoke with ease.

Evaluation pour ……………………………………………………………………..

Trèsbien! 2 / Pas horrible 1 / Bof! 0
Je comprends le présentateur.
I can understand the presenter.
La présentation est belle et bien conçue.
The presentation is appealing to the eye and well thought out.
Le présentateur a parlé avec aisance.
The presenter spoke with ease.

Evaluation pour ……………………………………………………………………..

Trèsbien! 2 / Pas horrible 1 / Bof! 0
Je comprends le présentateur.
I can understand the presenter.
La présentation est belle et bien conçue.
The presentation is appealing to the eye and well thought out.
Le présentateur a parlé avec aisance.
The presenter spoke with ease.