Final Report Guidelines

Your Final Report will have two components:

  1. Final Narrative Report (to be submitted in Word and uploaded via our online portal on the “Attachments” tab).
  1. Final Financial Report (to be submitted in Excel in our financial report template, which can be downloaded using the link on page 2, and the completed report then uploaded via our online portal on the “Attachments” tab).

The guidelines for the Final Narrative Report and Financial Report are provided below.

Note: If you have any unused grant funds, please notify your assigned program officer before submitting a Final Report.

Final Narrative Report

This report serves to document the achievements and lessons of the work supported by the Foundation with this grant. Reports should be no more than five pages in length. Feel free to write in whatever style is most comfortable and efficient for you (e.g., prose, bullets, etc.). Clear and concise content, not length, is of greatest importance. Please prepare your narrative report in Word and upload the document via the online portal on the “Attachments” tab when completed.

In this narrative Final Report, please address the questions below (as applicable). Refer to the grant agreement for the grant performance benchmarks (objectives and outcomes).

  1. Achievement of objectives and outcomes:Provide a summary overview of the progress made toward achieving the approved project goals and describe whether and how you accomplished each grant objective and any performance indicators or outcomes as articulated in your Grant Agreement. Describe the challenges or obstacles that you encountered, how they affected project implementation, and how you addressed them.

Please note: In addition to this final report, please submit any student-level or institutional data or other data to our online data system, CALynx, that have been required as part of our Grant Agreement by the due date previously communicated to you.

  1. Key lessons: What are the key lessons you learned from the activities undertaken to accomplish the purpose of this grant?
  2. Organizational or program changes: Based on lessons learned and challenges faced, summarize any changes made or planned for the future for your program strategies, your organization, or any of your major partner organizations. Please provide additional comments to help the Foundation be more effective in its work in this area.

Final Financial Report

Financial reports should follow the format of the Approved Budget included in the original Grant Agreement or subsequently approved by email or in writing by your Program Officer. Please use our Financial Report – Projects template and attach the completed financial report as an Excel document. The template is also available to download from the online form.

All narrative and financial reports should be uploaded to the grantee portal, . Log in and then click the Edit icon next to your report. Upload the reports in the appropriate section on the “Attachments” tab.